Sunday, July 11, 2021

Secret Bay Area Media Celebrities on Board the Branson Galactic Space Ship


*Ronn Owens was on board and uttred, "It's cool, but not as nice as a River Islands 2 bedroom townhouse."

*Darya Folsom was so excited just as the spacecraft hit outer space, she wolfed down two bananas.

*John Rothmann: the KGO talk-show host was euphoric: "there's no place I'd rather be." Soon after, Rothmann began holding a CC radio to his ear.

*The foodie chap was non-plussed: "Free food is way better."

*Larry Baer was excited to be in space only he was extremely angry that the mission didn't include a simulcast on KNBR and that the ship didn't include 2 ball dudes.

*Claudine Wong was rather placid over the experience and offered no smile.

*Peter Schofield: "Shit, it's cool, but that big rig pile-up on 880 more explosive."

*Vicki Liviakis: the KRON news anchor was pretty stoked about the experience so much so, she asked Branson if he likes older Greek women. Near re-entry, the two made a date for dinner at Kokkari next Friday.

*Tim Kawakami: Just was not impressed with the whole flight and attempted to BLOCK Branson on his Twitter feed.

*Ray Ratto was not that interested in his space adventure, in fact the only Ratto utterence heard: "where's the hot dogs?"

*Ann Killion was no happy camper complaining only one woman was aboard the rocket ship. "I don't count!"

*KTVU weather guy, Bill Martin, even in mid-flight, kept saying, "there's no, uh, no, uh, marine influence."

*Tracey Watkowski had to be forcibly restrained throughout the flight, asking all the folks on board, "shut the fuck up and go to work!"

*Greg Papa: the KNBR host and Niners' pbp broadcaster was way, way, excited screaming at the yop of his lungs, "TOUUUUUUCHDOOOOOOOWNN SAN -FRANCISCO!"

*Lee Hammer waa spotted in the ship asking other guests, "have you ever heard of me?"

*Brian Murphy, wearing a UCLA t-shirt and Giants cap, upon landing in New Mexico, handed out free Ameci's pizza gift certificates and begged Branson to open up a checking account at Provident Credit Union."

*Martie Lurie was happy about the trip but as the rocket ship landed back on Earth was heard saying, "the Giants could use a power-hitting left fielder."

*Aaron Pero was not at all excited over the journey, in fact, he continually yelled and screamed at Ann Killion.

*Raj Mathai really, really, didn't have any emotion over the whole deal other than to look into the on-board mirror and keep saying, "even in space, I look hot!"


  1. Upon reaching zero gravity altitude Reggie Aqui couldn't stop gushing on about feeling more light in the pants than even he ever thought possible.

  2. "*Tracey Watkowski had to be forcibly restrained throughout the flight, asking all the folks on board, 'shut the fuck up and go to work!'"

    Here's a picture:

  3. Veronica De La Cruz didn't show up for her ride.

  4. Nikki medoro giggled uncontrollably as she did her make believe serious question "what's it like to fart in space"

  5. Mark Willard started to tell a martian about an extra scrumptious bran muffin he had had that morning at a little bistro in Sausalito. Before he could finish his story, the martian shot himself in the head.

    1. reminds me also john rothmann wanted to see if they could launch his 5000 unread copies of his new spiro agnew biography into space

  6. Hackney won't shut up about Carl Sagan

  7. *Heather Holmes didn't like the spacesuits: "No animal prints or cold shoulder dresses!"

    *Julie Haener: "No little bow ties or Peter Pan collars?"

    *Frank Somerville: "The drink service on this flight SUCKS!" (Oh, that was too easy.)

    *Brian Hackney: "I could build a more efficient engine for this rocket, and a nicer radio."

    *Ken Bastida: "It's dark in space. Who'd have thought?!?"

  8. Dennis Richmond came out of retirement and said “where can I get some colt 45?”

  9. Rich Lieberman complained about how there was nothing to the experience and that it didn't hold a candle to the rides had in the "good old days" like that had by Alan Shepherd. He complained about the absence of real spacesuits and real helmets. He complained that landing smoothly on a runway didn't compare to the "real man" experience of an ocean landing and bobbing around for possible hours before the capsule was recovered.

  10. *This Anonymous just ruined RL's post by saying that Sir Richard is happily married that even the lovely Vicki of KRON can't break him.
    *Are you sure Darya wasn't wolfing down 2 sauerkrauts?
    *No wonder Ray Ratto was mad. Darya slowly ate all the hot dogs.

  11. The Ronn Owens report came on.
    ...spaceship crashed.

  12. Summerville was going to go up but when he heard that there was no in flight drinks he declined to fly

  13. *Aaron Pero: In space no one can hear you scream.

  14. I work for Lee Hammer. He is probably the least ego-driven person in the building. He's actually very kind, flexible, and understanding.

  15. Ralph Barbieri's ashes were on the flight. So his obituary could be edited to say that space travel for regular folks was pioneered and ushered to the masses by him.

  16. Warriors PBP guy, Tim Roye said, "Elevation sensation" as they headed for space. It was the first time that stupid signature
    phrase was well received.

  17. Greg Papa said, "Are we going to Uranus?" This would be the perfect place for the pompous ass!
