Sunday, November 15, 2009

KNBR and Adam Meyer

From reader Ted Gross:


I'd like to read your break down of the KNBR football prognosticators they have on. Those are the most self-important guys I've ever heard, yet the hosts let them go on and on.

I'm guessing these guys are paying to be on the air--if so KNBR has a responsibility (maybe even some FCC responsibility) to alert the listeners beforehand that the following is a paid advertisement.

Would love to read your take on this


I've heard a guy named Adam Meyer on many KNBR programs; most notably the 'Fitz and Brooks show. He also buys time on KNBR. Coincidence? No.

There's nothing sinister about having a Vegas tip-sheet guy on, but you're right. It would be good if the hosts were to offer a disclaimer that the guy is an advertiser.
But then again, its KNBR and we'll, you know the rest of the story...


  1. I've heard the Adam Meyer segments twice; it was immediately obvious to me that he is an advertiser. I guess KNBR needs revenue and the Giggle boys need content.
