Monday, April 5, 2010

Media goes 'ga-ga over Ipad; why should Apple advertise when its all free?

All those who hate "the media" have had a ton of ammo hit their collective conscious these past few weeks and days as the pack mentality better known as TV, radio, the Internet, the papers, have gone absolutely gaga over the debut of Apple's latest new tech gadget, the, uh, yes, Ipad. You've heard about it, right?

Or do you live in Siberia?

One wonders why its head honcho, Steve Jobs, pays millions of dollars to ad agencies to promote his electronic toys when the likes of CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, local TV, national radio, the networks, gleefully send giddy, gushing reporters out to talk to idiotic trolls who stood in line for two hours to buy the darn thing.


Look, we all know its big news; our entire world revolves around the Internet and technology. And Apple is a huge part of that cultural phenomena, but lets keep in mind that we have issues to deal with; uh, I heard Congress just passed health-care reform, or are all of 'yous too busy checking your e-mail and Twitter accounts?

Good gracious, judging by media coverage, you'd think Ipad was tantamount to a cure for cancer. It DOES matter and one would have to be a fool NOT to give Apple and its latest toy the attention it deserves, but there comes a time when enough is enough, or am I a naive fool? Yes, I am, apparently.

Sure, I'm as passionate about the thing as you are, but I don't need to be updated 457 times a day about its, a. sales thus far, b. how many people are, ahem, yes, again, standing in line to buy it so they can be the first to say, YO!--LOOK AT ME!!, I GOT MINE!, c. Apple execs and store employees being interviewed by 'Trixie of Channel 7' who gushs aloud: "Oh boy, 'Ipad fever is here!'

I do know this: Apple is going to sell a boatload of these $500 or so gadgets and great for Apple and its shareholders. They don't need the entire news media club to pimp for them; yeah, its a harsh word, but its real. Real tacky.

Last I checked, we have two wars going on; a deep, hard, recession filled with a enormous amount of unemployed people who just lost their house and wouldn't know an Ipad from a notepad.

Come on guys, get serious.

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