Sunday, October 3, 2021

Willard Exits KNBR; Headed for Game (Yawn)

Mark Willard has LEFT the KNBR building, rumor has it he's headed to 95.7 FM, "The Game."

Considering their ratings, if indeed Willard is headed to the FM den, then it's a NO-LOSE for the Audacy outlet; mediocrity meets less-than-mediocrity. Good move for the FM malcontent.

No matter where Willard ends up, it's another demise for terrestrial radio.


  1. This is a game changer. If they pair up Damon and Willard, that's an all star duo. Great sports knowledge there

    1. Willard is boring and bruce tries to be edgy all the nobody has a bigger ego then bruce with the exception of papa..

    2. Damon doesn't know shit yet he thinks he has great sports knowledge when he what he does have is just a monster sized ego

    3. @unknown stuntman- Does Damon Bruce still really have an ego? I think he did moreso back when he was single. Ever since he's been married and had kids and paired up with Ratto and Kolsky, his ego doesn't seem as big as it used to be.

      I still like Damon Bruce and I still tune in to his show, but he doesn't seem to have the same ego as he had in the past. I was still surprised he was paired up when they paired him up with Ratto and Kolsky, when for many years he wanted to do a solo show.

  2. Wonder what time slot they would give willard, he's so tedious they should do an overnight show with hin

  3. Bet he will take over morning drive.
    The Game has nothing to lose although I don’t see him teaming up with Damon Bruce. I wonder if he will do morning drive but a hybrid sports/news gig with KGO?

    1. Bonta and Butcher Boy have a good thing going on morning drive on 95.7 right now. It would be weird to see them add a 3rd host to that show at this point in time. I don't think a 3rd host is really needed for this show.

  4. Makes sense too if he joins 95.7 and/or maybe since joining PAC12 Network as studio host maybe he had more fun there then KNBR...

  5. Gary Felch, not related to Peter Felch at KCBSOctober 4, 2021 at 7:12 AM

    I wish him well. We will miss him.

  6. Super boring with a boatload of fake positivity and enthusiasm. He seems really insincere.

    1. Fake Marin county d-bag Kind of like a diet version of Murphy

  7. Wow, that's kind of weird that Mark Willard is leaving KNBR. He became a fixture on KNBR's night show, and their night show will pick up now that the Giants are in the playoffs and the Niners season is in full swing.

    As far as Mark Willard on 95.7, I'm not sure where he would fit to be honest. I would assume they might pair him up with Covay and try to build a stronger weeknight show for 95.7. Covay and JD (John Dickinson) are alright, but I think Dickinson was better in a fill-in role where he fills in on each weekday show on occasion when someone on one of the regular weekday shows is on vacation or misses a day here and there. He wasn't bad on weekends when he used to do that NBA/Warriors this week Saturday morning show with Steinmetz.

    1. I agree. Willard is a lot of set up with little results. I keep waiting for him to make his point and am often underwhelmed by it. I don't see him pairing up well with anyone because his delivery is too slow. Could he replace Kolsky?

  8. If Willard is paired up with Damon, not sure how that would work. It looks like Damon has a good thing with Ratto and Kolsky, and that was the only show that wasn't changed when 95.7 made changes to their weekday lineup exactly a year ago. I would be ok with them taking Ratto off as it appears he doesn't want to be there half the time, even though he's valuable due to his sports knowledge and how long he's been in the industry, and in a way, he kind of tempers enthusiasm despite it being frustrating as a fan when he tries to temper down high expectations fans might put on the local teams.

    Kolsky takes a lot of time off. Yeah, I'm sure it's for personal reasons, but if they take him off this show, I wouldn't be surprised. It almost like he's off at least once a week. Hard to gain continuity as a show when one of the main hosts is out consistently. I'm sorry.

  9. I maybe could see Willard on the 10-2 show as well. I like Guru, but I don't like how Guru is constantly picked on by Steinmetz, and to some extent Dibley. Maybe Willard replaces Steinmetz and/or Dibley? Also in the 10-2 show, they play too many dumb games which takes away from the topics at hand. I wouldn't mind a shake up on this show, but they have to keep Guru around. Yeah, Guru is can be wrong a lot of the time and sometimes he makes a joke out of himself, but the guy provides great content and you got to like the energy and passion he provides. Plus, he's a genuinely good dude. When he's off, that 10-2 show is boring and takes a hit, and I think 95.7 knows it. Got to keep Guru around.

