Friday, May 28, 2010

One of those days...

1. NO computer since 8 Thursday night.
2. Tech support? Oh sure, just 12 different talking heads in India

3. No power.
4. No communication.

**And how was your day?

I'm, uh, back on-line, somehow and someway, and let's just say it was an eventful Thursday PM/Friday.

In between I managed to do a radio interview, (forgetting I was scheduled for 2: 15 on Roxy Bernstein and JJ Stokes, ("JJ and The Mouth" --XTRA 860 AM)-- it's a good thing I had my cell phone. (More on that interview next week, plus Raiders/Niners stadium issues)

The power is back on and I'm just getting back in business.

I need a cold one and a good turkey sandwich.

Check back soon.


  1. You got to let readers know a couple of days ahead to catch you-if possible. Especially since Mouth and JJ dont seem to have many interviews and I dont even think they take callers do they?

  2. Uh, from now on, I'll post vacation and outta here days...

    JJ and Mouth don't take calls, yes, you're right.
