Thursday, August 26, 2021

Real Misogyny

AT KGO (ABC7) --to those of you that signed that letter talking about my aalleged "misogynist" views, perhaps you can read about REAL misogyny, this kind.

While doing such, understand a boss, THIS GUY, was right there all the while the crap went down. Your own GM who absolutely KNEW what happened, what took place and was right there front and center. Perhaps he could tell certain staffers at ABC what went on at GMA. I'm sure he has a great perspective.


  1. The House of Mouse has a LOT of explaining to do and Cibrowski was RIGHT THERE the whole time the David Corn thing was going down at Good Morning America. The question is will ABC have the cojones to do an independent investigation like they should now that women have come forward and a lawsuit is pending. If I were Cibrowski I'd be mighty nervous right now about what that could mean for him when the ugly details that have been swept under the rug come out to play. Times Up Mother F***er.

    1. DAVID Corn is a respected journalist, (last I heard) with Mother Jones magazine. MICHAEL Corn is the GMA person that CNN refers to in the linked article. Pay attention to the details.

  2. This is what you get when you hire women.

  3. I looked at the names of the women who signed the letter. I find it ironic that not a single one of them is a ‘head-turner’ or anything even remotely close by any standard. I can’t help but think that them signing the letter was their way of being able to explain and rationalize why they get no attention on your blog or anywhere else, whether it be about their looks, their work, or anything else. Almost like they could say ‘see, I signed the letter and now he’s not talking about me’ when in reality they no-names who you wouldn’t want to look at or talk about even if someone paid you to!

  4. I just saw the names of those who signed the letter against you and find it funny there are two names associated with KRON, Erica Kato and Michelle Kennedy, and both left the station long ago and I would not qualify as being associated with KRON. Did the women behind this not involve KRON? Or maybe the KRON female staffers welcome any attention they can get since nobody watches? On another topic and speaking of KRON, what is up with the QR code to scan it puts on the screen? Oh, let me get more irrelevant news on my phone from KRON. I am watching now, I don't need your app. These gimmicks make me laugh. At least it is not pushing its audience to Facebook. That is the worst. Why drive your audience to another platform where you get no compensation or owned value from?

  5. Uh Oh the head of ABC News now wants to open an independent investigation into the David Corn debacle. And guess who his boss who looked the other way was? Have a nice weekend Tom Cibrowski!

  6. David Corn succeeded Cibrowski at GMA. When Cibrowski was promoted, Corn moved into the senior EP role vacated by Cibrowski. Corn was previously the EP at World News Tonight. It is highly unlikely that Cibroski was Born's boss. I know that blows your theory all to hell, but the truth will set you free.

  7. All the people who signed the letter are a bunch has-beens, old-geezers, and washed-up hags who could only dream of getting attention from the opposite gender.

  8. Combined age in years of the 29 “outraged” windbags who signed the letter: 1,827 years. Nuff said.

  9. Clearly these women are starved for any kind of attention they can get. It’s sad to see grown (geriatric) women behaving like this just to somehow remain relevant.

  10. Cibrowski would love you to think that Corn had nothing to do with him. But he replaced Tom at every promotion. Some people call that a protege. But sure let's be all Trump-y and say Tom has no idea who this guy is. Looking forward to the findings of that independent investigation. Where or to whom will it lead?
