Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I'll be back

And I know most of you are just so damn thrilled.


  1. This brought a tear to my glass eye

  2. Of course we're thrilled, we all know you can't stay quiet more than a day or two.

  3. Great to hear. QWelcome back.

    Many, I'm sure, welcome your return and enjoy the focus on Bay Area media.

    Ideally when you return you will shed the weekly tantrums. Seriously friend, grow a thicker skin.

  4. Give your lady friend some bus money and get back to work!

  5. if a bear craps in the woods and there's no one to see, does anyone care?

  6. C'mon back Rich, my life has not been the same since you left.

  7. Let me help out with a post you can use attribution needed

    "I took a few days for myself, to remind me of why I do this and the needs of my readers, but the attacks keep coming.

    Spineless nabobs of web-negativity are firing away from their fake email accounts (don't you know ANYTHING about i.p. addresses?), doing the bidding of the higher-ups that are quaking in their expensive shoes over my truth telling, but all it does is fuel me...

    What, do you think I won't keep firing my truth missiles? Do you think I'll be cowed into silence? Do you think the half-baked product you put out there daily is what SF deserves? I'll be here to point out the shortcomings and champion the rare great work when it comes, so don't think you ceaseless attacks on me personally and professionally have ANY impact!"

  8. Radnich since you've gone has already proclaimed the Dodger-Giant rivalry dead,Kershaw better then Lincecum,and bad Obama for meeting with the Giants. And not a word of disagreement will be uttered other than here.
    You must return!

  9. You know what? This might come as shocking to you, but there are people who come to read this blog NOT for the harsh tongue and opinionated spins on the "state of Bay Area media," but for the relatively substantive overview on what's going on at various outlets.

    Yes, this is your blog, and you can choose to opine and whine however you see fit, but if there were anybody who regularly provided a pulse on changes taking place at different stations with a more tempered (i.e., less angry and self-congratulating), I'd leave this blog in a nanosecond.

    You provide an insight few seem willing to provide, and I applaud you for that. However, the constant attempts at making personal attacks an art form fall seriously flat, imo. If you actually approached this with greater professionalism (a professionalism you often mention many media entities, themselves, lack), I think the comment sections might actually be focused more on the content than the messenger.

    That doesn't mean your 'reporting' has to be milque-toast and fangless, but a little discretion on when you make your attacks would both (a) make this blog far more of a resource than it already is, and (b) actually make your focused rants more noteworthy since they don't come at every opportunity you have to bad-mouth whoever is in your craw at the given moment (be it KRON, KGO, KNBR or whomever).

    Food for thought while you're on hiatus.
