Thursday, July 15, 2021

Pulse of the City; KRON/Pero/Rose Dynamic Post Ouster; Darya Still Present; Sze Not Really Loved at Circle7; Holmes is No Sondra Locke Bu Maybe Clint Thinks Otherwise; KGO's Mark Thompson Spends 20 Minutes on Britney Spears; No-Ratings KCBS Has More Glitches

*KRON/Nextstar Real Worry Now: While the machinations of the PERO FIRING dominate the newsroom cooler, the REAL INSIDE DOPE is that management is worried that Napoleon Pero and the company will become involved in an inevitable legal stand-off. Pero had more than 15 years at KRON and can say he's been a loyal good soldier and that his work was steady.. That any bitching and moaning was just normal underling criticism. KRON/Nextstar could open up his (Pero's) personal file and point to employee discontent and overall performance. Just a possible scenario, not the gospel. In addition to all that, the center of the storm remains Pero's relationship with Darya Folsom, a duo the bosses said was a bona-fide CONFLICT-of-INTEREST. Even if Pero has a legal challenge, his alliane with Countess Folsom might be a showdown of "who you want to go? Me or her?" I can see him outta here and she staying. Meanwhile, Jim Rose, the new sheriff has EXECUTED his first major move.

*I was actually too kind to the alleged all-sports FM 95.7 'The Game', which has cratered to a remarkably BAD, 0.7 RATING, talk about BAD, even the SF School Board has a wide margin over the DOOFUS Audacy yahoos; a station NO ONE listens to; no one takes seriously and whose AM annd PM drive shows are about as worthy as a Tracy Jack-in-the Box." Yeah, let's bring in more Kate Scotts and inflate Damon Bruce's ego and still, NO ONE IS LISTENING!

*Dear Kristen Sze, if my Circle7 spies are reporting on time, they tell me you're the most detested at 900 Front. You've accomplished the unthinkable: even Larry Beil is not as bad as you are. Congrats.

*MEANWHILE, the AM Audacy outlet with equally SAD RATINGS is KCBS, with its eternal Electronic GLITCHES and overall audio hell. Just this morning at the 7: 15 sports report, there was, YET AGAIN, another DEAD AIR moment when incompetent and boring Joe Hughes was MIA --no one could hear Hughes (maybe a good thing) and Holly Quan and Jeff Bell were forcd to ad-lib and say, AGAIN, "we have no Joe Hughes." If this were a high-school operation, it would be embarrassing. The fact it's KCBS makes it all the more unbelievable only this happens on a regular basis and n one is minding the store. Maybe why KCBS TANKED almost a POINT the past few months and why is that NOT surprising.

*KGO, you have some soul-searching to do also. You can start by looking to replace the mind-numbingly BAD Nikki Medoro and her morning midget, Bret Burkhart, the "wow" guy who has all the personality of a rotton kumquat. Medoro once again talked about her kids and today, how not being able to go to a concert in person. Very compelling Nik, maybe tomorrow, you'll do 10 minutes with a guy who likes to take his wife to fast-food restaurants --so Bret can say, "wow!" again." Great radio.

*Sal Castaneda is kind of in a pickle. He is OK with staying on at KTVU but is really IRKED that FOX wants him to take a PAY CUT (really? Yes) and Sal, who makes roughly $200K wants his pay to remain right there while The Firm is more on the line of a buck fifty and some coffee mugs. Sal is not amused but his wife is content to work a few extra hours to make up the difference.

*Heather Holmes: there's a huge sale at Ross today.

*If I were KCBS, I would just fire all the men at the station and hire more women because there's harly any women at KCBS and that's just a damn outrage.

*Megan Goldsby is hardly ever heard on KCBS and that's just wrong.

*KRON, look at it this way, at least they care enough to watch you and that's not bad in the long term. Pam Moore would like to go to Paris and chill and Ken Wayne would be content to take his lady on a helicopter ride over Marin so all is not lost.

*Heather Holmes should have met Clint Eastwood before he met the Salinas TV anchor chick, I'm sure HH thought she could be Clint's 2010 Sandra Locke.

*Mark Thompson, the only KGO talker that does an LA show in SF. Great stuff, Mark, love the YouTube and in-show teasing of your producer, how pithy. Gotta love your ratings. Spending 20 minutes on Britney Spears? Good live and local (why don't you just text it? Sure thing.


  1. Three KGO shows have improved ratings: Rothmann, Thurston, and Thompson. Rothmann has good ratings, but a much smaller audience. Nikki and Chip are down.

