Thursday, February 8, 2024

Breaking News Flash: Hackney Still MIA at KPIX; Yu Too


  1. Thanks for this update. Prayers for Betty Yu. Hope what you’ve heard is right and it’s not serious. You’re right, she’s a star.

  2. I don’t know Brian personally. I’ve never met him. But I always thought as someone who worked in tv news for 30 years that he never came across to me as main anchor material. I say that because he comes across as smug and arrogant. Like he wants to prove that he’s the smartest guy in the class. I personally think he’s very smart. But when you’re constantly trying to SHOW people how smart you are it can turn them off. I thought he was great doing weekend weather. I just don’t think he’s a news guy. I don’t think he can ad lib breaking news. I’ve never seen him covering breaking news from the field. Again he just doesn’t come across as a real news guy to me. The true news guys are Dan Ashley. And Frank Summerville. They are REAL anchors. Sadly in my opinion Brian doesn’t know how to fill their shoes.

    1. So you like sanctimonious dummies (Ashley and especially Somerville) over smart people who understand the news they're reporting.

      Appearances over all else. Got it. That's why the United States is where it is nowadays, sinking fast.

    2. I've worked with Brian. I've worked with Pete Wilson. Now THERE was a smug jackass. Funny I never hear people commenting on that, even though I thought it was obvious and seeped through the TV screen. Very difficult man in real life too. Brian is a joy by comparison.

    3. agree completely about Pete Wilson, master of the endless audible sigh... donkeys are lovely, smug jackasses are not.

    4. "donkeys are lovely, smug jackasses are not."

      He treated everyone who worked to write his words and research his stories with utter contempt, as if no one was good enough to breathe the same air as him. He never treated anyone beneath him with respect, showed up late, did the bare minimum, and acted like he was Lord Pete. It's sad he died the way he did but journalism didn't lose anything, and the newsrooms he worked in didn't feel anything for his absence, I assure you.

    5. On-air, Wilson reminded me of Bill O'Reilly.

    6. I worked near Wilson at KGO Radio and his endless sighing was like an anxiety sprinkler hitting everyone around him. Too many author interviews and navel gazing.

    7. 4:15 pm, When he was a TV anchor, Frank Somerville struck me as an intelligent person with depth who was passionate about news and had opinions about social issues that have real impact. Issues that we all should care about. How does that make him "sanctimonious" or "dumb?" Are you somehow drawing a connection to his personal transgressions that he has had to pay the price for personally and professionally?

  3. Mark my word: Neither Hackney nor Yu are returning. They will do what all before them at PIX did: take long, unexplained, bizarre, nonsensical leaves of absence only to never return. Or, if they do return, it's for a very brief period of time only to jump ship.

    1. I don’t want to sound like I’m stalkerish but I can tell you one thing that *might* give a clue for Hackney. On his LinkedIn a couple of months ago, he had a banner with “Open to work”. It’s possible he was looking to jump ship considering how KPIX has treated him.

      2:43pm - I have marked your words before even you began saying that. Given he is at retirement age, trust me he will likely not be coming back unless proven wrong. Betty Yu may or may not come back.

      Also Rich, where are we on Wilson Walker?

    2. KTVU seems to be the station of tragedy and fallen careers.
      KPIX seems to be the station of disappearing talent.
      KGO seems to be the station of self-righteous liberal blowhards
      KRON seems to be...Well, does anyone even watch KRON anymore?
      KNTV: (See KRON)

    3. So this is Frank Somerville responding to 415 saying that I’m both dumb and sanctimonious. Could you explain why you think that? And it’s a serious question. I honestly like to know what gives you that impression.

  4. Maybe they are using all their comp time - unused vacation/sick days - before they pull the plug. Not uncommon and not a bad move.
    All best wishes to Hack-Yu !

    1. I was thinking the same thing.

  5. Good succinct report.

  6. It comes to and end for everyone. Brian has had fantastic career. We all knew he was going to be very successful in this business from his days as a college radio disc jockey on Cal Poly radio.

