Thursday, September 30, 2010

Best local radio show in SF isn't local; the 'World-famous Phil Hendrie Show'

Best radio show in the city? It's not even in SF.

Take a listen to the Phil Hendrie Show, ( heard locally live from 10 PM to 1 AM on KNEW,) and you'll discover the reason why this three-hour nightly rendezvous is absolutely "must-listen" fare, the kind of radio you rarely hear anymore and without a doubt, one of the funniest, most clever programs on the dial.

Hendrie is a radio veteran, working at various stations around the country doing the standard DJ work, but his talk career began in 1990 when he started doing his unique blend of characters and assorted other male and female figures.

With Hendrie, you MUST listen first. repeat: LISTEN. The obvious comeback is, duh!, listen? Of course.

We'll, yes, duh!, you're right, but listening to Hendrie is an exercise you have to be patient with; it's like going to a movie that you really loved and then going back again to see it just to make sure you saw everything--think "Hangover" or the original "Airplane."

To try to describe Hendrie in full detail would be unfair and misses the point. Do that and you spoil the ending to the movie, speaking of movies. Just listen and enjoy the ride.

As an added bonus, the show on KNEW is live. Hendrie's operation is down in the LA suburbs, but the show's flavor and comedic wonderment has no geographical boundaries.

And when you listen, listen CLOSELY.

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  1. Rich,

    I agree with you completely. The Hendrie show is hilarious. At times I’m in bed at 11:15pm laughing hysterically. Easily the best show at the moment (non-local). Worst local radio show? Mary Nemko’s on KGO Sunday evenings. The guys tells 4 out of 5 callers to go Google their next career. BOOORING AS HECK!
    BTW thanks so much for changing the coloring on the blog. Much easier on the vision.

  2. Not sure where else to comment but your new website format is great! Much improved.
