Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Breaking: ABC7 Senior Producer Kabasakalis (5pm News) Quits; Disgust and Anger at 900 Front


A much-admired, respected, and tenured Circle7 Producer abruptly QUIT on Monday. I mean, just a quick EXIT with no explanation given and given that distinction, the handwriting is on the wall.

Deb Kabasakalis, a beloved veteran producer for ABC7 has exited the building and so quick and methodical, it sent shock waves throughout the 900 Front building. Kabasakalis was the producer for the 5 PM News. She'd been at KGO for over 10 years and was a key component to the success at 5, one of Channel 7's most successful (ratings-wise) news slots.

A source told me directly she was "fed up." Really, just plain tired and angry? A YES on all fronts. Kabasakalis was so taken aback about the news environment at KGO, she didn't want any note of her status posted by embattled ND, Tracey Watkowski-Silva. To that last person, you can put two and two together and figure out Kabasakalis' DISGUST and DISMAY at the person in charge at KGO-TV.

"Deb is widely respected here; she has the ultimate respect," said a source. "But she had it and could no longer handle the lack of leadership inside the newsroom." Another source confirmed that sentiment. "Her just plain leaving and not even saying 'goodbye' speaks volumes." KGO has lost a giant.


  1. Maybe Kabasakalised was fed up and sick of "Building A Better Bay Area".

    I am sick of it and have not watched abc7 news because of it.

    1. Isn't it funny how treacly stuff like that always comes from the most reprehensible people in any business (in this case Trixie)? "Our News Director is a Cunt" would be a more honest tag line for them.

  2. WOW! I knew Deb and loved her. One of the BEST in the business. She always kept her cool, never blew her top, was a beacon of stability. For her to quit like that...things must be bad at Mouschwitz.

    If she shows up anywhere, it will be where they all eventually go once they get sick of Trixie: KNTV San Jose. Most of her old gang is already there.

  3. The show still airs everyday. The viewers will never notice.

    1. In a way, they will. Not all producers are equal.

      Detroit still makes cars, but are they as good as the cars of their prime? No. Same with news.

      The good keep getting driven away and the egomaniacs and power hungry are left.

  4. Peter Felch and son Davis Felch at KCBSAugust 4, 2021 at 2:04 PM

    Deb will be sorely missed. Her Ham was tasty and delicious.

  5. Producers are a dime a dozen. Good ones who can write a complete sentence, use facts and fair journalism rather than BS, and can respond under pressure are few and far between. Sure, the audience won't know the difference but it will be felt by those in the building and morale in the halls. I have said it before and I will say it again...TV news is filled with inflated egos. I am surprised people still watch all or even part of a newscast. I can see getting news bits online or through some type of news feed or social page.

  6. She was fed up with Kristin Sze!!!

    San Ramon

  7. Deb was at KGO for closer to 20 years, not ten. I worked with her 15 years ago and she'd already been there a while.

  8. If news director is so terrible why does she keep her job? They fired the one at channel 4 after years of torment. Why not get rid of this one?

  9. Deb Kabasakalis is a true professional, dedicated to the highest standards of integrity and journalism. She and her husband John are two of the nicest pros you will ever meet. They have also raised two fabulous daughters. I think it's a big loss for KGO.

  10. Need viewers to answer 7:35's question and in hundreds if not thousands of emails, letters, or social posts, demand that Trixie be gone. Of course, it will go one ear and out the other. Like in politics, TV networks don't treat people like humans, more like ratings or image pawns.
