Just when you think the alleged local TV station known as KRON couldn't get any worse, along comes this...
The station, which has about 464 weatherwomen, (KRON likes em young, blond, and cheap) has began using INTERNS to "try out". I'm not kidding. Who are they? Mostly college students and worse yet, KRON is using them at all times of the day in their news shows.
Great morale booster for the rank and file.
The use of interns, (about 3-4 of them, all female, according to my source) has the local SF AFTRA, (American Federation of TV/radio Artists)in an uproar.
Supposedly, the big suits at the union have notified KRON upper mgt. about this matter. Yeah, good luck with that.
Even Tennanbaum might have an issue with this.
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Are you kidding me? Tenenbaum's probably shaving the mustachio, bleaching his hair, and asking Darya who her boob doc was at this very moment.
ReplyDeleteThe real question we all want to know is just when Evelyn Taft is on?