Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Message to Readers of 415 Media: I Need Your Help

Yes or no? --It's your call.

I've resisted all urges to form a pay wall on my 415 Media. I've figured there's too many people here in the Bay Area who enjoy 415 Media. Even the people that hate me continue to come here to read me; I can't blame them because no one, NO ONE, does what I do. And considering not the Chronicle, not the EX, not even other newspapers or outlets cover media like I do, virtually seven days a week.

But I can't bring you the stories and opinion, the scoops, the INSIGHT I have and know, when there's no funds. Like you all, I have bills to pay. I too have to live. I like to eat every now and then. While some of you were bbqing and watching fireworks with your friends and family, I was here at home trying to figure out a way to make 415 Media financially whole. Sustainable.

Roughly 20,000 of you come here every day to read me. You are lawyers, doctors, dentists, PR people, ad people, salespeople, men and women of all ages, some of you are wealthey, middle-class, lower class, the whole economic spectrum. If just a fraction of you were REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS, financiallly, then there would be no need for regular pledge breaks, but that's not the case.

I asking you to make sure 415 Media is financially afloat. I would hate to stop writing the blog but I can't continue to write and produce without your CONTRIBUTIONS, I'm not breaking news here, I NEED YOUR HELP. I didn't go into this without the idea of making money but I can't lose money either.


Some of you have CONTRIBUTED multiple times and that's great. Some of you have not. I realize for some of you it's a tough time now but it's a tough time for me too. If you love reading my blog and have the financial means to do so, then please make a donation. Without your help, THERE IS NO BLOG. Plain and simple.

So yes, it's a yes-no proposition. You like the blog, then help out with a donation. 415 MEIA is 100% READER-SUPPORTED. Because in order to bring you the real deal and NOT the BS SPIN, I NEED YOUR SUPPORT.

Donations of $10, 20, 25, 50, any amount are all welcome. I will personally call and/or email you, THANKING YOU for your contribution. Go to the PAY PAL donate icon on the blog and folllow directions. It tales less than a minute to donate.n YOU DO NOT have to have a Pay Pal membership to contribute and ALL donations are 100% safe and secure. If you want to remain anonymous, you may do so.

Thanks for supporting INDEPENDENT MEDIA and FREE SPEECH.

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