Saturday, August 28, 2021

KRON isn't Great; Hardly, But...; Circle7 Tripe; Thin and Thinner Chronicle; Miller Giants Cap Un-Professional; Saturday Coffee Schmooze

LOOK, I get all your outrage and disgust, but seriously...

I didn't say KRON was suddenly the BBC. I didn't suggest you alter your schedule so you can make time for their newscasts, any one of them. I refrained from naming one specific newscast or anchor or a reporter for a reason. There's time I have no idea who I'm watching --many look as if they just came out of college. That's not such a bad deal but I digress.

KRON, I said, has some decent presentable news. We're not saying spectacular. Far from it. But there's an ebb and flow every now and then and I caught myself watching one of their morning programs. The show was crisp and fluid. There was hardly any irritable chit-chat which is so constant. Here, on KRON, I saw the news and didn't see much else. Yeah, the obligatory weather reports--much too many---were out there but the news flow was rather solid. In fact the rhythm was so smooth I forgot the anchor's name but in this instance, that was good. Sometimes, when you're in a waiting area (as I was waiting for my car's oil change) you don't need flash, you'd much prefer the basics. And KRON delivered. No, they aren't suddenly on my fab list but in this instance, they executed. Nothing more, nothing less.

You want un-watchable? Try KGO (Circle7) which is thoroughly awful. I can't bear to watch the doofus (youy know who) because he's a clown. His own ABC7 staff thinks as much. PIX? Please. NBC? Bland. Morning shows, by definition, are bland. You're basically watching coffee and sip shows. It's by design. Unless there's some breaking news, you're getting weather and traffic reports. And so it's there where I like the simplicity of KRON's approach. They don't pretend to be anything other than what they are --sure, even in her now, more subdued ways, Darya Folsom is still a chatting yenta, but that's life. You can't get everything.

*I used to think John Rothmann was apointment radio. Sure, his schtick every now and then, ("...the PRESIDENT! of the United Staes...") annoys me. Guess what? Rothmann is consistent. He truly LOVES the microphone and he can't stand living without reading or watching the news, politics especially. And anytime away from KGO, even having coffee with his wife, is a downer in Rothmann's world. I still think KGO should put him from 6 AM until midnight. The man never sleeps.

*KCBS: home for TV guys who want to slack it on radio.

*Again, for the umteenth time, Jon Miller can wear his Giants cap all the time. It's just not a good look. And it ain't just me. The sports broadcast people in this area say it's "un-professional." Miller apparently doesn't care. Look around. Did you ever see Scully wear a Dodgers hat? Does Ken Korach wear an A's cap? Jack Buck never wore a StL Cardinals hat. And Lon Simmons and Hank Greenwald never wore a Giants cap. Yeah, the booster club and Larry Baer has put a spell on some of you.

*The Chronicle: thinner and thinner. And the by-lines you'd never heard of.

*When I yearn for a good newspaper story and want great acting I go watch "All the Presidents Men" which made Jason Robards great. Hoffmann and Redford were merely fantastic.

*Here's how stupid the Chronicle is: Scott Ostler's Sunday column, his best and why many people buy the paper, is suddenly MIA but I heard the Chron nixes it because they think it's too long. That's what your Chron thinks of you.

*The Examiner, 2021, Clint Reilly's expensive fish wrap.

*WINS, "1010 WINS" actually, NY's all-news radio treasure. Yeah, they too run tons of commercials but unlike 740 AM they actually REPORT the news.

*And KRON consistently BEATS many stations from 5-7 PM. I can't fathom that. But it's the truth.

*Terry Lowry and Fred LaCosse: the old KRON in its mighty glory and morning proud.


  1. Peter Felch at KCBSAugust 28, 2021 at 8:21 AM

    Thank you, Terry and Fred. Thank you for blessing us.

