Monday, January 1, 2024

24 Begins; Bay Area Media Yawn; Fitz Ugh!; Moody Blues


  1. Bob F way better than Papa was

  2. I have a story local media can investigate... What is up with those messages displayed on the Ferry Building last night before Midnight on the KRON New Year's Eve program? A projector displayed (NSFW) "STFU Musk" and "Mayor Breed's Corruption". We all know she & her administration are as corrupt as a $3 bill but no one does anything about because she is "protected" but big time Dems like Da Mayor Willie Brown, Kamala, Gavin & the gang. Call it like you see it Rich!

    1. @2:43.There won't be story. Everyone knows they are all incompetent, degenerate stooges, but nothing will be done. Enjoy paying for free medical to the illegal invaders. Hair Gel Hitler is going to learn very quickly here what 'shall not be infringed " means.

  3. I so agree with you on doing the m.o.s. Stories from the fountain in Walnut Creek. I worked at ktvu for 30 years. I always suggested doing an mos from San Leandro. Richmond. Downtown Oakland. Marin city. But reporters never go to those areas. Cause it’s outside their bubble. They don’t feel comfortable around people who don’t look like them. Very disappointing.

    1. I've always wondered why they go to the trouble of driving all the way to Walnut Creek just to report live from the infamous fountain when the story has no connection whatsoever to Walnut Creek or the fountain in question. According to Google Maps, it's a 35-mile round trip from KTVU to downtown Walnut Creek. It's quite bizarre.

      To your point, I think it might be related to KTVU trying to appeal to what they perceive as their target audience, or at least the demographic they believe forms the core of their viewership. On the flip side, if they rotated to different Bay Area cities it would actually make for a more dynamic newscast. Instead, we get the same boring, stale crap night after night.

    2. Now, they have junior reporter Crystal Bailey anchoring their prime-time news, and she makes Mibach look like Walter Cronkite. She can't make it through a read without stumbling, usually two to three times per read. Some of the lowlights of her recent prime-time duties include referring to 2:45 am as '2 point 45 am' and Oscar Grant's killer as Johannes 'Mez-eer-el.' For all the wrong reasons, Johannes Mehserle is a well-known name in the Bay Area, particularly in Bay Area media. Not to mention, Anchoring 101 dictates that the anchor pre-read their entire script before going on air to catch any typos, poorly-written sentences, or pronunciation pitfalls.

    3. Ktvu is nothing but a shell of its former self. And I don’t really care what the reason is for going to Walnut Creek. They do it because they feel safe there. They are around white people. (I worked at ktvu for 30 years and I’m white). Their job is to give voices it to people from all walks of life. Trust me. I’ve been in the iron triangle. I’ve been deep in East Oakland. What I found is that if you smile. And treat people with respect they do the same to you. It’s our freakin job to represent the whole Bay Area. Not just safe white areas like Walnut Creek.

  4. I wonder if Steph also influences who are his supporting players. Maybe he should focus on that as we seem to be back to the “We Believe” era of Warriors! I don't think even LeBron gets involved in Lakers’ announcer decisions.

  5. What is going on with KCBS anchors and reporters? Some speak way to fast, mumble, sound robotic and so on...

  6. Moody Blues:
    Tuesday Afternoon is one of my favorite M.B. songs.
    It's on side 2 of Nights in White Satin album.
    An orchestral Ode to a random point in time.

  7. I agree Boob Shitzgerald is a total tool. His sickening homer-ism and ass kissery makes it impossible to watch games that he broadcasts.

    And as impossible as it may seem, Kelenna Azubuike and Festus Ezeki are actually even worse when it comes to brown nosing and ass kissing.

    Collectively, I refer to these clowns as the Three Stooges.

    Regarding the doubled ratings for national games: Obviously I’m no fan of the Three Stooges but the notable surge is probably due to the fact that national broadcasts feature popular teams like the Lakers or Nuggets, naturally drawing more viewers.

    Additionally, since it's a national audience, these games are likely to have higher ratings compared to locally broadcasted Warriors games on NBC Sports Bay Area. Comparing TNT or ESPN game ratings to locally broadcasted ones is essentially comparing apples to oranges.

  8. No Hackney, which meant Sunday late news (10pm) weather was pre recorded by Peck as he was working next day morning. Paul Heggen is back.

    Still wondering about Hackney. 4 weeks/1 month is not normal for him to be out, let alone the holidays he’s been jolly to work. I hope he’s okay health wise and not taken the Dennis O Donnell approach. Wasn’t going to exactly quote Andria Borba but thats also possible? Not only he is not there these days now no more news stories.

  9. Bob F keeps acting like the Warriors are still in their prime competing for championships, but that's far from reality. It's cringe-worthy to hear him fanboy and get all hard over Steph Curry and Klank Thompson as if we're still in the Splash Brothers' glory days. I'm not asking for negativity, but can he at least talk about the current team's real issues instead of living in the past and acting like we're back in 2015-2016?

  10. Who's Crystal Bailey on KTVU weeknights with Mibach?

    1. There are no words to describe how unqualified and incompetent she is as an anchor. She consistently stumbles over words, appears disoriented, takes unnecessary pauses, fails to recognize when it's her turn to read, and lacks appropriate emotional expression. Other than that she's fantastic!

      She belongs in Pocatello where she can learn the craft. Instead KTVU, the dumpster fire of tv stations, not only hired her but, on most nights, throws her on the desk as Julie Haener's replacement.

    2. What about Tory Ganes?

    3. Is Mibach, as a seasoned senior anchor, expected to assume a mentoring role? Shouldn't he, at the very least, review Crystal's scripts with her to ensure she's well-prepared for the newscast? Perhaps there's a cutthroat mentality in the news business, but it seems unfair to let a young newcomer struggle through each broadcast on a nightly basis without any support.

    4. Did Crystal Bailey get demoted already? Last night Heather Holmes did the news in Julie Haener's absence.

    5. @ 8:24 pm at this market level one should have enough experience with no hand holding

    6. 3:20, I agree but ktvu doesn’t play by the normal rules. When Juliet Haener is out they don’t have Heather Holmes or Cristina Rendon fill in as any normal station would. Instead they place the most inexperienced person they can find on the prime time anchor desk.

    7. @6:02 PM: Indeed. Recently, Crystal Bailey and LaMoonica Peters have been filling in for Haener during their key newscasts. Are Holmes or Rendon currently hospitalized or incapacitated? If not, why aren't they substituting for Haener, with Peters and Bailey covering for them during the less-watched newscasts?

    8. @7:07 pm Tori Gaines is a has-been who only wants to be on TV

    9. 7:53? “Has been?” You’re being way too kind. The appropriate term for Ganes is a “never was.”

  11. In between talking about her recent wedding every segment, Amy Lawrence has announced that she is going to devote an entire four hour show to talking about nothing but her wedding. Amy Lawrence really likes to talk about Amy Lawrence

  12. As always KRON's new years coverage is a joke.

  13. Have you seen Fitzgerald lately? Good god he’s put on some pounds. He and Greg Lee from ktvu should have a sumo wrestling match.

    1. I haven't seen Shitzgerald recently but can't imagine he's as big as Greg Lee, who looks like he's been feverishly eating his way through SF Gate's list of the Top-100 wet super burritos in the Bay Area.

    2. Greg Lee is humongous. If he eats one more wet burrito he’ll explode.

    3. @7:46 pm not as big as Noel belloe at kron at least Greg is a good talent

    4. 9:39, Good point. Noel Bellow is in a whole different stratosphere of obesity. Compared to her, Greg Lee looks like he has the figure of Bill Nye the science guy.

    5. Noelle has a pretty face
