Because I'm not beholden to anybody, although I do try to be fair and accurate, occasionally I like to comment on some of the best and worst human mutants in this town. There's plenty to dish out on the table. Here's a few, not necessarily in order, and not necessarily people either.
*KNBR: They just can't help themselves. And because they live in a bubble and don't know how truly bad they are, and therefore, in denial. Simply unlistenable and now their ratings, post-Giants are tumbling. Time for more interns and coffee boys.
Darya Folsom, KRON: Gleeful, insufferable, and an embarrassment. There's only two reasons why they keep her on...and that uber-giddy "performance" co-anchoring the BART riots in Oakland was tantamount to watching a high school kid go goo-goo ga-ga over the airwaves.
Jennifer Jones-Lee, KGO: The incessant giggles, the endless chirping, the frenetic references to Facebook, TMZ and American Idol is enough to manufacture a human vomit machine.
Steven Moskowitz: He bought all the time on the various Bay Area media markets which means we have to listen to this schmuck, oh wait, you do, I don't. Moskowitz or an audit? I'd rather be audited.
Brian Copeland, KGO-TV/Radio: I tried feverishly to get on "7Live" to promote myself and 415 Media. The fact that no one watches the show speaks volumes about "Copey", who talks a lot and nobody cares.
Jan Wahl, KCBS: Hatwoman's movie reviews are instant tune-outs. Wahl has all the audio gleam of a Fresno Walmart.
Amy G, Comcast SportsNet Bay Area: Again, why?
Jaymee Sire, Comcast SportsNet Bay Area: See above.
Kim Coyle, KPIX: Enough nothingness to make you want to scream for about an hour. Real loud too. Coyle's add-libs are enough to warrant a "Bring Back Milt Kahn" rally in front of 855 Battery.
Ken Dito: The human test pattern at a radio station on life support. "Working" gratis.
Carl Steward, BANG Papers: You know, there is at least one good thing about newspapers dying. Steward is an insufferable lout with zero personality and dumb as a door knob. You'll never see this putz on Jeopardy.
Bruce Jenkins, SF Chronicle: Jenkins thinks his shit doesn't stink. And that Juan Uribe signing with the Dodgers was "disturbing." Bruce, you're almost as disturbing as I am.
Susan Slusser, SF Chronicle: Slusser is the beat writer for the A's on the Chronicle. Funny, from her scribblings, I thought she was a member of the booster club. About time too, for another heart-warming Eric Chavez story.
Steve Bitker, KCBS: God's gift to the world. "Good Morning Stan, Good morning Susan, Good Morning Jason, Good Morning John, ...." Good night, Steve.
KNBR "Morning Show": Maybe suicide is painless.
Ray Taliaferro, KGO: He must have pictures.
Bill Wattenburg, KGO: Interrupts people more than I do; is incredibly arrogant for no apparent reason and uses the term "eco-frauds" about 100x per show. On a good night, he's only slightly annoying. On a bad night, you want to slit your wrists listening to this moron.
FP Santangelo, KNBR: Good riddance. Lee Hammer says "Yes!!"
Barbara Simpson, KSFO: Was Simpson really that news anchor that used to report for KTVU? Yes, at the time, Simpson was normal and not the right-wing nutcase she's turned into.
Bob Fitzgerald, KNBR: Warriors house shill, KNBR's "Rudy" chock full of giggles, stupid, disingenuous chatter who thinks he knows more about everything than anyone on the planet and will tell you that every day. Fitz? Shut up and stick a solar panel in your big mouth.
Karel, Green 960: Gay, straight, whatever, you're boring as all hell.
Me: Yes, I'm a sincere pain in the ass who has issues and is more insecure than Woody Allen was in Annie Hall but for some reason, you read this shit so you're just as disturbed as I am. Have a really nice day.
*Follow me on Twitter
Or how about Radnich for the umpteenth time calling out the man for being racist against an African American..while I have never heard a peep out of him mention he see's the man be a bigot against Asians,Latins,American Indians,people of midddle eastern descent,woman..for all them,his past statments,jokes, show him as part of the problem. His hard core conservative politics only differs on some certain levels for African Americans.
ReplyDeleteBut he does have Patrick Conners to balance even that slight liberal view of Radnich. Patrick hates all people of color and their ways. He really does.
In this list I would also include the grating nasal voice of Dr. Marty Nemko the self-proclaimed expert on everything regarding life, career and theatre. His “3 minute career makeovers” are simplistic and most of the time end with the advice that the caller Google information about careers or when Nemko hangs up on the caller by pushing him/her to answer yes to the question: “does that make sense?”. How useful!
ReplyDeleteI’m shocked people call him for advice on the radio and I’m more shocked that anyone would pay for his private services.
The day he is thrown off the air I will start taking KGO seriously again. The worst is when there is an important breaking news issue going on and we have to endure his boring show for 3 hours.
Lets not leave Rod Brooks out of as his personality is like a switch when he and Fitzgerald are together. THEN,he becomes Rod the obnoxious,Rod the condescending (as many have posted about him for years) and he becomes Rod the stereotype ghetto voice as the angry black man.
