Saturday, July 31, 2021

Ronn Owens Demise: It's All About The Money

When it came down to crunch time, Cumulus didn't mince any words nor did they give any rope to one of their Bay Area legends: they cut ties to Ronn Owens without even allowing Owens the chance to say goodbye on his social media outlets. Although by now, Owens may be granted the time to say bye-bye.

In fact, it was KGO PD, Lee Hammer, who told staff it was Owens last broadcast, the "Ronn Owens Report" on Friday,that was a finale. Owens own show was in 2019. The new regime, the new financial reality at Cumulus' SF broadcasting center had severed less $$, Owens knew it earlier in the day. It was the end of the month and that is ugly in Bay Area radio biz. No one loves the end of a month when it involves Cumulus.

Owens "report" was pitched by Owens himself when he retired a few years back. In theory, it made sense. KGO could use his voice to do a daily "report" and Ronn could still be relevent. He thought. Only Owens cachet never materialized into hard money. Owens couldn't deliver any inventory to the station, like more advertising. The only ad that existed was for the Central Valley "River" ad but that was an old KGO account. And as for Cumulus, KGO, being able to seize on Ronn';s name, that ship had sailed long ago.

So, with little fanfasre, the "Ronn Owens Report" went kaput Friday night. It was all about the money. Or lack of in this case. Cumulus takes no prisoners. It never does.


  1. Cumulus and Entetcom are ruthless

  2. lund's favorite tune is ''PaPa don't preach'' .

  3. Look at the bright side.. now he had time to search for termites with the chipster and joe sharky or extol on the virtues of the c crain radio with john Rothman's wife

  4. Cumulus and Entercom are absolutely ruthless!!!

  5. Peter Felch and son Davis Felch at KCBSJuly 31, 2021 at 9:53 PM

    Ronn will be ok, friends. Right now, Jim Dunbar is looking down, saying “I’ll see you soon.”

    Hot Monkey Love
    Texas Love

  6. But who will finance Ronnald's pedicures and cruises?

  7. Everything in broadcasting is about the money.

  8. True about the "report". Never once did I tune into KGO to listen to it. (nor did I catch the last few year of his show, as there was no energy and dull)

  9. Rather than predictable cheering the demise of Mr Owens, perhaps you could do a piece on his 40+ years in SF radio. He would not have lasted that long if it weren't for the audience that tuned into him, year in and year out. So, Rich, stop being a schmuck about Ronn and recognize his achievements. Go ahead a criticize him too, but give the man a proper send off.

  10. So what happens to the "Ronn Owens Studio" at KGO?

  11. Nothing personal. Strictly business!

  12. Ronn Owens conspired with multiple people to have me fired, and made sure I was never able to fill in for him when he was absent, which was quite often. He literally told the acting PD "it can't be David." It was at that point I gave him the fine nickname, on air, of Ronn Blowens because in truth, he blows.

    Countless people would defend him to me, saying "oh, no, Ronn's a good guy..." only to learn the hard way that maybe he wasn't so good after all. Maaaaybe he was always just about himself. Maaaybe when you worked your ass off to make ends meet, as his producer, or fill-in producer, and were hopeful he'd recommend you to the bosses, he would just not do that. Maybe he would tell management, "I reeeeally like her...she's she available?"

    Yeap. That's the guy I remember. Ronn Blowensweinstein...

    When he was having problems opening doors, and I'd open them, do you think he said "thanks"? Nope. When I would guide him into his chair after moving into the smaller studio, so he wouldn't fall, was he appreciative, or would he say nothing, or just immediately ask you to get him something else? I'll let you guess.


    Congrats to him on a long career, navigating the waters, kissing every ass imaginable, throwing his weight around when he needed to, and certainly tossing anyone under the bus that could possibly derail even 1 year of his storied career.

    I guess that's what it takes in this business to make it because lord knows, me calling people dipshit certainly wasn't cutting it.

    Never liked the man. Never liked the show. But kudos to anyone who can play any corporate game for as long as he did, get paid, and move on. Takes a certain kind of person. The kind of person I'd never want to be.

    1. sometimes you just need to let it go dave but i always thought it was renee and randall that did you in.

    2. Is this the same Weintraub who applauded the infamous mass firings at KGO in 2011? As I recall you tried to position yourself as part of the “next generation” of hosts with such horse shit topics as MMA lmao. Now you act as some sort of victim. You and Blowenstein cut from the same cloth.

    3. Btw the next generation? How they doing with the generation they got? Stop it, please. I had more talent in my anus than Ronn.

  13. I was never a big fan of Ronn Owens. I once called him "The Voice of Capitulation" when he voiced support for Arnold Schwarzenegger in an election. But Owens has the skills and can do good interviews. Even though I wasn't a big fan. I got used to hearing his comments on the current news and politics. I'll miss his reports on KGO. I hope he keeps doing on his social media.

  14. Will miss another segment of "Status, Class & Tacky."

  15. 46 year career and I haven't even seen a mention in the trades. Other than John Rothmann announcing the last report, no one has said anything. He was not so beloved by his colleagues, there was no station mention, and not a peep from management. Angela Alioto is on standby!

    1. was wondering if anyone had mentinoned it yet, my guess is rothmann will probally do some kind of tribute to him at some point, since thats what rothmann does for everyone.

    2. The station has made no acknowledgement of Ronn's departure after a 46 year career. That suggests to me that there is a concern about litigation.

  16. I hope they change their minds and have a little on the air good-bye event for Ronn.

  17. lee hammer is a bastard he did the same thing to the late sports talk host ralph baribeairi at knbr.

  18. Hammer must be an idiot because that crap he has on every morning at 6:00 is bottom of the toilet they must not pay her anything cuz she's not worth anything

  19. I enjoyed so many shows and am so sorry to hear how Ronn was let go.
    I wish him the very best!!

  20. What kind of world have we become? Whether you liked or hated Ronn Owens, the audience (and his long time fans and supporters) deserved to be treated respectfully with a final send off. What a monster you are, Hammer. One day, KGO will do the very same to you and then you will understand cruelty. Let's put kindness and respect back on the radar, humans.