    I doubt Willard goes to the morning show. Bonta and Butcher Boy have a great thing going on in the mornings right now, and I think if they ever do add a 3rd person, that person will have to match Bonta and Butcher Boy's energy, and I don't think Mark Willard provides that energy for a morning drive time show.

    1. Otis, I have always admired how much thought you put into your comments whenever Rich has an post about The Game. That said, I have never been able to understand how such a thoughtful, intelligent guy can be such a fan of that station - and a blowhard like Damon Bruce. It makes no sense, but you're still the best, Otis.

    2. @2:57- Thanks, I really appreciate the kind words, and thank you for your support!

      I've been a fan of Damon Bruce since he was on Sportsphone years ago. I like his style and his passion for sports and how he would be honest about the Giants, Warriors, and Niners, back when all 3 of those teams were bad back in the mid-late 2000's when he was still new to this market. For many nights back in his Sportsphone days, he would provide therapy after a rough Giants, Warriors, or Niners loss and allow fans to vent, and he felt our pain as he was covering the teams and lived through the tough losses with us. That really went a long way back then, and so many people appreciated him for that at the time.

      He's still honest about those 3 teams now, even though he doesn't rip into them like he used to, with the success all 3 of those teams have had this past decade, but he will still give you his honest opinion and not sugarcoat things.

      I also liked how he used to have more caller interaction on his shows, and if you wrote him an e-mail, he would reply and not ignore a listener. He always valued and still values his audience, and not all sports talk show hosts do that, especially today where things are more streamlined and you don't have that caller-talk show host interaction as much like the old days.

      Damon is one of the rare cases where an out of town host fits this market and has made this market his own. Damon is establishing roots here raising and family and making the Bay Area his new home area. Other guys, it hasn't worked. Brandon Tierney comes to mind, as well as Joe Fortenbaugh, even though Fortenbaugh did have a good thing with Dan Dibley and Lorenzo Neal on 95.7's previous morning show.

      But yes, been a fan of Damon Bruce for a long time.

    3. @2:57- I've listened to 95.7 since around 2012 a little after 95.7 started as a sports station, but I really became a fan of the station when Damon Bruce came aboard in 2014. I felt he helped change the station at the time, and the station shifted from more A's, Raiders conversation and focus, to more Giants, Niners, and Warriors conversation and focus with the A's and Raiders mixed in as well. Yes, that still hasn't gone over well with A's and Raider fans, but those two teams just don't move the needle and 95.7 did try to have as much A's and Raiders content as possible that would interest those fans. It didn't work and then the A's and Raiders got frustrated with 95.7 and then left them as their flagship.

      I've liked 95.7 more the past few years not only because they are talking more Giants, Niners, and Warriors, but also because of the hosts. Yes, a lot of them are ex-KNBR hosts (Damon, Dan Dibley, Bonta, Matt Kolsky, Ryan Covay, et al) that either couldn't make it on KNBR or left KNBR for different/various reasons, but they got their shot on 95.7 and flourished I think.

      I'm also friends with some of the 95.7 hosts on Facebook, and every now and then they will like something I posted on Facebook sports related or they might even respond every now and then to what I posted. I like how their hosts are more accessible and if you happen to see them at a game or an event, they're willing to talk to you if you're a fan of their shows, their content, or the station.

      Matt Nahigian, the PD at 95.7 one time invited me to come to 95.7 to check out the station and talk to the hosts. I ended up not getting a chance to do that as he might've forgotten about it or was too busy, but I appreciated that he thought enough of me as a listener and fan of the station, to invite me to the station and talk to the hosts and hangout at the station for a bit.

