Friday, July 9, 2021

The Friday Flash; Hammer Probably Not KGO Bound; Erectus Could Teach the Knibbers a Thing or Two; Rothmann's KGO Entebbe Omission Disgrace; Somerville Mouse Factoid; Eric Thomas Not So Rosy at KCBS; A Good 'Alice 97.3' Story; Larry Baer and Giants/KNBR Minutiae

Lee Hammer, if the rumors are warranted, will NOT be named KNBR PD, programming wizard, whatever; good news for KGO, maybe not so good news for the Cumulus local broadcast guru who might have jettisioned back to program KNBR since their own PD, Jerimiah Crowe was told he was no longer wanted by the clouds. Crowe is headed to Vegas soon and KNBR is officilly rudderless but with the Giants cruising and 49ers about to begin training camp, KNBR can be aloof and still have an impact.

Hammer's pull, even though he might be non-Knibbered, is not like prison labor. He can thank his lucky stars that his presence in Bay Area radio will not be side-swiped. Crowe, the guy who had a ZERO personality and NO people skilss, thought he was Babe Ruth, only Cumulus thought of him more as Johnnie LeMaster. Nobody's crying over Crowe's departure other than the ass-kissers in the morning who would cheer Mussolini if they were told to.

*The point of a genius like Dennis Erectus was that he was, first and foremost, a SHOW MAN, an ENTERTAINER. He was no "shock" jock, he was a jock, really a performer, who "shocked" with his work, his words, his personal STYLE. He didn't have to resort to cheap, artificial, contrived sound bits that are not only FAKE, but manufactured BS, take note, Powlie Mac, the ring leader of crass nonsense at KNBR. And, yo Murph, Erectus didn't have to blurt out pop culture references every two seconds. He checked the originality box every day.

*Fool's fool, speaking of KNBR, insipid, shill, Mark Willard, was lampooning his parents over their having a land line phone (still) and how silly that was; apparently, Willard doesn't know that in the event of an earthquake, only land lines are operational. I kept mine too because they also have much better reception than cells. Willard didn't get the memo, maybe a stray golf ball he hit devoured half his brain.

*John Rothmann, on his KGO show last Saturday night, failed to mention it was the 45th anniversary of the Raid on Entebbe, the Israeli IDF' world-renowned rescue of most of the hostages on a highjacked jetliner on a Ugandan airport runway. For a man who charts history and presidential moments, it was spectacular OMISSION, all the more infuriating when it was a longtime admirer who asked him (Rothmann) to acknowledge it. Instead, Rothmann chose to talk about Trump (yawn) and Fox News blowhard, Tucker Carlson. Really John? That desperate for attention.

*Tucker Carlson, who distributes fake crap and Fox rewards him ($30M a year) so moronic media outlets and people react to Carlsen's blather. Tuck continues to piss off the masses and do precisely what FOX wants him to spout and he does so every night.

*Good to hear Dan Mitchinson on KCBS during the week as a fill-in; I'd love for him to get the gig permanenlty only my guess is KCBS is hedging only because Mitch doesn't have a big enough name to hold down morning drive.

*I didn't say Carolyn Burns was Dianne Sawyer just that I liked her work on traffic; some of you go overboard on my takes, gees.

*Pat Thurston's interview with the Oakland PD's chief was a solid piece of journalism by a radio talk-show host who didn't kiss any ass, show any favortism or lob softball after softball. Her co-worker in the morning drive, Nikki Medoro, might want to listen the next time she schmoozes with Libby Schaaf.

*Alice 97.3 FM supposedly flew out a NY woman DJ to talk about working here in SF but when she asked the bosses about providing a short-term rental home in the Marina and they (bosses) said no, that was that.

*I didn't say Dave Flemming was a doofus, I said he was too vanilla for my taste, my opinion, which is one of the reasons you read me bec ause the Chronicle doesn't like to cover things like that.

*The Chronicle, 2021, new, younger, CHEAPER by-lines every day. What a beautiful country.

*Gone are the days of Caen, Delaplane, Hoppe, Rosenbaum, McCabe, The Owl (if you remember the last reference, coffee on me)

*CHUTZPAH DEPT: the schmucks who come here and write me comments and emails pissed off because I have pledge breaks and ask for contributions. And point out that KQED (worth roughly $500M) has over 20 pledge breaks EVERY DAY! Yeah, I ask for five bucks here and there so I can pay the bills and buy some Peets while you drive your Tesla to Marin and buy 10 dollar mustard at Trader Joe's. Shoot me.

*415 Media is 100% AD-FREE. No influence on my work, so if you enjoy it and even if you don't love me, make a contribution so I can eat an egg-salad sandwich every now and then.

*A 6.0 quake in Tahoe that hardly anyone here felt --those rocks falling down hills on Hwy 395 looked groovy though.

*;Terilyn Joe and Cheryl Jennings, former Circle7 anchors and from what I hear, the inventors of a KGO-TV game show called, "Short Skirts Are Us) --I wish I could have seen it all in person.

*Frank Somerville will not, 100% certain end up at Channel 7. "Disney wouldn't allow that," said a mouse spy.

*Somerville will probably be back at KTVU come September only his tenure might have a sell date come March, 2022. His buddy, Mark Ibanez, who recently signed an extension, is lucky that Fox wanted to keep pne of the "core 4" around.

*NOT A CHANCE: Gasia Mikaelian moving to 10 PM, she's lucky to be chortling at 7: 30 AM.

