Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Wednesday Schmooze; Fall Here; SF Media State; KGO Medoro Quagmire (Again); Papa Poop; Darts, Parts, and Smarts

WEDNESDAY, the first day of Fall and a chance to observe the mayhem and examine the bodies.

NIKKI MEDORO on KGO affirming why her morning program is a DISASTER: talking about the media's obsession with the -Gabby/woman-found-dead, hubby probably the guilty guy case--then proceeding to talk about it for over twenty minutes--Medoro, with the clueless producer and a format quagmire. Which translates into NO RATINGS. Live and Local, my tuchas.

Greg Papa has TRIVIALIZED his own TD call. Papa doesn't understand the moment. That's a key word, moment. Papa doesn't understand the truly great pbp-broadcasters don't go nuts over a score in the first quarter; they voice an obvious high when the account justifies such excitement; they don't sound crazy when it's a September in Philly and your home team managed to sneak out of town with a win; they broadcast, like Bill King or Lon Simmons did, with an eye on the future and not get carried away with a mundane play; if Papa were to grasp this, he'd be the diamond his boss thinks he is but Greg didn't get the memo.

*THAT WAS QUITE A SCENE at Tadich on Monday with a prominent KPIX anchor and a woman, half his age, (and not his wife) laughing, giggling and probably consuming way too much merlot along the way but the crowd and waiters ate it up, so to speak.

*At least Medoro didn't mention her kids, again, for the 700th time, I'll give her that much.

*KNBR is looking for a night-time host which can't be encouraging news for Mr. homegrown. *The GIANTS are an incredible winning machine and the BEST team in baseball but NOT a compelling story namely because their team has no interesting players and a manager who is boring and non-exciting eccentric. You can't manufacture buzz when there is none; you can't make boring baseball players the life of a party when they're all Peter Pans; call me nuts but those meagher midweek crowds verify all that.

*By the way, a team about to win 100+ games and be in a pennant race and its broadcasters still NOT traveling when a lot of teams broadcasters are? Gimme a break.

*KCBS is owned by the same company that owns "1010 WINS" in NY but the two stations couldn't be more far apart. WINS actually reports news. WINS spaces its commercials so that it isn't traffic, sports, weather, spot, spot, spot, news, sports, sports, etc...go listen to 1010, WINS and hear for yourself.

*When Loose Pena is being MOCKED by Mark Thompson and not me, both have a problem.

*Thompson's ratings are also TERRIBLE. KGO's well-intentioned PD, will continue to put up with Thompson because he has no choice. By 86ing Mark, he'd admit to system failure and that won't/can't happen. So Mr Blowhard and his nauseating voice and schmucky producer get a pass. Multiple passes. What a life.

*When the San Jose Merc lays off their next 20 or so reporters, writers and such, the Chronicle is sure to follow.

*The guy at ABC7 who basically stirs the drink is still absent a contract and Disney is playing with fire. Again.

*Tom Vacar over at KTVU is quietly hoping (again) that The Firm dares to fire him because Tommy boy would love to show Fox what he thinks of them.

*KTVU memo to the staff: Eikel, sure, is a puppet, but not an ordinary puppet. A real snitch too but I'm sure 'yall know what.

*KTVU GM: the woman who might as well be the female Jimmy Hoffa because no one has ever seen her lately.

*Papa has seven jobs because he's got a ton of, what Radnich called, overhead.

*Garry Rad is staying put. He's 72 and just drinking orange soda and dating again which might be unpleasant news for his wife.


  1. "Tom Vacar over at KTVU is quietly hoping (again) that The Firm dares to fire him because Tommy boy would love to show Fox what he thinks of them."

    They could always fire him for refusing to comb his hair before a live shot...

  2. MLB is dictating when the announcers can travel.

    If the Giants would just let one crew do radio and one do TV, things would be different.

    1. Then why do some teams have their announcers travel?

  3. I agree about Papa. Most of the time, his call doesn't match the situation. His call is more about himself having a catch phrase than serving the game and his audience.

    I wouldn't be sad to see Willard go. His fake enthusiasm and tedious foody talk is just boring. At the same time, I wouldn't be surprised if KNBR was freeing him up to replace some of the daytime dead weight (Lund, Pauly Mac, Rod Brooks).

    1. mark t windbag..i believe knbr fired ryan kovay to open the slot for willard, and kovay is overhyper at times, but he has way more energy then willard..odd move..

  4. Papa doesn't belong in the same sentence or compared to Bill King or Lon Simmons. Please try and remember that in the future Rich.

    1. Papa has always reminded me of King. Not the talk show stuff but his pbp.

  5. it must suck being a recognizable news anchor who wants to cheat knowing that you'll get spotted. I don't understand why they keep going to the same spots. why not go to the mission or Hayes valley where most people don't even own TV's much less watch local news?

  6. "call me nuts but those meagher midweek crowds verify all that."

    Meanwhile across the bay there is another team heading for the playoffs. Their average crowd size for the month of September, the playoff drive month? 6,023

    1. The A's and their meager crowds may have been heading for the playoffs once upon a time but they will be going on vacation after game 162. Their bullpen will assure them of that.