  2. Ostler’s Bob mots are look forward to reading. I miss the old three pound Sunday Chronicle and it’s columns.

    1. The column is called Deep Thoughts,Cheap Shots & Bon Mots. A Bon Mot is a witty remark.

    2. Maybe they scratched his column because it was political,
      rather than sports-related, for which he was hired....

  3. I seem to recall Lowry's nose looking a bit scarred or crooked. Any word on that?

    I stopped watching KGO-TV's news casts particularly in the afternoon when there were ~4 anchors asking each other what their own opinons were on a particular matter. It was almost like they had extra time to fill, then I saw them do it again on another day and figured it was now part of their "spiel" and planned. I didn't like it and stopped watching.

  4. I will still stick with Reggie Aqui and the morning crew at Circle 7 to start my day off right.

    1. Good thinking, if you start off punishing yourself with that the day can pretty much only get better.

  5. OK, it's understood. You don't like Miller. You don't like that he's wearing team merch like Jason Newstead used to in Metallica. You don't like Baer. Got it. Thanks.

  6. > KRON, I said, has some decent presentable news.

    No it doesn't.

    They're rock bottom in the Bay Area. With their joke reporters (Hazik Madune, line one!) and cheap sets and cheesy music, they look like a high school production. And I don't mean college, I mean high school!

    1. Gotta agree with 11:41 AM.

      Besides, while other stations manage to present informative local, national and world news, KRON remains immersed in relentless COVID hysteria.

  7. I'll tell ya' Rich, a couple of weeks ago, in the morning on KPIX, the black dude anchor was off for a couple of days, and they had some guy who I have never seen, a white guy named Devin or something like that, along with Gianna Franco, coanchoring the morning news, and I will tell ya' that they were absolutely fantastic! They reminded me of the good old days of John Kessler and Sydnie Kohara in the mornings. And hey, I would love to hear your opinion of how Gianna Franco has been doing with the anchoring of KPIX morning news. I really think she was a hidden talent because she does an outstanding job as news co anchor!

  8. Terry was pretty hot. Met her in Petaluma once at the Dairy Princess Ball. Fred was a total dork, a real geek. Would have been a good match with Christine Craft. Geeks x2

    1. Craft really aged in a way that wasn't graceful and is a bitter lady these days I bet. Kristine Hansen is about the same age and still looks wonderful.

    2. Craft doesn't even move the needle for me on the "hotness" chart.

    3. dear 5:33 I am not a lady. How would you know what I look like?

    4. If you are not a lady, then are you just a dude that hates octi shirts like the ones Job Miller wears?

    5. What can I say about Christine Craft that hasn’t already gone and been said about Afghanistan. She looks bombed out and depleted.

    6. "Silky", you couldn't be more correct. "Two bag" material for sure

  9. You'd think the former KGO clerk-typist at the US Secret Service could find something to say about the US departure from Afghanistan that didn't predictably bash this country. How about praising those pilots and loadmasters, and all involved in safely evacuating over 111,000 people so far?

    1. I've heard reports praising the *effort.* It's the reasons for the effort that are being criticized.

      Learn to parse. It's a useful life hack.

    2. You've heard "reports"? Reports from whom? KGO doesn't have reporters in Kabul.Talk show hosts aren't"reporters". KGO has no more knowledge of anything there than what they see reported from others who are there. Learn the difference between "reporting" and opining. In this case, if KGO claims to be "reporting" something, it's nonsense.They have no functional news operation anymore.

    3. 111,000 potential future terrorists. Lovely.

  10. Robards in All The President's Men...Terrific!
    Robards in Once Upon A Time In The West...Incredible!

    1. Robards in "Julius Caesar" (1970)....bad...Shakespeare not his thing.
      Robards in "Al Capone" (1967)....miscast

    2. That's good Jason Robards knowledge.

    3. Sorry. Jason Robards in A Thousand Clowns knocks the props out from under those performances.

  11. If it makes you feel any better ol' Richaroo, at least Miller isn't wearing a panda hat.

  12. next season broadcast group,fleming winn javier and greenwald.

