Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The KPIX-Dennis O'Donnell Cover-Up

A sentiment at KPIX on the continuing MYSTERY that is Dennis O'Donnell.

"He's never been MIA --he always comes to work...unlike her." The "her" in this case is Veronica De La Cruz, the PIX anchor who has batled a number of personal issues (some real, some not so real) and whose frequent disappearing acts has resulted in a bitter divorce from CBS-SF (PIX) --unlike O'Donnell, at least VDLC's status is fairly well known, if not in the public domain, then at least here and in the industry.


*KPIX could alleviate a whole bevy of speculation and innuendo by having its anchors saying the followingg: "Dennis (O'Donnell) is away tonight." It's vague enough; it protects DOD's privacy and it also respects its viewers without going into detail, any detail for that matter. It also negates any formal gossip. That may not make any sense but you get my point.

*Duane Kuiper made the decision to go out in front and say he was having a medical "issue" and that he'd be missing some time. We all pretty much know the issue Kuiper's dealing with and we've all given Kuip his privacy and not talked (publicaly) about his "condition:" even though we know what that "condition" probaly is. I give Kuiper and the Giants credit for that tactic. It worked.

Kuiper has the same "privacy" rights O'Donnell has. The Giants and Kuiper know that but they went public anyway. They know the deal.

O'Donnell is suffering from some sort of medical issue(s). I've heard (but not yet corrborated) several stories. Does Dennis owe us an explanation? "None of your damn business!," say some folks. In theory, sure, but Dennis O' Donnell is a public person and when that public person is gone from the sports anchor desk for a month and misses a 49ers game; a game he's NEVER missed in almost twenty years; and when his CBS station says nothing and goes out of its way to say nothing, we have a problem.

Again, KPIX could have AVOIDED all this turbulence by saying, benignly, "Dennis is off tonight." KTVU said as much when Dennis Richmond was absent for an extended time and was dealing with his own issues. But KPIX wants it both ways. They can privately say its a hipaa issue (fine) but even their own staff inside the building (855 Battery) are wondering what's going on here (Dennis) and speculation has gone rampant.

Some people close to the matter have gone out of their way to lie. They said Dennis is "on vacation" even though he's not really on vacation. YOU, the VIEWERS, are left out in the dark. It's not a privacy issue. It never has been. O'Donnell's status was never a story until KPIX hired a new guy (without explanation) and force-fed BS to one of its own sports guy, who subsequently went out of their way to spread the BS. And KPIX is now engaged in its own COVER-UP; not only to its working personnel but to YOU. the Bay Area viewing public.

What a sad time.


  1. I don't remember Dennis Richmond having issues. What were they?

    1. Aside from the fact that every female anchor who sat in the chair next to him eventually walked off the air and into obscurity, nothing that I can recall.

      Must have been his cologne.

    2. The only issue I recall was a weirdly long spell of hiccups.

  2. Yea this whole thing reminds me of Stan. No matter what you think sitting at home watching these people on tv every night.. they don't owe you anything. They're not part of your family, they're not your personal friends, they don't value your input, you're just a viewer. Nothing more, nothing less. They owe you nothing. And 99.9% of the people on air out there give you nothing. It's crazy how viewers put these on air personalities on pedestals. Newsflash: they take a shit and wipe their asses just like you and me. They get gas, they fart, they burp, probably pick their and some have some weird sexual kinks just like the rest of us.

    All of that said, can you let us all know about every single medical issue you currently have? You owe it to us as your readers or something.

    What a sad time.

    1. Actually, I don't wipe my ass. My bidet is equipped with an air dryer, which provides a comfortable and highly efficient post-elimination cleansing experience. You're welcome!

  3. People come and go in the news business all the time. DOD is no exception. Nobody in the dark gray building needs to explain. It's part of the business. I wish DOD well.

  4. Poor Liz must be bummed, she practically gushes everytime Dennis makes a joke.

    Juliette Goodrich has been doing great at the desk btw, I always thought she was a lightweight, but she's actually got some chops.

    1. Lightweight?! She's one of the very best there. She and Hackney. (Q: How can you always tell a stations best workers? A: They consign them to weekends.)

  5. After a while of being unable to receive KRON, I finally can get the signal again. Oh my God, I see what everyone means by the new set! It looks like they're broadcasting out of a corner of a Target store. And both Moore and Heenan look like they should have retired 10 years ago. Doesn't KRON pay enough for their employees to stop working and enjoy their golden years?!?

  6. And Lawrence Karnow has the face of a pineapple.

  7. the 49ers are playing the Chargers in LA on sunday, are greg papa and tim ryan doing the game from there? i havent seen anything and havent tuned in to papa's show..just seems absurd still for example, that with stadiums open fully, that radio/tv crews for baseball have still been working remotley and not travelling on the road..

  8. Boy, who cares if Dennis O'Donnell is on the air or not? It is no big deal. Really, does it really make a difference if he is there or not? I don't think it really matters if the anchors say 'He's away' or not. He's not there, I can see that. I don't care where he is or what he's doing...I can obviously see he's not there. Whooopee. Not that I watch in the first place. The only one speculating is you, Rich. Show me one viewer who tunes in to watch Dennis O'Donnell...somebody who is not related to him or a close friend. Let's be honest. Nobody cares.. and he, along with everybody else, is inter-changeable and replaceable. Frank Sommerville, gone for weeks. Look at ratings. No change. No impact. Pam Moore, gone for weeks. No change. I could swap out an entire on-air staff with new, competent people pulled from Boise and there would be no viewership difference in a month. The TV audience is so small and for most who do watch, it is a background or not a viewing priority while they are doing other things. While I am on my little rant, local news is just terrible. I see the stories on social media and in my Google news feed...most are so short, one-sided, and irrelevant, it is sad.

  9. The San Francisco local news scene is just a big bag of fuck. Time to dump the whole concept. What we need are serious efforts to bring back investigative journalism to ALL local markets. If I knew how to accomplish that, I would. Jeff Bezos dumping truckloads of money into the Washington Post is a start, but similar action needs to happen in ALL local markets. Otherwise, the crazies and kooks are going to win and our nation will go down the shitter. Sorry to be such a bummer, but you know I'm right.

  10. > If I knew how to accomplish that, I would.

    No you wouldn't.

    Unless you're a multi-multi millionaire.

    You'd need tons of money.

  11. > Jeff Bezos dumping truckloads of money
    > into the Washington Post is a start...

    Yeah, did you see their expose on Amazon's unfair competitive practices and inhuman workplace conditions?

    I didn't either.