*Nobody in town dares to talk the Giants broadcast will be RADICALLY different in 2022 and it has ZERO to do with Duane Kuiper. Think of that domino effect and think hard.

*The alternate unis are just decrepit enough to look cool. Nobody's getting murdered. It's all about MONEY and MLB, it always is.

*If you think Larry Baer isn't behind the machinations of what's about to take place at KNBR, I gotta half of bridgefront property to sell you.

*I don't begrudge Baer's ability to SILENCE the masses, especially the KNBR zombies, I actually marval at his muzzle prowess. He's so good he could knock down a spouse and get away with it.

*Tom Tolbert: degenerate gambler or sports-talk radio host? You make the call.

*Eric Thomas is not very good. His KCBS anchor duty has a lot to do with vacation time and fill-in work but putting him on every time slot and trying to muster up his performances fails to acknowledge reality: He's better on TV. He can read and is just less than OK on radio. There's a difference. TV guys who think they can wing it on radio are el wrongo.


  1. "The point of a genius like Dennis Erectus was that he was, first and foremost, a SHOW MAN, an ENTERTAINER. He was no "shock" jock, he was a jock, really a performer, who "shocked" with his work, his words, his personal STYLE. He didn't have to resort to cheap, artificial, contrived sound bits"

    I agree. He didn't have to talk about female reporters' chest measurements or talk about whether he would "do" them. No class there.

  2. I think Nikki Meddoro was a reporter once. Pat Thurston wasn't and isn't doing "journalism" when she does advocacy interviews. Advocacy is not journalism, nor is talk radio, journalism.

    1. That being said, Rich is spot-on pegging Medoro's interviews with Oakland's mayor as Softball City. Actually painful to listen to.

  3. 55 earthquakes of considerable magnitude not that far away from San Francisco are definitely news. Have you never understood that the fault system under this state is interconnected?

    1. We have seen a lot of related seismic activity *around* the Bay Area without much really happening *in* the Bay Area a lot lately. It is starting to concern some geologists I know. To say we're overdue is an understatement.

  4. " line phone...have much better reception than cells."

    Land line phones have zero reception, they are hard wired.

  5. You were spot-on about Dennis Erectus. To work with him all of his years at KOME was a pleasure. Yes, he'd like that wording, LOL! Dennis was my forever pal and I wish so badly that he would have taken one of the job offers that could have made his career huge. But he wanted to stay by his friends and aging mother here in the Bay Area. 'Really miss him.

    1. Thank you, and thanks Rich for the comments about Dennis. I've rarely met a more gentle and genuine spirit in any area of broadcasting. Talented, original, fun. Undervalued in his employment choices- but not forgotten by anyone who knew him.

  6. Landlines will operate when the power goes out. Each central office has a gigundo battery, with each cell the size of a Bosch dishwasher.

  7. Those quakes are in the Antelope Valley fault, so not sure how interconnected they are with the Hayward or San Andreas.

    1. I felt the quake stronger since I'm near Lake Tahoe now. A neighbour who was on the lake saw some wakes.

      Dennis Erectus was a great presenter and made KOME a pleasure to listen too. Too bad the current station can't use those call letters since it's playing similar music KOME did.

  8. Giants broadcasting team will come to an involuntary refresh soon. Krukow availability quite limited, Kuip with health problems where we're not going to understand the extent of them for awhile, Jon Miller is 69, and as enjoyable listening is, he doesn't come across as the type to die in the booth.

    The Giants have to accommodate Flemming's many assignments so as not to chase him off for the moment when he has to become the Vin Scully (Radio and TV Voice) of the club.

  9. Lee Hammer owes everyone an explanation for forcing chris Merrill on the listeners..I would suggest a full page ad in the Chronicle apologising for his misjudgment in talent

  10. - Crowe as the Johnnie Disaster of the Knibber? Yep.
    - Ad-free. Love it! We are too over commercialized. And it will get worse. Too much advertising, not enough product.
    - Somerville is very lucky that KTVU & FOX want to avoid contract hassles and will let him return for six more months. Ibanez is very fortunate to have the Niners and the NFL. Otherwise, it would be all misery for KTVU's longest tenured sports anchor.
    - Gotta get an outsider Giants fan to move to the Bay Area and stand up to Lockstep when criticism needs to be said.
    - Is Lockstep Larry planting stories that bait the Oakland City Council and national economists who criticize downtown ballpark funding? Should Oakland pass the Howard Terminal ballpark just to spite Lockstep?

  11. Rich, I haven't been able to post here since the pandemic started, but now that it is ebbing, if you'll kindly allow, I have a couple of media questions that I've been wondering about. Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Meyers, and KGO's John Rothmann have been media mainstays for me through the pandemic, so the two questions are about them.

    * He's live M-Th, but why does Jimmy Kimmel not have a live show on Friday? Same w/Seth Meyers. I can understand 5 days a week might be too much for this type of program, they need a 3 day weekend to stay fresh, but it seems like the 4 live shows each week should be Tue - Fri. And wouldn't it make for better programming to have a guest host making for a live 5th show, rather than tape of a previous show.

    * Why does John Rothmann on KGO allow certain callers air time several times in the same evening, via phone conversation, text, and email? I'm happy to hear everyone's comments, but it would be better if callers were limited to one comment per evening. It can get a little tedious hearing the same caller over and over again. Then the same thing the next evening.