    1. Winn is not major league radio quality

    2. Nor is Greenwald....

  13. Miller's cap is just a reminder that a) Pro sports is entertainment and b) local broadcast teams are NOT journalists ... they are narrators. They usually sound best when there's a good story, or when there's no story and Miller goes into the archive-between-the-ears

  14. As a newspaper, the Comical has dropped off a cliff. But man, they've got some really cool looking digs now. Did you see that self-serving piece in the Comical the other day about the remodel? Probably did all of that so they can sell the building for a higher price to some tech company.

  15. Randy Winn CAN'T come back next year. I'm sorry, but he just doesn't have the chops to be a good color analyst. Javi Lopez is getting better every day and he's REALLY good with Dave Flemming. Shawn Estes is great too so I think going forward they are set up pretty well for the eventual departure of Kruk & Kuip as long as Winn isn't in the mix. Greenwald? Meh...he gets the job done but is too stiff (that's what she said!).

  16. KGO is a joke. It's amazing that the station of Van, Pete, Suzanne, Jessica, Cheryl, Don, Sydney, Pete, and the rest has turned into this clown and pony show. All the gossipy "View-lite" kibitzing mid-day and early afternoon to fill air time.'s an idea...try filling it with NEWS! I don't care about awful tasting jelly beans!

    But what really makes me nuts is KGO's set. Don't say a word about KRON. Their set is better than KGOs and has been since KGO demolished its old set before Cheryl Jennings retired. Since then the lighting sucks (everyone is tinted pink-ish now) and the fact that it's been stuck like that since the remodel and not correcting is mind-blowing. Worse, the video itself seems overly compressed for 720p and everyone's facial features look harsh. Dan Ashley looks like the Walking Dead. Granted he's old (and has let himself go quite a bit) but even younger talent have their features look harsher than they would in real life because of the lighting/video combination that has plagued the newscast since the remodel.

    1. So the set issue is lighting / technical rather than the elements of the set itself?

      I liked the elements of the old set but new one is nice layout wise - big seamless backdrop, a real desk, and not a wall of cheap Best Buy monitors.

  17. I couldn't agree more that KGO/ABC7 is unwatchable. Too much frivolous and opinionated talk in the morning and Reggie is just too full of most on local TV. I shake my head when the 'race' reporter Julian Glover comes on. To have such a labeled and specific focus is absurd. KGO, along with all local news, is unwatchable and not needed.

    1. > KGO, along with all local news, is
      > unwatchable and not needed.

      Agreed. I only tune in if I need updated weather or there's a breaking local story. Almost all of the reporters and anchors today are jokes.

  18. Fred and Terry - Two of the nicest people in the business

  19. rothmann mentioned his saturday night show is ending, but tried to spin it off like it his was his anyone who has ever listened to him and knows how much he openly begs for more hours knows thats simply not true..

    1. he's the most boring host i think i've ever heard

  20. Looking for a newspaper movie? Deadline U.S.A. starring Humphrey Bogart, Ethel Barrymore and a host of the best character actors in Hollywood, written and directed by ex-newspaperman Richard Brooks is one of the best.

  21. Call Northside 777
    I swooned when they sent the telephoto that broke the case wide open.

  22. Remembering tonight the many times that Bill Wattenberg did programs about the whys and wherefores of an eventual massive fire at Lake Tahoe, which he fully predicted.

  23. " ... John Rothmann appointment radio ..."

    Listen carefully. If you hear a little "pop" at 6 pm M-F, that's probably me opening a bottle of beer, what along w/a tub of popcorn, that's my weekday Rothmann appointment. True, not every second of the show is A-material, but overall, informative, interesting, and entertaining. John Rothmann understands the two main reasons listeners tune in to talk-radio: interesting topics, and the chance to hear what other listeners have to say.
