Thursday, August 19, 2021

Exclusive: Fox Heavy-Handed Rule to Frank Somerville Beyond 'Shut Up'


When Frank Somerville, under the cover of August darkness, returned to the KTVU anchor desk, he was ORDERED by FOX brass, NOT to say a word, any word, about his on-air bizarro. Not even to reference it. It was so extreme and so calculated a move by his bosses, when sports anchor Mark Ibanez said at the end of the newscast, "welcome back", Somerville didn't acknowledge it and ended the program.

Fox lawyers laid it out in very biting and specific words to Somerville: Not only do you not say a word or reference it, you are not to talk about it at all to friends or family. I'm paraphrasing but you get my drift. But Fox didn't stop there. They basically told Somerville if he were to violate their edict, or have even a hint of a relapse, he'd be done.

On the surface, it sounds reasonable. But the manner in which it was conceived and executed is so out of bounds, well, just understand why Fox is refered to as "The Firm".


  1. I guess that makes a whole new meaning to "loose lips sink ships"

  2. Who didn't see this coming? It's time for EVERYONE to move on and leave this mess in the rear view mirror.

  3. they write the checks..they can control the talent

  4. They do write the checks. They do control the talent. They also show no accountability when they make clear mistakes. They are The Firm because they are so obsessed with image that have tried every maneuver to dismiss the Smartmatic lawsuit. Only this time, Smartmatic's side has seen every move and has countered it. It is as if owning a mistake is treated like a disease at The Firm.

  5. Talent? To read a teleprompter? Others taking his place while he was gone were just as "talented" and their checks must be a lot less. Move Frank to mornings and let's move on.

  6. Nothing beyond what a little Ex Lax won't cure.

  7. Who cares?

    Meanwhile, has someone kidnapped Kristen Sze's makeup artist? Her face is a total mess.

    1. Yeah, I saw that too. I thought WTF, Ming...?

      (Note from someone who's worked at that and all the other Bay Area stations: They don't have makeup artists, btw. They used to, but for the past 15 years at least they do their own.)

  8. I think it's about time to show Frank the door. I hope he is done at KTVU when his contract is up next year (if not sooner).

  9. I think the Taliban runs KTVU.....

  10. The best teleprompter reader I ever saw was Dave McElhatton.

    The worst: Joe Biden.

  11. evertime doug greenwald is the announcer , you automatically feel, ''what a relief''. it's almost automatic.

  12. An FYI, apparently Julie H. is off the rest of the Sunday-Thursday work week again. I think she was on-the-air ~3 days after taking the prior week or so off. Maybe she earns a lot of vacation/leave time and prefers to use it up right away. I understand, for some folks, travel-friends-family is a bigger part of life than work. I'm thinking she's a short-timer.

    Why do I care? I just like seeing her on KTVU. Frank S. does nothing for me and I wouldn't care if he was gone from KTVU. I don't understand how any news anchor is somehow better than another on local TV, although the anchors do generally seem to be a bit better than, say, the Reno NV anchors, along with the entire news production delivery/quality.

  13. Since Frank has returned to the anchor desk, he still has difficulty reading the teleprompter and mispronounces words.

    He certainly is not the face of KTVU Fox 2 News, nor is Julie Haener.

    1. They have no face. And Andre Senior, whom I used to think was at least okay, just got a haircut that now makes him look like Mr. T Lite.

      What a station of fucks.

  14. Fox did the smart thing. Most viewers had no idea why he was gone or what happened, so why open it up? Just move one and get back to business. No big deal. I don't really believe people are sitting a home wondering why he was gone or what happened. Just you, Rich.

  15. Frank the Tank! I wonder if he's going to home depot this weekend? Maybe even bed bath and beyond if he has the time...

  16. Frank has improved his diction recently. The slur is gone. Maybe he got some help to improve his speaking. I root for him because he was a favorite of older relatives back when he did the noon news.
