Friday, April 16, 2010

KGO PM News elimination story

I will call over to KGO radio and try to get a comment on the record, but they don't talk a lot over there; gees, I wonder why.

I had heard and received more than three tips of the move by mgt. to eliminate the afternoon news and replace it with another talk show, which wouldn't be such a bad idea, but I'm fully aware the move is a money-move, plain and simple and I hate to see some of the good news people over there lose their gig, but that seems to be the state of radio and its happening elsewhere, not just SF.

**The KCBS-KGO deal and me...I'm getting the "anti-KGO, 'KCBS 'suck-up, which is interesting because I've been equally critical of BOTH KGO and KCBS. I have written glowingly of Ronn Owens, Brian Copeland, Ed Baxter and Rich Walcoff, but that gets lost in the shuffle...And I think Pat Thurston and John Rothmann are very solid, but yes, I think KCBS is better then KGO on news and I'm not the only one.

**NOTES: I noticed none of the other news sites picked up the KGO story, which is ok; kind of expected it, but will run high and mighty when it happens. I don't rejoice in posting items that involve the elimination of news shows and personnel, but when they're forwarded my way and they check out, then its run far, I haven't been wrong---check the archives...

Check back later in the day. Coffee time and LA plans.

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