Saturday, July 3, 2010

Saturday venting; KNBR/KRON, (again)

I get heat, (from a few regular and non-regular bloats) about my constant chirping about KNBR/KRON chatskahs) and I often take a hard look and wonder if I'm the ONLY one who watch and listen and try to figure out why I bother even to make light of what is truly hopeless.

With KNBR, it's easy.

Lets take a look at the Giants current malaise. Did you hear little Bobby Fitz the other day? I was only listening because DBruce was being delayed due to World Cup action.

"Rudy" said to his callers, (all 12 of them) that put aside the Giants mess and just "enjoy the game." Really Bobby? Between the infamous giggle, (he usually averages 100 a show,) Fitz was his usual arrogant, smarmy, petulant self treating any half-critical caller as if they were aliens from outer space. This is not new, as Rudy is well aware that his checks are cashed by the Giants posse; as bad as he is when its the Gints, you should hear him when it involves team Cohan.

Fitz is lucky that his breadbasket seems to love the brown toilet paper-act, because he couldn't get away with it in any other market, even LA or NY--in Chicago, where they have the likes of Ron Santo and Bob Brenly, at least there, both of those guys played the game. Rudy thinks he's Babe Ruth when in reality he's really nothing more than a poor Curt Bevaqua.

There's a patter here. Rudy follows Radnich, who also says "enjoy the game" every other day, (on Comcast, he's a bit more critical, stop the presses, because he'd look even more foolish than he is)

If you read the Giants message boards, the comments on SFGate, you know how PISSED, how ANGRY fans are about the Giants mess. There's a near universal dislike and disgust about how the present abyss is playing before our eyes and yet, Knibber continues to spout the company line. FP tried hard Friday night to vent, but was pre-occupied with a mini-vacation. The Razor and Mr. T gave Larry Baer chamber-of-commerce treatment and the morning show? I gave up on them long ago, so I don't know.

**KRON is supposedly making a little money; Young having shed its $800 million debt to emerge out of BK. I made fun of its endless blond weather guessers, (one of whom wrote to me and railed on and on about how hard they work, and how dare you question, blah-blah-blah---and oh, btw, "don't you dare use my name) funny, I only use names if there's any rhyme or reason or if there's info that translates into a story, so don't flatter yourself; besides, to borrow a line from one of your co-workers, "nobody cares."


  1. Bob Fitzgerald wore out his welcome long ago. How such a despised despot host and PBP man keeps his job,while the more talented are let go or not hired shows that he does more for company coffers..the trolling of blogs is just the tip.
    And,frankly he isnt a very good PBP that some say is his best skill. Jim Barnett constantly has to in a nice way point out Fitz's incorrectness on fouls,on strategy, and tactics. And Fitz does not know how to keep the excitement of a close game that is near the end. He calls the last seconds like it's a second period in bounds.
    And Rich has it pinned down on KNBR.

  2. What if we instead have weather GUYS? That would be a great concept! Gives some good balance to all the non-AMS certified weather girls.

  3. I dont what comic pointed it out-but he said the world is going to be full of weather girls because they are always pregnant! True!..Sandy Patel does 6 months of weather and six months of leave of abscence every year!
    Maybe Rich,KRON is going to the early 20's for weather babes because by 25 they start the weather baby breeding.Too much pay for no work!
