Thursday, January 11, 2024

John Dickinson Settles In at KNBR: Lund Nervous; Peck Pissed at PIX


  1. If you compare it to NBC, Rob Mayeda is a weekend evening weather anchor & a fill in for the evenings for Jeff Ranieri but he’s not put all over the place like Peck. Some of the fill-ins also come from Telemundo like Vianey Arana.

    PIX is short staffed & they just don’t have enough weather anchors to go around. CBS O & O stations in a few places like Minneapolis or New York or LA as examples have at least 4 weather anchors.

    Peck has been working 19 straight days since December 23rd. He really needs a break; give the fill in to Paul Heggen one day over the weekend since Brian Hackney looks like he ain’t comin’ back. I don’t think any other weather person has done this much.

    They gotta hire more weather staff and put Peck in a more stable position. Maybe let Peck work 2-3 weeknights apart from weekends and Heggen can take the load on a weekend morning and a few weeknight evenings.

    Heggen isn’t really bland he’s good but he has terrible fashion sense.

    1. “Peck has been working 19 straight days since December 23rd.”

      This is a peculiar statement of written by a casual viewer. Knowing exactly how many days Peck has worked going back nearly three weeks AND knowing when this current streak began is stalkeresque and disturbing.

      In all likelihood this comment was written by Mr. Tiny Pecker himself.

    2. I've been seeing Cynthia pimental fill in more than vianey

    3. KPIX YouTube has you plenty of evidence. Christmas Week he filled in all week for Paul Heggen. Once you got to the first week of the New Year plus this past Monday he filled in for Jessica and the weekends were just his normal shift.

      The other 2 days after that, Tuesday he filled in from 7PM to 11:30PM & Wednesday he was there at 3, 8 and 9.

      Yeah sometimes Cintia takes turns but NBC as an example knows how to better staff their weather people especially when ppl take off.

    4. I prefer to see Vinay more

    5. I like the NBC Bay Area meteorologists more than the ones on KPIX. Yes Paul & Jessica are good and Darren is also good minus his ego but I think all of them on NBC inject a little better personality (Kari Hall, Vianey Arana, Cintia Pimentel, Rob Mayeda and Jeff Ranieri) while taking less time and giving the forecast in a direct way.

      Plus nobody I’ve seen on NBC Bay Area wears jeans while on the air. More professionally dressed. Even the tieless look without the jeans sits well with me.

  2. I can't stand that guy named Peck. I change the channel whenever he comes on. I hope he moves on. Go back to the print and cut back on your monologue. Max out between 2-3 minutes. 8 minutes is way to long Your voice is annoying and most of the time you have nothing new to say.

    1. I can’t stand Peck because he comes off as a condescending little bitchboy. He speaks as though he’s talking weather to a room full of kindergarteners. Send his ass packing and give the Lieutenant a shot at the title!

    2. Yes, he does wear on you when you see and hear him all the time. I often walk out of the room or change the channel when he comes on. He goes overboard in talking about the weather. Just the facts is all I need and not lengthy explanations or embellishments.

    3. Peck thinks he's God. He's a second-string weathertalker on a station that's sinking by the bow. When he realizes this he'll be a better person.

    4. I’d be happy if Jessica could fill in on the weekends sometimes, but you have to remember one thing. Jessica cannot work on the weekends because she works for the National Guard. I respect that but PIX or any station can still say that they may have to work weekends if needed.

      Peck is condescending and acts like a jerk but in some cases he does explain the weather well but he’s too slow on his flow and often takes way too much time to get into the detail. Thats why you got Weather Extra if you want to go in depth. Also no “Good Morning” from Peck on the radio just the “Ok…” with his attitude.

  3. JD is missed on 95.7. You are right, he is a bit more stats minded, but he always was a pretty good listen on Warriors pre and post. Always enjoyed him with Steinmetz too when he filled in. Not really sure how well he would pair with Papa though.

  4. Even though Jessica Burch talks fast, I still can understand her and she gets to the point with her forecasts.

    Why not bring in Mary Lee once in a while? I’m starting to think if PIX is deliberately short staffed because of their Virtual weather where they think 3 meteorologists are good enough for there. I bet Brian Hackney isn’t interested in that but Mary Lee could be.

    Weekends do not have the 3D weather format especially evenings so someone like Mary Lee can still come & fill in when needed. PIX needs to be more organized when it comes down to staffing. Peck being put all over the place is not fair.

  5. What happened to mabrisa Rodriguez from Kron?

    1. She’s been out for months and Gayle Ong is taking over weekend evenings & filling in for Lawrence Karnow when required.

  6. I loved Mary Lee. She was clear, concise and nice personality. I also loved Ann Macovec when she was on with Phil Matier. Evidently, KPIX doesn’t value Ann. I’d love to see Ann Macovec, Mary Lee & Gianna Franco as the early morning team. They are all down to earth and present an intelligent, straight forward broadcast. Yes, I know-they aren’t Barbie dolls! How did that work for you KPIX? The fancy sets & show boat personalities ARE NOT what I want to see.

    1. Mary Lee is still “technically” a backup fill in for the Morning show. She was around a few times last year especially in the Summer. The first two in the Spring she did it from home since Darren had to fill in during the evening for Paul, but Summer she was actually back in the studio and enjoyed it. Before she left, I really enjoyed her forecasts and if anything brightened my day.

      I love her forecasts, she is to the point and takes lesser time. Remember when she did join KPIX in 2018 I think, she was also an anchor, and she also does some reporting & science stories. She can technically replace Brian Hackney in all those roles like the way Kyla is at least doing anchor & weather (double duty sometimes at KRON).

  7. Lund and Papa and Tolbert and Copes and Murphy should all be nervous. Their Sheet-Shows are pathetic. Hate to say it but I prefer the national shows over the moronic banter of the aforementioned.

  8. Jessica Burch talks way too fast. People in radio and TV should know how to speak. And she is much too fast. Took me a long time just to get her name.
