Michael Savage is OUT at KNEW.
The controversial, SF-based radio host, who according to Talkers magazine is the third most-listened-to personality, did his last show yesterday. The program was dropped this morning.
John Scott, program director of the station said in a e-mail that the station was "headed in a new direction and a new mind set at this station. Savage does not fit in any longer."
BOTTOM LINE: The real story, like everything else at Clear Channel is money. In Savage's case, his million-dollar salary was the main reason he was let go. Clear Channel is in fiscal purgatory, like may other broadcast companies and anyone who makes that kind of coin is subject to getting axed. Savage was in that category.
Another small matter too: I'm told beyond money, (and that's about 98% of it here) was major Clear Channel mgt. brass' irritation at Savage's frequent taped shows of late. Developing story.
Watch this site for more updated information.
A lovely slap on the face of hatred.
ReplyDeleteSavage was an entertainer. He was more full of himself than Sean Hannity, they are both a couple of blow-hards that do nothing but divide our great country. What an ego! Yet he asks and expects Hillary Clinton's help with his UK problem after trashing her and her husband for years.
ReplyDeleteWell Michael, now you will have time to write another "best seller" !!!
Safe to say I won't be listening to KNEW (nothing) anymore.
ReplyDeleteThe station is going in a new direction? So, that would be away from hate speech and lies?
ReplyDeleteThat's too bad. Yeah, Savage is full of himself and spouts a lot of right-wing paranoia that sounds ridiculous at times...but sometimes his show was a hoot to listen to. He reminds me of that crazy uncle from the Bronx who tells great tall tales over a cold beer. I'll miss it.
ReplyDeleteGoodbye KNEW - even more reason to listen to Mark Levin on KSFO
ReplyDeleteAnother low brow and low class blowhard off the air at last. There's just no need for them anymore, as if there ever was a need. It's about time the airwaves increased in IQ and this should raise that level by at least 50 points.
ReplyDeleteThe "new direction" still includes Glenn Beck.
ReplyDeleteI'm not one to defend Savage, but the announcement on their website
"we have decided to go in a different philosophical and ideological direction, featuring more contemporary content and more local information. The Savage Nation does not fit into that vision" is hardly a "no-spin direct answer."
Savage does live in the Bay area, so he has more local content (though usually in the form of rants with occasional almost poetic musings about how pretty it is here) than either Beck or the show from LA that is replacing him.
This is a crime. He was full of himself but was right on the vast majority of the time. I listened every commute. I will stop listening to the station because of this bad decision. Like Savage I'm tellin' it like it is!
ReplyDeleteLike or dislike him, I hope it's about the money and not the opinions. Could be censorship in action from clear channel. Savage at least has non-mainstream opinions. I love armstrong and getty but if Savage goes toe to toe in the morning, I'll be with him.
ReplyDeleteSavage needs to do podcasts by 1-5$ monthly subscription only. It would be a nice experiment which began with Dennis Prager, who's doing nicely. What really needs to be discovered is Savage's actual listenership. If it is indeed at 8 mil, 910knew took a ilogical decision; I presume it's less than 8 mil, but still Savage needs to move to the online medium, without a corporation backing. This way he'll be trully independent.
ReplyDeleteBad idea - I'll listen to another station that carries him, g-bye KNEW!
ReplyDeleteMichael was entertaining but really uneducated (despite his narrow PhD specialization in which he never worked). He often mixed up terms and definitions which he did not bother to look up. Often basic culinary terms - no clue! He boasted way too much and he was like a prima donna on many evenings. i enjoyed his banter when it was funny but I did not like the full of himself nonsense. He did not know that many of his listeners may also have a real PhD from a real university, Yale in my case. And yes, i am a conservative woman. Michael ended up grating on my nerves in the end. It was sad.
Was he outrageous? Yes. Did he get peoples attention with his wild antics? Yes. Did he get people to Open their Eyes and consider the not-so-disneyland world around them? Yes! I applaud M Savage. Hasn't history around the world taught us that government doesn't always have Your best interests at heart?
