I'm pretty sure Dean Edell would have preferred a more amiable departure from the KGO microphone after over 30 years at 900 Front, but when his nationally-syndicated show was essentially shut down and thrown to the weekend re-run pasture, Edell announced his retirement.
More to the point, Dr. Edell felt humiliated and flustered and told Citadel and new KGO GM, Deidre Lieberman, (no relation,) to stuff it. His last show on KGO is Dec. 10.
Edell's exit follows the recent resignation by ex-GM, Mickey Luckoff, who captained KGO's dominance for over four decades. Lately, Luckoff has been firing salvos at Citadel CEO, Fareed, (better known as "Fa-Greed) Suleman and his company's fiscal incompetence toward one of its more prized assets.
Broadcast observers locally tell me several KGO news and talk talent are busy updating their resumes and looking to escape the building. A prevailing rumor is that at least two prominent talk hosts in the evening are about to leave, retire, or simply be dismissed. (KGO has now fallen to 5th in the overall Nov. ratings)
One strong rumor that refuses to die: the impending addition of NY syndicated talker, Don Imus, (already on board at Citadel) to the KGO airwaves.
I can hardy wait.
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You did have one poster point out that KGO's hosts were mostly Jewish on a post here a few weeks ago. He seemed to infer..well, you figure what he was inferring.
ReplyDeleteSo,what I'm wondering is, if this super hardball by Fareed isnt on some level..payback?
Insinuate much?
ReplyDeleteEdell has not said any of those things - nor would he. And those are not in fact his feelings. Doubt me? Call the Ronn Owens show at 10:30 and ask him yourself.
Re 9:17 Anon
ReplyDeleteA little more diversity on that station (it has been stale pretty much since Bernie Ward went to jail) wouldn't hurt and shouldn't be construed as anti-Semite as you infer.
I look at the hosts at KGO as mainly old, tired dudes that have sold out (see Radnich, Gary). Owens, Taliafero and Gross aren't interesting anymore; Rothman being interesting only now and then. Thurston (very good) and the occasional good show from Copeland is about all that gets me to listen.
btw-The morning newscast without Jon Bristow is painful to listen to.
I never thought I’d live to see the day when KGO would fall to number 5 in this market. Dean’s retirement is a great loss for us talk show junkies and I’m glad he gave Citadel the finger, opting to retired. I was shocked when they decided to move him to weekends. All this was started because they wanted to bring back the noon news. Why? It didn’t work in the past, do you not remember? That station is going down fast. Although I am not religious I was also shocked and saddened to see God Talk’s time slot altered. Bret Walters is chock-full of information and made for very interesting listening. Finally, what’s with the new jingles? Have you noticed that shitty music they play now? Can you find out who made the decision on that? Sad state of affairs.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update on the KGO situation Rich.
ReplyDeleteFollow up to the above comment on the "jingles." Long time ago, I used to get that crap as part of a sound package purchased through a tradeout for Barefoot Cruises. The package must have been chosen by some Citadel accountant.
ReplyDeleteThe KGO body count is growing
ReplyDeleteI have no idea..but how were Dr. Edell's ratings on kgo? Were they great..but his show dumped anyway.. Were they not so great? KGO is now fifth..not based on people who are about to leave..or who might leave..but people who are still there...right?
ReplyDeleteBring back Sports talk with Joe Starkey.