    1. C'Mon Hammer No they aren't Just because you didn't get your old gig back doesn't mean you can lie to us..

    2. No PD is going to publicly discuss ratings... especially ratings that have gone down!

  2. Nextstar has an easy out with any issues Pero raises. California is at "at will" employment state and presumably he did not have any kind of contract. The new owner, Nextstar, just sees the need for someone else in the position. Pero can always raise an issue of age discrimination but with Nextstar being a "new" owner it kind of wipes the slate clean of him getting some kind of credit for past service. Nextstar is just cleaning house. Bye bye Pero.

    1. I love these arm-chair lawyers.

      "At will" doesn't really mean they can fire you "at will." It's never that simple. That's what keeps us lawyers in business and in vacay homes.

      You say he "presumably" doesn't have a contract. You know

  3. I hear you are too early on this Pero call Rich - still undecided - think my source is better.

  4. Nothing on KGO has "good ratings". Clint Eastwood divorced the former KSBW anchor long ago. KCBS with the ratings dip, still has a much, much, much bigger audience than KGO.

    1. Improved ratings is relative. No one said they have good ratings.

    2. They don't have improved ratings. Do you even look at a book?

    3. Yes they do, month to month and year to year. Those three are up slightly and the other two are down slightly. I'm looking at the June book right now. Ratings go up and ratings go down.

  5. Ever see Lim and Sze when they are reading the news together? AWKWARD.
    Yes, Sal needs a pay cut. $200,000? For what?
    I love Heather, she is awesome.

  6. > Pero had more than 15 years at KRON

    Twenty-seven, actually. Fifteen as ND.

    1. Thank you. I was going to make that correction myself. He's been there since he left KXTV in Sac in the mid-90s. We left around the same time in '95

  7. Sal looks like a shift manager at a grocery store, no offense, how hes on television is a mystery..bland as hell, mumbles half asleep as he drones about a bridge backup and still hasn't found a decent razor

  8. When you read Sze's online bio (they write their own), you think "My God, what an EGO!" So I'm sure she's intolerable in the newsroom as well.

    I hear she's a pill. She's just a haircut with a stick mike, like all the rest of them.

  9. - If there is cause against Folsom, Rose will find it and make the next major move.
    - I heard a major analyst personality - I already forgot from which sports network - has landed a new national job with....Kate Scott?
    - Ming Sze is despised With Authority. Too bad Trixie disagrees.
    - Clearly nobody cares at the Audacy bean counter.
    - Yep, Jim Dunbar is rolling in his grave seeing his ex-colleague Bret Burkhart further embarrass himself.
    - The Firm strikes again.
    - And again.
    - The Audacy bean counters still don't care.
    - Audacy really doesn't care.
    - Amazing how RL has soured so quickly on Pam Moore since her return from injury. Moore, like Vicki Liviakis and a few others, survived the Pompous Pero Power Play covering 15 rounds, er, years. KRON-ners from 2002 who are still there should be lauded.
    - Dina Eastwood, Castro Valley-born and Fremont-raised, married a fellow Mission San Jose High School alum 2 years her senior about 5 years ago. Scott Fisher is the current Men's Basketball Head Coach at Ohlone College, also in Fremont, where both also attended.
    - Oops! Mark Thompson Did It Again! Put him out to pasture!

  10. I have never understood why a TV news program would waste time with a traffic report. Radio, sure, listeners may be in their car, but there is such a small percentage of viewers who care about the traffic. And wouldn't these people who do care get updated traffic reports when the listen in their cars? And then why do we have to hear Sal talk about boring other things. Sorry, Sal offers nothing to me except my trigger to change the station faster than Kars4Kids ad. They can cut his pay by $200,000 and do us all a favor.

    1. WTF? $200,000 for a traffic reporter who reads a teleprompter? Sal can’t hold George Rask’s dirty jockstrap.

  11. As for Mark Thompson spending 20 minutes on Britney Spears, I think it should be noted that he was talking about the issue of conservatorship, which is an issue that is much broader and interesting that just Britney Spears. I'm not or was a Britney Spears fan, but the way she described the conservatorship, sounded wrong and abusive. Sometimes conservatorship is warranted, but it is often abused. So I think that context it was an interesting discussion.

  12. Hey, ease up on Holmes, she's okay.

  13. All of you who make good money. Put some away. Good times do not last forever. No matter how good you are management wants to know "what have you done for me lately." Bean counters never show any love.