ReplyDeleteMichael, move to Southern Oregon. Great Italian food (Vinnies & Serafinos), lots of libs to poke fun at but refreshingly strong conservative community too. Plenty of ex-pat New Yawkas. Great beauty and clean air.
ReplyDeleteI understand the folks that are upset that Savage is no longer on a local station in SF. He has a style that is off putting to some people because they consider him abrasive. The fact is however, that Savage is accurate in his observations about the direction society and government are going and civil dialogue seems to be a one way street with liberals. I do think you should give John and Ken a try - they do a great job at skewering big spending, big taxing, soft on crime politicians in this state - many from the Bay Area.
ReplyDeletewas it really just salary, or content? Im thinking a little from column A, a little from column B.
ReplyDeleteFor years I listened to Savage just out of morbid curiosity. As a professional researcher, I would note various (usually wild, and absolutely daily) inacuracies in his various rants and ruminations.
These were ususally historical, though he certainly fell short on any number of subjects from science to engineering, to cooking, to literature and films. I would literally fact check things the next day in my spare time at work. Since I was employed by one of the finest private research libraries in the country, I was in the position to be very thorough.
Starting with the claim by Dr. Savage (real name Weiner) that it was he who coined the term 'compassionate conservative' (he didn't, it predated his radio career, let alone 'conservative conversion'.
At best, he was (and still remains) a poor man's Gene Shepherd, an angry man's Garrison Kieler, who views himself as some sort of rough hewn philospher
At worst he is a chickenhawk who avoided the draft, ( yet advocates murderous force by our military on a regular basis )a self loathing Jew (who engages in rants about other Jews using broad insulting stereotypes.)
A Hypocrite who used marijuana for many years himself, but now rails against it, and any who dare to defend its medicinal properties.
He knows better, but feels the lie is far more important to champion.... Some herbalist.
He's also been an apologist for convicted war criminals.
One could go on and on... but why?
He's been well rewarded for his behaviour, and if there were never another broadcast or book (self published or otherwise) He'd still be a rich man.
I realize its all to easy to pile on the attack in regards to this entertainer (a term hes applied to himself from time to time, when his preferred position as commentator might grow untenable due to some fresh controversy or another )
Savage is definitely an opportunist. Make no mistake, he'll try to spin this into some new form of gold. ( which he, like most radio personalities shamelessly promotes, as part of a greater financial trend to drive the commodity ever higher in price)
This isnt conspiracy talk (remember the Bunker Hunts in the early 80s?)
Dr. Weiner, we morbidly curious will be watching to see what you do next. My bet is still on you whipping yourself into a grand mal
on the air sometime, someplace.
Just not K.N.E.W.
Apologies for the typos and misspellings in my previous post -especially Mr. Keillor's name (My hopes for a smooth and full recovery Garrison!) This is what one gets for dashing something off and not taking advantage of the 'preview' function.
ReplyDeleteI cannot be snide about Dr. Weiner's failings without recognizing, and making at least some effort to rectify my own. Doctor, if by some remote chance you read this... and if Im ever at the same bar or bistro as you in the City, rest assured I'll introduce myself. Whats more, I'd gladly buy you a drink and pit my notions and beliefs against yours, face to face, no microphone or dump button for you to hide behind.
Until that day then...
M.R. Knowitall
Savage does have podcasting of all his shows...but never advertises it. Here is the link..I subscribe to it and its great.
he is more interesting than the others
ReplyDeletea great mic voice
they are all entertainers but the savage has a wide bandwidth. He's no ones clown but his own and he admits it. He aarticulates things that are not being said in the public square. We need to hear these perspectives if we are to keep the right to persue freedom as individuals. the statists are the tyrants,,
When Michael was "on" he was dam good. But when he started those phony interviews with so called guests,(sounded more like paid programming), I couldn't take it and stopped listening to his show. Did he do it for money or just laziness? Too bad.
ReplyDeleteAnna, why don't you take a long walk off a short pier!