ReplyDeleteThat's with Bob. When Rods host alone,he's good Rod,Rod who listens, Rod who thanks people. KNBR hosts do have a strange habit of picking up co-hosts quirks and making them there own. Rod just does it to an extreme.
For better or worse, I don't know who most of these people are. That said, I got a chuckle out of the comments about Ray T. and "Dr. Bill." Mickey Luckoff used to defend Ray by pointing out that his overnight rant is what that audience wants but that, outside of that show, Ray is a completely different, normal person. As for Bill Wattenburg, what makes me laugh is that he is so quick to interrupt that he often doesn't seem to realize that he is arguing with somebody who actually shares his point of view. Also, I love it when he occasionally weighs in on some heavy political issue, only to have the first caller after his comments ask how they can fix a carburetor.
ReplyDeleteas a loyal reader from fresno, please don't make fun of us---besides everyone here shops at target
ReplyDeleteWhy is Brian Sussman not included in this list? His formulaic approach to conservative vs liberal is tired. Everything “the dems” do is bad, everything the Republicans do is “good”. Listening to him makes me long for the days of Lee Rodgers. Seriously, Sussman is that bad. Unbearable.
ReplyDeleteNormally, Rich, I wouldn't be a nitpicker about typos, but given the context, I have to say: when you rail on a columnist and call him "dumb as a door nob [sic]," the intended sting of the criticism gets, well, severely blunted by the mangled simile. Or to put it another way: especially when you rip someone for being stupid, spell check is your friend.
ReplyDeletewow. off your meds today?
ReplyDeleteIs this a hack or is Rich having a really bad day?
ReplyDeleteCopeland (“copey” for twitter users) is more aggravating on the radio than on tv. He takes calls and within 5 seconds scolds them to “cut to the chase”. He is most annoying when he summarizes the topic of the show 4 times an hour leaving very little time for callers. Dude you don’t need to summarize the topic everytime you comeback from the break. Also please stop interviewing Bill Cosby every couple of months. Cosby is someone Copey won’t scold to “cut to the chase”. He lets Cosby go on 10 minute monologues that lead nowhere.
ReplyDeleteKen Dito is one of the hardest working sports broadcasters in the Bay Area-yet you choose to lampoon him. Dito won't say it so I will, you're not fit for the studio or the press box.
ReplyDeleteWhat did he do to you fellow? Told you to stuff it in the press box once too often.? A s--- disturber in the press box is all you are.
Do you never have anything positive to say?
THIS is why we all read Rich. The crap builds up until he can't stand it anymore and then... POW.. ZOOM... TO THE MOON! The great joy of being a blogger is that it is an entirely personal experience. The rest of us are just accidental bystanders.
ReplyDeleteI have worked with Ken and all I can say is at this point in time, he mails it in. I dont think he is hurtin for money so I dont think he is doing it for the cash. If reports are true, he isnt getting paid anyway. Maybe it is just to get out of the house.
ReplyDeleteDo you like anyone?
ReplyDeleteRay Taliaferro, KGO: He must have pictures...LMAO!!!
ReplyDeleteYep Rich, Ray's Rap late at night has gotten old, and raggedy. Hence, it is time for Ray to retire.
Kim Coyle, KPIX...She might be a great person, but that voice...ick!
Bob Fitzgerald, KNBR...Is a putz, can't KNBR manage to hire anyone with an independent voice.
Wow, taking aim at a lot of people. Going to be funny watching you try and slog your way around the Press Box (although, you're only allowed in the A's) trying to avoid having to answer for some of these barbs...
ReplyDeleteNo really, it will be entertaining.
I couldn't believe the first time I heard Barbara Simpson on the radio. Hard to realize she was the co-anchor of a very well received newscast on KTVU.
ReplyDeleteSometimes it's best that we don't know the opinions of these people.
Re: comments people have made about weatherman-turned conservative pundit Sussman and legit newscaster turned conservative punditrix, Barbara Simpson. What I want to know is, are they for real on the conservative talk stuff? Or is it all opportunistic schtick?
ReplyDeleteYou hit the nail on the head concerning Fitzgerald;awful on the radio, worse as the Warrior announcer. Hopefully new ownership will terminate him.
ReplyDeleteGreat list Rich.'Sports Leader' & not cover the Raiders & A's!? I have to admit I do like KNBR during the 5am - 6am slot. Yes, I enjoy PCON & Dan Dibbly. Like FP's baseball insider talk but glad to see him go. Will be interesting to see who replaces him on'Sportsphone'. Kruger was the best. & Damon was great. Watternberg is snoozfest. He was one of those cheerleaders to go to Iraq & disagreed w/folks who didn't believe weapons of mass destruction hype. btw, Hat lady ain't that bad.
ReplyDeleteTo borrow a phrase from Tim Goodman (late of SF Chron) you, Rich, were wearing your "cranky pants" and that's OK! We all do it from time to time and it's fun to hear someone else rant.
ReplyDeleteThe biggest hem is Lee Hammer, who runs his right wing sports station at KNBR. Hammer,Who I once caught on Comcast, is a clone of Dick Cheney. What more do I need to add?
ReplyDeleteWouldn't post my comment I see. Some folks can dish it out, but can't take it. Bitter, wanna be, never was.
ReplyDeleteno more brian copeland and his racist comments..who listens to this guy