Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday One-Liners

*Quite a bit of unintentional hilarity about the so-called "sports leader" station "covering" the Bonds trial by having one of the tools read twitter accounts. At least they're consistent.

*The Bonds show taking place down at the Federal courthouse and the girlfriend, Ms Bell testimony about shrunken johnsons can only mean one thing: Bonds failed to reach first base.

*Must be just thrilling in the back offices at AT&T/ATM Park where "La Barry" has overshadowed the beginning of the lovefest at 24 Willie Mays Plaza. Oh well, maybe Baer can organize another statue ceremony.

*Weird Comcast promo on A's-Giants Tuesday night: an "NBC Sports" logo. Comcast, yes, now owns a controlling interest of NBC.

*Two major local TV stations in NY, (WPIX the biggie,) have completely done away with sports. That's a trend that's being looked at everywhere, including here in 415ville.

*Scott Reiss-impersonating-Jim Nantz update: Reiss even tweets like Nance and is humming the Masters theme song.

*"Rich, where's Darrya Folsom?" e-mail questions: Maybe she's studying to become a brain surgeon.

*Underrated to the 20th power: KPIX/CBS5's weather predictor, Lawrence Karnow.

*"Today on '7Live', host Brian Copeland will saunter into the studio audience and ask guests if they facebook and tweet in the nude." Later on, Jennifer Jolly will conduct a poll, via Facebook and Twitter, on how many of the 23 viewers watching voted.

*Karel and KGO Radio: Just a gosh-darn lovefest brought forth by the heroic Jack Swanson. (Nice move Jack, maybe you can bring Brad Kava back too.)

*Underrated Part 2: KCBS' Washington bureau chief, Mark Sandalow. What a concept: five minutes of well-done, uninterrupted, informative NEWS without TMZ shit and Britney Spears, ahem, ahem.

*On the other hand, Narsai David jumped the shark about 10 years ago.

*Speaking of "Jumped the Shark", the Bruno/Radnich segment, which long ago was very good and has now been kidnapped by hyper over-talk, ill-advised sound "drops", and thoroughly dumb industry chatter that four people know.

*Question: Seriously now, does anyone, anyone....really actually "read" the printed SF Examiner? It makes the East Bay Express look like The Guardian.

*I love it....Sports writers and bloggers covering the Bonds trial. This is really NOT a sports story. It's a legal story that involves a huge figure in sports. When sports reporters try to act legal, they look generally foolish, particularly when they concentrate on the "shrunken testicles" aspect--then again, I know, I'm naive, here I am trying to wax philosophical.

*Brian Copeland: poor man's Byron Allen.

*KGO Radio's new talk tonsil Stacy Taylor: sounds like the late Tom Snyder.

*Fitz and Brooks: I'd rather get water-boarded at Gitmo.

*Damon Bruce: falling faster than a speeding bullet.

*Eric Byrnes: I don't listen, but I'm told he's already gone to the surfing card.

*Stan Bunger: Stan, was it the fact that I was mildly critical of the Eyewitness 'Blues band?'

*Kevin the Rat: The password is "zoloft."

*Greg Papa: See what happens to you when you won't let me get in a word edgewise?

*Brian Banmiller: God.

*"Special Ed" Chapuis: "Care for some after-dinner mints?"

*Steven Moskowitz update: Just bought Dave Benz.

*"Tonight on Chronicle Live": Bruce Jenkins and Susan Slusser break down Bob Geren's hit-and-run strategy.

*Follow me on Twitter


  1. I haven't caught much of the Justine-Darya show,but what I have seen has no-none-nada-chemistry. They dont say much if anything to each other-and I swear,I havent seen them look in each others direction. It has a "you invaded my territory" feel all over it.
    Damon has snapped. He was praising-sort of- Larry Baer who we all know put Bruce's career on the present path. Damon now says he loves everybody,quotes Radnich and uses's Radnich sound drops. Its a total cave in.

  2. Wish Darya was gone, she ruins the show. She has an "it's all about me" attitude. Radnich can go join Prince Harry in the North Pole. Lawrence Karnow is terrific and top notch. Great personality, gets to the point, usually right on with the forecasts. He has loads of talent and could --- and should be used in a permanent spot instead of being thrown all over the place with different schedules. You never know when he will be on. Bad waste of his talent by Pix management, they have a great guy and should make use of his exceptional work! A question I think many of your faithful viewers, like myself, may want to ask you. We see a lot of media guys and their antics, women, boozing, smoking pot,etc., but I for one would not want to give you tips because you know my email address and would be afraid to be found out. I think others feel the same way. What say Rich?? Everything completely safe with you???

  3. Speaking of Radnich-he is looking a bit on the worn side.The new format of rushed calls,frequent breaks with no more of his rambling over commercial time seems to be getting to him. The paper work shoved under his nose and his constant going through them tells me that's not all email,but tight time schedules or the like. Even he says,things have changed..and he's not saying for the better.

  4. Rich, hello too 12:06 use a throw away email address!!


  5. I was excited that Karel was coming back to KGO because, frankly, KGO was becoming a colossal bore. Well, Sunday night, around 7:30, Karel uses the n-word in reference to Obama. I turned off the radio. I don't want that word in my conscious mind. Karel is still the same undisciplined asshole he always was, his overly-gay accent gets on my nerves, and he's both uninformed and boring. They should have brought Christine 'Bubba' Craft in for Saturdays from 7-10 (she is both interesting and smart, a great combination for a talk show host) and then rotated the Sunday night slot among possible new talent for a year or so. KGO Radio can go to hell, I am SO gone as a listener.

  6. Rich, you must not have watched many Warrior games the NBC Sports logo has been up since almost day one of the "takeover"..."Comcast Sportsnet part of the NBC Sports Network." It's not just here pretty much all of their CSN properties are using it, a few nat'l rumors say they might re-brand it as "NBC Sportsnet." Although with News Corp still owning part of CSN I don't know if they'd like the NBC name being on it.

  7. It’s been a couple of weeks since I listened to the Bruno Segment with the 9-noon guy. The last time I heard it was actually one of the funniest ever when Bruno went toe to toe with a caller who thought the Miami Heat are the best team in basketball. The segment was funny because Bruno was allowed to talk freely. Radnich’s constant interruptions are way over the top 98% of the time. He can’t stand not to be in the limelight. He is also not very well read which comes through loud and clear. If it’s not obscure USF basketball trivia and/or anything in Ebony or People magazine he’s an illiterate savage and changes the subject. Radnich, must you bring up the Kardashians every single day!?!?
    I’ve said it before and I will say it again, Radnich is attempting to appease the young and dumb demographic and I’m sure it’s driving away a lot of listeners.

  8. It does seem like Radnich needs to be in the limelight. If Woodson and Bruno are talking and Gary's on the outside, he will change the subject.

    I would not call him illiterate, but I think he thinks his audience is of the same intellectual bent. In other words, they ain't any smarter than he is.

  9. I have to watch the KRON morning show a few more times...but...You watch the KPIX morning crew and they get along,talk to each other,sit next to each other..Sydney has real warmth.
    Then theres the new KRON morning-only one person per shot, Dannon doesnt smile,Justin isnt looking too happy,and even Darya is much cooler then she used to be. Not a happy workplace-and it shows.
    I can imagine Rich the stories your going to get involving office politics of KRON,backstabbing..maybe even, sabotage!

  10. Nice having Kim Foster on the morning news!

  11. Rich, you blow around like a flag. You kept blowing Damon on your blog here and now you say he's falling. He's been falling since he's been on 1050, that station is a joke!