    2. And Dave Kaval is driving what few fans they have, away. Raising Season Tickets for next year too. Based on? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  7. Rich, are you able to provide any evidence that supports low ratings for KGO radio's morning two hosts? By my own listening experience, KGO offers up the better morning news-talk content, compared to KCBS and KQED. KQED used to be my number morning appointment radio, but first w/the loss of the 11 am show "Talk of America", then with the loss of the 9-11 am show w/ M. Krasney's retirement, the new hosts just aren't offering up much subject matter that catches my attention. So KGO it is for morning listening. KGO's morning segments, while far from perfection, are still informative and at least somewhat entertaining. If KGO radio really does have demonstrated morning ratings challenges, the cause IMHO isn't the morning hosts or their producers; instead the problem is the 9 pm to 1 am host, who's bizarre right wing, neither live nor local, lecture-programming is causing the listeners to switch channels.

    1. All locally produced KGO shows are up July to August and year to year. People are back in their cars.

  8. Wow Rich, I took a listen to 1010 WINS New York radio station. I checked it out for an hour...what a class act station compared to our kcBS station is San Francisco.

  9. Not sure that being a tattle-tale on a retired sports anchor (who has generally stayed out of the media) merits a mention now. There should be enough fodder among the employed ones.

  10. Gary allegedly cheating on his wife is sad. She is 20+ years younger than him?? Guess being a young wife isn't good enough to counter his low self esteem and lack confidence!

  11. Rich, The Giants announcers CAN'T TRAVEL right now. TV announcers can't travel still and require to receive a "World Feed" from the how show the Giants are visiting. Right now, the Giants radio guys (Dave Flemming, Jon Miller) still need to be available to fill in on the TV side when Duane isn't able to work due to his health. There is no conspiracy. Some radio crews are traveling now but TV announcers and their production staff can't yet.

  12. - KGO PD won't admit failure?
    - The Cloud Clowns could force the KGO PD's hand. If they want to.
    - Just No No No No! Holy Toledo! Please Tell These Comparisons Goodbye!
    - Morning, Late Afternoon, or Lead Anchor? May all of them move on if there is a planned major shakeup by CBS HQ to force upon PIX's middling middle management?
    - So a lot of people still call baseball boring. Nothing new there. Too many called strike threes and lack of hitting fundamentals don't help the cause.
    - Then again, I'm a guy who finds endless yellow flags, depressingly endless injuries, endless commercials, endless pageantry, and bad parking lot food to be even more boring. At least baseball can be therapeutic under the right circumstances and with the right team.
    - Audacity has the audacity to look only at NYC, its biggest meal ticket. Not exactly a surprise here.
    - Cloud Clowns won't force KGO PD's hand for obvious contract litigation reasons. Keywords that may help: Non Renew
    - Though Thompson actually agrees with RL about Looooose Pena?!
    - Believe it or not, there are still newspaper readers who stick with their "traditions" and their crossword/game puzzles.
    - Front Street is still in the midst of misery, Disney won't 86 the GM and ND, and Middle Management still won't pay the station's Gold Standard for news. If Ashley leaves, then Finney will follow, and SF's Circle7 will implode like none of the other ABC7s could ever do (as in NY, LA, Chicago, Detroit, etc.)
    - Go Tom Vacar! Maybe he should team with Dominion Systems!
    - The Firm does have its fair of ND snitches nationwide.
    - The Firm makes sure none of its local affiliate GMs ever appear.
    - The Bentley and Papa. Refresh me if those two ever got along or not. Either way would not be a surprise.
    - The Bentley philandering? Gee, what a surprise!
    - Why include in the caption Papa Poop when you could just simply title it Darts, Farts, Parts, and Smarts.

  13. Papa is copying Veronica De La Cruz' GAME ON!
    O'Donnell is copying Veronica De La Cruz' disappearance!!

  14. Greg Papa is a joke and cannot be mentioned in the same breath as Bill King or Lon Simmons.

  15. KGO morning show, Nikki and Brett spent a good half hour talking about Brett's visit to the doctor in shorts (not wearing underwear) Really! that's the most important news of the day.

  16. Low self esteem and lack of confidence? Obviously you never met Gary.

  17. I didn't hear the segment of Niki's show where she talked about the Gabby Petito case. Several hosts has talked about it, Armstrong and Getty, Tom Sullivan (national syndicated host) it is a case that has captured the nations attention, therefore I think it is an appropriate subject for a talk show. I find the case fascinating, and therefore will listen to a host bringing it up. Problem with Niki is, she often makes it about her, rather than the subject. Pat was also talking about it, but I only heard a few minutes, since I had to get back to work, might listen to the podcast.

  18. Not long after I moved to San Francisco, a native pulled me aside to tell me that real San Franciscans don't say San FRANcisco, as I did. Said he, it's pronounced San Frincisco -- not San FRANcisco. He was actually annoyed by my pronounciation of his hometown. I never forgot that. Now, along comes this horrible call --- Touchdown SAAAN FRAAANNNNcisco. Please, it turns my stomach. I will not listen to radio broadcasts of 49er games. And while we're at it, bring back Ted Robinson.

  19. Re: 2:37 PM

    Frin, Fran, makes no difference. But never say "Frisco".

  20. Only Chuck Berry got away with saying "Frisco", as in Round the Frisco Bay in Sweet Little Sixteen.

  21. 1010 WINS is the GOLD standard for radio news. Just listen to an hour of their broadcast - mind you this is in the days before Motion Mix by Foster Kent. The entire newscast flows - even with the ads in between.
    KCBS and its on air personalities are an EMBARASSMENT to the craft. Its amature hour at KCBS 24/7.
