Saturday, January 6, 2024

Ad Kawakami; Mike Silver, Bore; -Saturday Schmooze; Grand Plans Preview...


  1. Hi Rich. I have an Off Topic news item I want to bring to your attention. Maybe you already know.

    There is something going on in Berkeley, at People's Park. The area is being prepped for long delayed construction. That means the homeless have been moved out, and the area is now surrounded by box cars, gigantic, weathered looking, empty box cars.
    The local libs and bums are not lovin it.

  2. I’m waiting to see if Brian Hackney is back anchoring. Nice to hear on Kim Wonderley but a little worried about Hackney.

    Every weekend night it can’t always be “Brian Hackney is off tonight”. 1 month is not normal and my prediction is it could last longer. This needs to be investigated if Rich is able. The last weekend of 2023 no Hackney, first weekend of 2024 gotta wait and see

    1. Put a sock in it Frances….on and on with the Haxkney! If he’s on the website he’s okay. Stalk in private please!

    2. Not going to say any more than I'm allowed, but they update the website about every two years. Veronica De La Cruz was on the website for months after she left. And no, he is not okay. Again, don't want to say more than I'm allowed, but you'd think Rich would get on the ball, it's a big story that's passing him by.

  3. The food truck that was sideswiped last month in San Jose reopened this weekend in the Curi-Odyssey museum parking lot, but the reporter on 7 kept saying "curiosity". Sheesh.

  4. - Kawakami hasn't had a sense of humor in decades.
    - LOL about you being unable to admit you don't pay for The Athletic
    - Sam Kinison was discovered in 1985, not 88. By 1988, Kinison already had 3 albums out and had been in a movie.
    - Richard Jeni was in The Mask, which was a pretty big movie.

    -Stop doing impressions of anyone. You suck at it.

  5. Timing is everything. With Tim's father passing recently, this was not the right timing to bash on him.

    1. Maybe the loss will give Kawakami perspective and he’ll become a better person. Life is too short to treat everyone like shit.

    2. 5:46, death has a way of making people look inward. Hopefully he becomes a better human being for the sake of all those around him. There’s no shame in growth and personal development.

    3. Relax. By all accounts Kawikame's skin is thinner than tissue paper. He blocks people on X/Twitter who express differing opinions, about sports no less, or who have the audacity to reply 'LOL' in response to one of his tweets. With this in mind I'm quite certain he doesn't read Rich's blog let alone when his father passed.

    4. @6:04 PM - the point is not whether Tim reads this blog. The point is that this subject was brought up right when Tim's father passed away. Giving the passing some time before releasing this subject would've been more appropriate.

    5. The issue isn’t Rich ripping him out or the timing of said ripping. The real issue is that Tim Kawakami is a certified grade-A dickhead who no one can stand.

      Respected and respectable person = No ripping. ever.

  6. This morning, I finally saw Tori Ganes, the KTVU reporter whom many on this blog have recently commented about. My goodness, now I understand why there's been so much commentary; she's not a good reporter. I'm curious to hear your thoughts on Ganes and also on their other junior reporter/anchor and stumbler extraordinaire, Crystal Bailey, who has also generated quite a bit of buzz on this blog and is rumored to be Julie Haener's eventual replacement.

    1. CB over Heather Holmes? Don't think so

    2. Baffling. Watching Ganes is like watching a 3rd grader play a tv reporter. At least they’re finally giving her some legitimate news assignments to test her chops. Bet there was a sprain or two, and some burnt tongues on the hot cocoa run.

    3. I watched Crystal Bailey do sports Sunday Night. Oh my God! I turned on The Hindenburg movie because I couldn't stand the disaster on KTVU any longer.

    4. Tori Gains looks like she’s hiding Frank Summerville and Mark Ibanez under her shirt

  7. Turning CH. 2 into a trash fire with these newcomers. Done watching. I don’t need bumbling uninformed children feeding me news. Shape up or you will lose more loyal viewers. - Albert SF

  8. Bring back Goss to KTVU or simply broadcast someone running their nails on a chalkboard 24/7. I’ll take that over Ganes or Bailey.

    1. I assume you're referring to when Tori Gaines misspoke and referred to an Israel-Hamas Ceasefire as a "CeaseFART."
      It'd be funny if it weren't so pathetic what KTVU has devolved into.

    2. I'll happily take Goss back. I'll just temporarily mute the tv whenever she comes on. It'd be better than Tori Ganes and her Bozo the Clown hairstyle.

    3. Rich, here’s a photo of the faces of ktvu at the moment:

    4. Gasia earns more than 285k, yet loves to brag about how cheap she is and mocks people who dare to turn on their heaters when it's freezing. She's just totally out of touch.

    5. 10:10, are you a new ktvu viewer? This has been gasia’s schtick for years.there are several variations which include basing those who use AC, use a heater, buy nice clothes, eat at nice restaurants, yada yada. She feels good about herself when she shames and ridicules people.

    6. Here’s all you need to know about gasia. I was anchoring with her in the ten o’clock news on the night of the ghost ship warehouse fire. The biggest Bay Area story of the year. She was more interested in doing face book live than reading the news. I basically told her to turn her fuvking phone off or I’d take it from her and crush it. I was so disgusted. She was MORE interested in Facebook live than she was in the fact that 36 people died in the fire. THAT is who gasia really is. And yes. This is Frank Somerville keeping it real.

    7. The truth is these so called “anchors” are more concerned about thier social media than actual news . When I was there at least I kept it real . They haven’t paid their dues . I still remember that night when me and Radnich were London Bridging Terralyn Joe in the Yoshis parking lot . I can still see Gary’s flipper hand slappin dat ass while T.J. Was doin lines off my dong . Frank Summerville….still Keepin it real
