Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wednesday media chatter, (yeah, I know, its HOT again)

**Another hot day; great, just another reason to devote more time and segments for insipid "It's hot outside" pieces.

And 'yous all wonder why there's dwindling viewers and people are going to the Internet for news.

**The latest KRON blondie weather chickita has built up enough inner mtg. "support" that already the rank and file staffers are getting pissed, at least that's what they're telling me.

**Nice of SFGate to run an initial AP wire story of the death of Dave McElhatton. Like, what, they couldn't get anyone with a by-line to write a quick 300 words on a Bay Area TV icon? Eventually, staff writer Peter Hartlaub penned a nice obit on McElhatton.

**I know I keep repeating this, so excuse me: KGO Radio news in the morning is officially useless, unless you get a woody listening to tabloid crap, endless gigglers and TMZ kaka.

**FP Santangelo is subbing for Gary Radnich on KNBR. FP, like what you say, dude, really, but is it mandatory that every time you go on the air, there has to be some inane shtick? Stick with the basics and stay away from the sidekicks.

**Who the hell is Brian Murphy? (You think you're important, but you're really not.)

**On a personal note, you know, seriously, if I really wanted to blow serious smoke, I could do so, but I'll save that for the nuclear-option card.

**Secret guilty pleasure dept: If I wanted 20 minutes on the weather outside, I'd beg to see Pete Giddings again. The former SF weather minion at KGO was so annoying, so relentlessly pompous, he actually became unintentionally funny. Giddings "letters from home", his frequent in-person ski shots, the endless "I'm shaving--photograph me." made for some hysterical TV years back.

**No one dare ask if John Madden's daily carpings on KCBS have jumped the shark. Look, far be it for me to question the king, but several of his raps of late are bordering on the "Huh?" dept.

**Local sports media: Why does Mike Singletary get a pass, yet Tom Cable is lampooned enough times to warrant a segment on "Ask Gary."

**THIS JUST IN: Marty Lurie is threatening to go 10 hours this weekend unless someone higher up dares to stop him. (Psst, Marty: After being a non-believer, I like the show--you DO have a knack to keep an audience.)

**That KPIX/CBS5 sports anchor used to be a nice guy until arrogance and pompousness overcame him. Look, count your lucky stars that you get paid to do a gig and quit pretending you're the second coming of Bryant Gumbel--you're not.



  1. FP on Giants pre and post game has gotten better...but,his hosting of 9-12 is just dull. He never heard a witty remark worth repeating or even a joke for that matter.
    And I got to wonder how long he can last blocking twitter and not accepting critical email? Dibley tried to set him straight on how that works,FP would have no part of it.
    I give him thumbs up on not once saying he loves Lee Hammer in three hours(ok, the one hour I tuned in) unlike ALL the others who sound like Nazis professing love for De Fuhrer.

  2. Dennis O'D ? I don't watch him much but I mean wasn't he once only Gary's producer?

  3. Is that pix of Larry King or the bride of Frankenstein??

  4. I much prefer Rick Quan as the KPIX sports dude.