  7. Hackney seems to be active on LinkedIn commenting on posts. His profile photo seems to show him in his early 20s. Kind of strange but whatever. KPIX Anchor is already in part of his current job description. Is not 30 or so years in the business a little late to want or expect a promotion or preferred air time slots? I like the guy as he reminds me of Doug McConnell on the old KRON Bay Area Back Roads and I remember Hackney did similar things himself. Hope he has a happy life. Unfortunately, seems McConnell has a health issue now. Work is not everything and can suck the remaining quality time of life out of people. Maybe it is time to explore the beautiful outdoors more Mr. Hackney which I am sure is more enjoyable than working at KPIX.

    1. No, look at Juliette Goodrich. KPIX promoted her in 2022 after 25 years since her tenure at KPIX began in 1997.

  8. If Hackney is truly not coming back, what’s going to happen to the weather staff going forward? Darren Peck is great but put all over the place. The question is what if there is a weekday Jessica Burch and Paul Heggen are off? Peck can do the morning, then who’d fill in for the evenings?

    Also they still keep putting the anchor weather listing but haven’t gotten anyone else new yet. Mary Lee may be a potential but do you think with the virtual weather they’re doing chances are low they may involve her anymore and think 3 weather staff is good enough?

    I only say this because Brian Hackney was the SECONDARY backup for Paul Heggen on a case Darren Peck had to fill in during the morning. KPIX is clearly short staffed there when other stations have 4 or more weather anchors

  9. Betty is also active on social. Liking and commenting on posts. I don’t understand why you post a health scare and no follow up to your fans. Just to get attention? Another anchor did that last year and it turned out to be nothing serious.

  10. I never watched Yu on the news but I found her on wiki feet! FABULOUS!!!

  11. I mostly find myself watching NBC, but over the years I've always thought Betty Yu to be a solid reporter and she is smart. I don't recognize more than half of the reporters they have at KPIX these days. But I can tell you they are hardly impressive. I think Andrea Nakano is wonderful too! I miss the great Ken Bastida.

    1. Miss Bastida too, back then the 11pm news on weeknights had meaning. Now it’s a trainwreck

  12. Re Pete Wilson; I remember when he said he was leaving (i.e. "retiring") because he wanted to spend more time with his son. Yeah, right. I think said son was about 18 or 19 years old and away at college! Turns out he was hiding behind that to sound sympatric while he was in the process of going to another network. I was not a fan of his. I always felt he was arrogant and pretentious. Interesting to see that it wasn't just me.

  13. Betty Yu doesn’t need KPIX. She makes a lot more $$$ by her social media lifestyle.

  14. For two consecutive days, KTVU aired footage of a young Black male brazenly stealing multiple iPhones from the Apple Store in Emeryville, as both customers and staff looked on, with a police cruiser conspicuously parked in front.

    In a month dedicated to honoring Black History, one can't help but wonder if KTVU has overlooked this fact. Personally, I find their repetitive airing of this footage to be in poor taste, demonstrating a troubling indifference to the ongoing struggles faced by African Americans. Furthermore, this editorial decision reflects a glaring one-sided perspective, showcasing a tangible incident without addressing the underlying systemic and structural racism that often precipitates such behavior.

    1. @7:04. Difficult staring at the mirror isn't it? But, the mirror doesn't lie. The cowardice of the black community to acknowledge its failure and accept personal responsibility ceases to amaze me. You envelop yourselves with fabricated holidays that have no basis of truth and continue to point the finger of blame externally and never within. Blacks will never flourish until they change their reality. Do that and stop perpetuating racial victimization, then maybe you won't see the stories you find so offense on the evening news.

    2. So, what are you suggesting, 7:04? Should KTVU and the media, in general, refrain from covering stories involving crimes committed by Black individuals in February out of respect for Black History Month?

    3. Woke bullshit blacks always do the crime and should do the time

  15. LOL nice racist rant coward

  16. Hey, Rich! How often have you spilled a load wanking it to Julliette Goodrich?

    1. And wiped it up with Brian Hackney's discarded hairpiece?

  17. You can't spell "Hackney" without "Hack."

  18. Hi Rich, I’ve unearthed evidence that suggests Betty Yu’s bizarre hospital photo with the IV in her arm (her only post since her leave) may not really be her. Not saying it’s a complete hoax but definitely warrants further investigation. Could be a big story if you can validate. Will email you.
