Karel, KGO Radio's weekend (7- 10 PM) openly-gay talk host, (who cares? he does, because he mentions it about 400x a show) went off on a different rant Sunday evening during the 8 PM hour.
He worked the Bay-to-Breakers "footstalk" and told listeners that he decided to "medicate." Huh?
Oh, Karel very publicly told his listeners that he lighted up, several times in fact. Light up, as in, smoked some weed. OMG, weed? Yes sir. Many times. No big deal on my front, but Karel tried to use it as some lame radio shtick.
You 'medicated'? Oh shit, Karel, are you, (and KGO too that desperate?)
The idea of legalizing pot; medicinal purposes, recreation use, is a fair and topical issue. So if Karel was proud of telling his listeners that he lit up quite unabated and proud, why not just go from there. "Medicated?" Is he serious? Yes. Karel likes to shock and awe. This is usually his method to attract the IPod crowd to listen to his repertoire. How damn brilliant. (Hey KGO PR dept: psst, maybe you can paste it on Facebook!)
The joint is jumping, Karel.
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Rich, in my view you'd have more credibility if you diversified the targets of your attacks. How come you never say a negative thing about any Jewish talk show hosts? I clearly remember how you came to Michael Savage's defense after he was banned from entering Britain. I remember how he used you as a tool to try to frame the banning as anti-Semitic. Come on Rich, you can't fool those of us who are paying attention....how come you have never said a negative thing about Marty Nemko? He's the incompetent talk show host who got Karel re-hired. How come you never criticized Menko's shitty show? Is it because he like you is Jewish and you can't criticize a fellow Jew? Perhaps you need to get "medicinal" like Karel my man 'cuz your slippin' and trippin'.....
ReplyDeleteWell they cut out the drinking at the Bay to Breakers might as well smoke.
ReplyDeleteWhoever made the first comment is a certifiable bigot.
ReplyDeleteNow, on to Karel: I make a point never to listen to him because I don't like to break out in hives. And I have an iPod!
Rich, define "iPod crowd". Isn't that pretty much everybody?
ReplyDeleteLighten up, Rich. Your negative commentaries go on for months. Make your point and move on.
ReplyDeleteWhoever made the 6:57am comment has no basis to call the first commenter a bigot. He/she stated a true fact. I have yet to remember an instance in which Rich has criticized any Jewish talk show host. That’s a fact Jack! How is that a bigoted comment?
ReplyDeleteWhoever made the first comment hasn't done their homework. Mr. Lieberman is maybe the only Bay Area writer / blogger to have an open dialog here, a few months back, about the lack of diversity on KGO radio, which included a string of new hires - of white, middle-aged Jewish men. So kudos to Rich!
ReplyDeleteWhen Karel first returned, at the start of his show one night, I heard him ranting about how the GOP hates Obama. This could not be due to his mouth-dropping spending spree which may bankrupt our nation, 10% unemployment, or his starting a 3rd war. No. Karel said, "They hate him, b/c a **N----R** is in the White House!! That's what they think and say!!!"
Yes, he dropped the "N bomb" several times, and I turned him off. When I reviewed the KGO Archives a few days later, his inflammatory rhetoric had been "scrubbed" away, just like the Nixon tapes.
Is he that dim? Or that calculating (for ratings)?
Just askin.
Rich criticized Jan Whal a few times. She's probably Jewish.
ReplyDeleteWeird thread. Don't care if they are Jewish or ??? as long as they are American first. Don't care if they are homosexual or whateversexual as long as they aren't promoting debauchery over the airwaves.
ReplyDeleteMarty Nemko did a great service to the Bay Area. Good man. Unfortunately not salacious enough to hold the interest of the blood thirsty masses.
I look forward to 10pm on the weekends.
@7:14pm You are wrong. Marty Nemko was shown the door because he is a pompous, self-centered, self-promoting, legend-in-his-own-mind, BORING blowhard. The day he decided to spend his whole show reading from his own play “Shark Soup” I knew he was doomed. I also disagree that the “blood thirsty masses” want salaciousness. John Hamilton’s travel show is great, very entertaining, ditto Michael Finny and Lynn Tillem. I would be hard pressed to call their shows salacious. They’re informative and entertaining. Nemko’s show was neither.
ReplyDeleteThis jew thread is insane. I think rich is happy eating his knishes, knoodles and matzo but not attacking jewish bores? I think not... and he's the boringest jew in the bay area.