SHOWING THE USUAL JUDICIOUS NEWS JUDGEMENT, they represent, KRON considered leading with the now infamous lunatic known as "Epic beard man" video with its evening news segment(s) last Friday. That's LEAD, as in, story #1.
The whack-job and his takedown of a young Black man on an AC Transit bus is the latest Internet sensation, with about 250,000 or so youtube hits. Its more tmz.com and gawkerish, but as news value, its a complete zero, other than the fact the old guy was the same yahoo that was tased last year at an A's game.
Apparently, KRON posted the video on its web site, (because at KRON, they have nothing else to post) and this was viewed by several thousand. So naturally, the boobs tried to lead with it, but it was axed at the last minute.
Keep 'em coming, KRON, baby.
**Old white guy nut case and young attitude-central black guy exchange words; fists fly, blood, mayhem, cell-phone camera voyeur nearby...and ensuing mayhem. Next thing you know, video from this stupid affair goes viral and this is what constitutes "news". And you wonder why the country is going to hell in a hand basket. And for good measure, the nut case will probably "guest" on one of those bizarro shows, down the road, get into a nother fight, maybe someone gets badly hurt or killed and then what? Think about that for a moment.
**KNBR replayed almost all its various shows Sunday, (Radnich, Razor/MrT, Fitz/Brooks, et al;) leading up to the pre-game Warriors--Hawks game at 5 PM. I don't know whether this was a cost-cutting move, (KNBR carries ESPN radio shows on weekends;) or simply an experiment. If I had to guess, I'd say it was a money decision; isn't everything?
**Great genius move by NBC to put the USA vs. Canada hockey game on MSNBC, while mothership network shows tape-delayed Olympics labeled "Live." Does Dick Ebersol have pictures? And is it only me, but why the hell NOT could Al Michaels have provided the play-by-play of USA-Canada?
**Brad Kava of Examiner.com, posted old news on his column Monday morning regarding Lee Rodger's firing from KSFO. Only I had that and actually broke the story, but Kava's minions were astounded that "radio examiner" got scooped by someone who knows a helluva lot more than him. You're doing a helluva job, 'Kavie!
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ReplyDeleteIs it the end of the world that KNBR replayed radio programming on Sunday that originally played during the week? TV stations do it all of the time- they're called re-runs. Why aren't you complaining about those?
In business, most decisions (not all) ARE about money- it's why they're in business. Two ways to make more money- increase revenues or cut costs, or both.
In this economy, where everybody is looking to cut costs, did you really expect tv and radio stations to behave any differently?
Watch out, Rich - KRON is considering Epic Beard Man as the new host of Bay Area Bargains. Watch him deck Henry Tenenbaum and Stan Atkinson in a Geriatric Death Match, then he'll stack them like cordwood in one of those senior-friendly bathtubs!
ReplyDeleteThat was a great hockey game but you ask the question everyone else had: why didn't NBC air the game on the main network? They had the Russian Federation/Czech game and Al Michaels. Why not Michaels with USA/Canada? Seems like a no-brainer.
ReplyDeleteI love the Winter Olympics and am enjoying the games but there is a growing list of nitpicks and problems with Vancouver this time be it NBC or the host nation. I keep hearing about how much NBC is going to lose airing the Olympics. When you don't feature the big game on the main network, you can add a little more to the loss column.
Regarding Epic Beard Man vs. Henry Tenebaum: My money's on Henry. He's wiry and fights dirty in a knife fight!! When you're a Jet, you're a Jet all the way!!! :)
You guys said a a lot today.
ReplyDeleteR.R, Lou: funny and timely...
Dodgerdog: No, you got it wrong It IS news when out of the blue, a station that has used its affiliated ESPN radio programming for the past five years...abruptly, (without notice to its listeners) does a REPEAT of old shows. I know about money and the business. Yes, cost-cutting is a reality--NO BIGGIE; all KNBR had to do was a promo of sorts saying as much...that don't cost much...I simply made note of it, didn't hit em with this move, because they've done worse.
I understood the "best of" shows on KNBR on President's Day, but I admit to being mighty confused when I first tuned in to KNBR Sunday. Thanks goodness for Chris Townsend on KHTK, at least that was fresh.
ReplyDeleteKevR: "KNBR" and "best-of"? Is there something wrong there?