      I also like how they give opportunities to people. Guru got a job on 95.7 through the Lucky Break contest they had back in 2012, and Shomari Block who is a fixture on weekends on 95.7, got a job on 95.7 through the Dream Job contest they had last year. Butcher Boy who was a caller into the shows on KNBR and 95.7 for years, got a job on 95.7. Yeah, those 3 hosts might not be everyone's cup of tea, but listening to them you feel that maybe one day you could get a job on 95.7 if the opportunity presented itself. Nothing against them and I like Butcher Boy, Guru, and Shomari Block, but I think it's great they were given an opportunity to come to 95.7 and do something they love which is talk about sports, and get paid for it.

      I also like the pace of 95.7. It feels like they have a faster pace of each show and it doesn't feel like each show drags on like the shows on KNBR do. Yeah, there are some days when 95.7 drags on when they talk about some of the same topics over and over, but I think they have a better pace than KNBR.

      Not to make this too long-winded and sorry for this long post but, I just feel 95.7 is a cool station. Do they have things they can work on and improve? Yes, but I feel they can build on what they have now as a sports station. I just hope they don't change too much what they have now, even if/when Mark Willard is brought in.

    4. Bonta and Butcher have a great thing going? Exactly what metric do you use? Because the game gets zero ratings Bonta and Butcher suck. Butcher is a buffoon Bonta a good second chair but not much else

    5. @11:22- Their show, as well as the Niners radio pre and postgame show on 95.7 that they do, is simulcasted on YouTube and Twitch, and they get a lot of calls in the morning and the audience overall seems to enjoy their show. They fit what stations could be looking for in morning drive; two hosts who have a good back and forth and bring that energy everyday.

      Butcher Boy is cool. Yeah, he might not be for everybody and could be ebrasive for some, but you got to respect his passion and knowledge of sports and business.

      Bonta is the man. He's becoming a rising star with his work on 95.7 and his work on NBC Sports Bay Area doing Warriors TV pre and postgame. The guy is working tirelessly, and he has a young family at home. Bonta has lead the shows he's been on. He lead the mid-day show he used to do with Greg Papa. He lead the 10-2 show with Guru and Steinmetz when he was on with them, and now he's leading the 95.7 morning show. He's proven he can lead a show that can be successful.

    6. So why did papa dump him and imply he regretted choosing him as his sidekick?..never was clear on that

    7. Butcher Boy is funnier when you watch his facial expressions on Twitch. He is having a good time talking sports. Bonta is a talent on TV and radio. I'm glad he's on NBC Sports Bay Area's Warriors pre- and postgame shows.

    8. Butcher Boy is cool? What are you 13?

    9. @11:01- Butcher Boy is cool. I mentioned his shortcomings in my earlier post, but I think he is cool. He is a real fan and wears it on his sleeve. Not sure if you heard the Morning Roast this morning but, he left the show this morning to basically walk the Embarcadero to Oracle Park pumping up people on the streets for the Giants playoff game against the Dodgers tonight, waving his Giants flag. It really was great radio and it was pretty cool. Yeah, it might've seemed weird at first and maybe planned as well, but as it was going on, it was kind of dope and a pretty good idea. Murph and Mac probably would not have done something like that, but it was cool.

      I'm 35.... Butcher Boy does appeal to other adults who are also passionate sports fans.

  10. "Shoot your shot, that's all you got"- Mark Willard

    I wonder if he will use this sign off line on 95.7 on whatever show he's on.

  11. could get really boring with all the food talk, etc. Didn't fit at KNBR at all. And during baseball season, was not on much. Not a big loss.
    Also not a fit at 95.7. Maybe the morning show? Doubt he would want the Covay slot. Methinks he will just do the Pac-12 stuff for now. Good.

    1. Yeah, those 15-20 minute blabberfests between TKB and his show made my ears hurt

  12. It's sad to me that if you don't take "hot takes" just for the hell of it to be bold without facts, and if you don't scream or talk like an idiot, that you're considered boring. Willard may not be everyone's cup of tea, and that's fine. But the guy is extremely professional, an excellent broadcaster, and uses (gasp!) logic and reasoning when making his points. He was the best new hire KNBR had made in years IMHO. So I'm bummed about him leaving KNBR, but the one good thing about his apparent move to The Game, is they are at least bright enough to podcast entire shows instead of just interview segments like KNBR does. I'm clearly in the minority but I hope he gets his own show and isn't paired with someone.

