Thursday, July 15, 2010

June radio ratings; KGO drops to 4th; KCBS, KOIT-KQED, 1-2-3

The 6+ overalls are out and safe to say, no champagne at 900 Front.

The numbers.


  1. I'm originally from the Bay Area but moved to San Diego about 10 years ago. Before I moved, I used to listen to KGO all the time -- and it was the best. Last month I came up to the Bay Area for a visit and tuned in KGO and discovered that it sounded so bland and boring. I actually tuned in KCBS, and then found out they had an FM simulcast. So I tuned into their FM station and that's what I listened to during my stay. I was happy. Too bad for KGO, they need a major revamp.

  2. KTRB has moved from 68 to 48 while KNBR has gained one spot in the last two months with the hottest interest pro team in the bay area -the Giants.
    Lee Hammer should be sweating at turning a sure big thing into a ok thing....There is sure a big market for stupid white boys eh?

  3. what's needed is the 25-54 and male/female #'s to get any true sense of what's happening. the 6+ means really nothing. (not defending any station).
