Saturday, August 7, 2021

KGO Talker Dr Bill Wattenburg House in Greenville Destroyed in Dixie Fire; Family Safe; Doug Greenwald Shines in Giants' PBP; KRON Serenity

THE DIXIE FIRE in Northeast CA destroyed the house and property of the late KGO talker, Dr. Bill Wattenburg. Wattenburg's family, his wife Carol and family, were evacuated and are safe. The house, in Greenville, was where "Dr. Bill" often broadcast his weekend show on KGO.

*Yeah, what a delight to listen to Doug Greenwald, the son of Hank Greenwald, broadcast Giants' baseball. Greenwald is a mirror image of his father--you'd swear you were hearing Hank doing the play-by-play. The voice, the inflection, the mannerisms. it's all there and at times, I just thought Hank Greenwald was describing the action and never died. Doug Greenwald is a tremendous talent and has presence all around. I would love to see the Giants hire him fulltime.

*KRON had a visit from a Nextstar exec. It was so secretive that even KRON suits had NO IDEA the network boss came to SF and visited the KRON 900 Front studios. Probably just as well, since the visit was routine and didn't amount to anything of substance. Meanwhile, the serenity and tranquility that is KRON, post Aaron Pero, is quite striking and compelling. A breath of fresh air? Yes. And relative decent morale does wonders for the masses.


  1. I'm sure randy Winn is a nice guy but his destiny is not to a color announcer for giants baseball. Just doesn't have it

  2. Greenwald is very good. Winn whispers with cliches -- a deadly combination.

  3. Hi RL. But would you still feel the same about Greenwald if he was “on assignment.” - Puto in Palo Alto.

  4. I also love Doug Greenwald but don't expect him to get hired although he deserves the job. Larry Baer still holds a grudge against the late Hank Greenwald for some unflattering comments in Hank's book. Shameful.

    1. "Deserves the job"? Is there a vacancy?

  5. I don't think Larry Baer is going to hold it against Hank's son for remarks that Hank made about the Giants, Barry Bonds and Larry Baer. I'd be shocked if he did. I agree with Rich, btw...Doug is solid and should (if he already isn't) be on the Giants radar as a successor to Jon Miller when he retires. And if the Giants don't hire him outright, someone else in MLB will. You can bet the bank on that one.

    1. Oh look, a sensible comment for once from L. Ron Jeremy.

  6. Bet the bank? Umm, Doug Greenwald has been on the mic for the Fresno Grizzlies since 2003. Eighteen seasons with one minor league club. Johnny Doskow is in his 21st season with the Sacramento RiverCats (SF Giants AAA affiliate). Zach Bayrouty was with the Stockton Ports (Single A - Oakland A's) for 14 seasons. He is now with the Reno Aces.

  7. Sorry to hear about the Wattenburg house and family. Glad everyone is safe. Always enjoyed listening to Dr. Bill.

  8. Always enjoyed Hank Greenwald's broadcasts. However, recall he was always complaining about the length of games and whining about silly details. This all came out in his book. Ripping your boss, Larry Baer, over petty non-sense was extremely weak. If Hank hadn't written that book, I think Doug Greenwald would have been part of the Giants announcing crew a long time ago. Now that Hank has passed, perhaps Larry has softened. Doug sounded great...and would be a solid addition/replacement in the booth.

  9. Hank Greenwald was my Lon Simmons. He was what baseball should sound like. Have heard Doug call Giants spring training games for in the past and have been hoping that one day he'll come to where he belongs.The Giants have audio gold on their hands, time to sign him up and make him the voice of Giants radio for the next 20 years to come. Doug is what baseball should sound like.Miller cant be long for many more seasons if any, I figure. Anyway, enjoying the listen and closing my eyes as Doug takes me back to '86. Hank was GREAT, Doug is showing he has "IT" too!

  10. IF I could thank him again, I would. When my house burned down, Bill Wattenburg offered to bring a trailer down during the rebuild so my dad and I wouldn't have to leave. It was much appreciated, though ultimately not needed. In any event, condolences to Carol and kids. This is so difficult. Carol, a great beauty is also one heck of a resourceful person as well as an open water distance swimmer. She'll get through it, the question being whether to rebuild in this current crazy climate.

    1. Peter Felch and son Davis Felch at KCBSAugust 9, 2021 at 6:42 AM

      Hi Christine, you are such a part of my holiday season. Every Christmas, my kids sit in front of the fireplace with hot chocolate as I tell the story of how you saved Walter Cronkite and his bowels. A cherished family tradition.

      Merry Christmas, Christine.

      Christmas Bowels

  11. Was Winn the radio analyst for Sunday's game against the Brewers? Man, that guy was awful. I've never heard someone on the radio sound so lifeless and monotone.

  12. Thoroughly enjoyed listening to Doug Greenwald; perfect tone and delivery for baseball. Winn is really good at delineating the nuances of the game.

  13. Loved Hank Greenwald and his astute observations and dry humor. Damn he was good. I hope to hear Doug on future Giants broadcasts.

  14. - Sigh (Greenville fire edition). Thankful that the Wattenburgs are okay. Also glad that most of us could breathe again today.
    - Nexstar exec must have just let Jim Rose deliver a fine job as GM.
    - Doug Greenwald sounds far more youthful than the late great dad Hank. Hank was more of a fine wine sound, who other than a big home run or the 1989 NL Pennant, rarely raised his voice too high, and it worked like a charm. Doug has a slightly higher pitch that works fine for him and the Giants. Kuip & Kruk's respective health issues plus Miller mailing it in and Flemming not staying in one place mean that that rumored overhaul is much needed.
    - LOL, Miklo!

  15. Doug Greenwald's inflection and dry wit remind me of his father very much....what a treat to have him on the mic. RL would be happy to know that he did not describe Jon Miller as 'on assignment' today; he actually told the audience Jon was in Cincinnati attending the Joe Morgan tribute weekend.

  16. Joe Buck received his job thanks to his Dad and he is horrible

    1. No he isn't If he was he'd not be on prime time TV

  17. Sure miss Dr. Bill. I keep remembering him saying we'd get catastrophic wildfires due to decades of not allowing fires to burn and not selectively thinning the forests.

  18. Joe Morgan was the most pedantic color man I had ever heard. He turned games into a snooze fest.

  19. I used to go to the Greenville area quite often to buy cars. Sad that it is no longer. I miss the old KGO even grumpy dr. Bill