  13. Who's next at KNBR? Paulie or Lund?

  14. Speaking of KNBR, it looks like even though they have been more consistent with their weekday lineup than 95.7, a lot of people still leave that station for whatever reason. Not sure if part of it is because KNBR is just not the sports station anymore here in the Bay Area, with what 95.7 has been able to do.

    Yes, KNBR does crush 95.7 in the ratings, but that doesn't always mean that they're better. Rich even talks about how the Giants and the Niners help out KNBR's ratings a lot, and yes, the Warriors coming back to action will help out 95.7's ratings. It's just, when you listen to KNBR, at least for me, the station is boring. It's not exciting like it used to be. Then, as everyone brings up with KNBR, you have the commercials. I know KNBR has to pay bills with these commercials, but they run like at least 5 minute long commercials. How can you keep your audience when there are so many commercials during each show?

    Not sure if all of that is the reason why people leave KNBR, but KNBR is just not the cool Bay Area sports station that it used to be. KNBR is still big time without a doubt, but the station is not what it used to be.

    1. What exactly makes you anj expert on sports media? My goodness Otis you're so full of BS

    2. @11:19- I'm not an expert, I'm just giving my opinions. We're all just giving our opinions which is not a crime. LOL

  15. KNBR is the flagship for the Giants and 49ers, the 2 most popular teams in the Bay Area. They also have an enormous signal reach. Based on that alone, they will always trounce 95.7 and always post decent numbers even when both teams suck.

    That said, none of their hosts are compelling. It's mostly regurgitated opinions and repeated content that never dare push the envelope. Heaven forbid someone might be offended. What used to be compelling was the back and forth hosts like Radnich and Barbieri had with callers. Sports fans calling in was what made sports talk radio. Neither station has taken callers in years.

    We used to have the proven formula of a solid host with a good sidekick, like Barbieri and Tolbert, or back when Radnich was solo and simulcast on local TV. Those shows had great dialogue with listeners. Now, it's like The View doing sports. Just 3 blowhards fighting for airtime.

    Listen to stations in Canada or on SiriusXM and you'll hear solid banter between the hosts and callers. It's far more entertaining. There are live podcasts that will interact with people commenting in the chat. Listening to 3 guys complain about the same shit everyday is boring AF.

    1. thats bothered me for a long time, now its all about the personalities of the "hosts"and any callers are afterthoughts..and yes, its extremly boring and dismal listening to tom tolbert tell the same stories about him and steve kerrs' hijinxs in college..

  16. Mark Willard is a rising star. He provides well though out, intelligent takes...he is a perfect fit for the Bay Area. Reminds me a bit of Gary Radnich, but without some of weirdness and 1970's Don Rickles schtick that pissed people off. Willard prepares a lot for his shows...he doesn't just show up. He is taking a risk leaving KNBR, but since he was likely not offered an afternoon or morning drive slot (and the associated money), he felt he was stuck and needed to accept the next best opportunity (it has to be a step up). Good luck to him.

  17. I stopped listening when Radnich retired.

    Bye bye Salinas!

  18. It looks like Willard could be on at night on 95.7. Covay and Dickinson aren't on tonight, and they weren't on after the Warrior game last night either.

    Not sure if they plan a shakeup for the night show on 95.7, or if this will be yet another weekday lineup shakeup for 95.7 if/when Willard joins the station.

    If this is it for Covay and Dickinson at night, that would be too bad but at the same time, I just felt like that pairing wasn't really going to work for a night show. They however do good work well with the Warriors radio pre and postgame show, but for a regular weeknight show, maybe not as much.

    Dickinson is more of a fill-in/supersub guy who can fill in on occasion and the regular shows don't miss a beat the day that he fills in. He's best known for reciting Warriors schedules from previous years from memory. I remember the day he recited I think the Warriors schedule from the 73-win season from memory one time on the 10-2 show I think it was. It was radio gold and hilarious. LOL.... I think Covay is better paired with someone else who has high energy. That's one of the reasons why when him and Butcher Boy were paired up at night, that was a good show.

    But yes, we'll see what happens.

  19. KNBR should get Ray Woodson back on the air. Ray let callers speak without interruption and he talked about all sports. He is not egotistical.
