Wednesday, July 14, 2021

June Radio Ratings; 95.7 FM 'The Game' Draws Flies; KCBS Craters; KGO Falls Flat; KNBR Loves The Giants


Some observations: How does an outfit like all-sports, "The Game" get away with it? There's NO traction. The morning show, which had all the pub and bruhaha of the Second Coming, is a TOTAL DISASTER. Great, you have a woman who says NOTHING of substance and is a BORE. Go sell that, sales dept.

*KNBR: Yep, great to have the Giants, ain't it?

*KCBS: ouch. You need a facelift. And more. Maybe Bunger should have put off retirement.

*KGO: ouch times 20. Mark Thompson is a WASTE. Those numbers? You could hire a dead skunk and have the same numbers. Cheaper too. Maybe that's why Chris Merrill is lurking in the hallways.


  1. Covay has been away from his show for awhile. Dickinson in and out. Could be canned again? He lasted 2+ years, which is a win I guess. Not a bad guy, just not professional.

    1. Covay is terrible its the viagra he took made him loco

    2. @11:57- I think Covay was on vacation the past few weeks and came back towards the end of last week. He recently moved, so I guess it took some time for him to move. He posted about it on Facebook.

      This week, Covay is filling in for Bonta on the morning show as Bonta is now on vacation. It seems like everyone goes on vacation around the same time on this station.... I think/guess Covay will be back on the night show next week or maybe when Bonta comes back in 2 weeks? I guess we'll find out Monday night.

      Dickinson, I'm not sure. I guess he's on vacation this week? It is strange though. When Covay was out, I was wondering about the future of this night show. Covay and Dickinson work well together doing the Warriors radio pre and postgame shows. Their night show isn't bad, even though I thought when Covay was on with Butcher Boy at night, that was a better show. 95.7 shouldn't have broke them up at night, even though I understood the decision to move Butcher Boy to the mornings and pair him up with Kate and Bonta, who Butcher Boy also has great chemistry with as Butcher Boy and Bonta have been doing the Niners unofficial radio pre and postgame show on 95.7 the past few years.

      I think Dickinson is better/stronger filling in on the different shows. It's good to see him be part of the weekday lineup on the night show, as I'm sure he's worked hard for a full-time spot and he's arguably one of the hardest working people on 95.7, but I think Dickinson was better being the utility guy on the station where he can fill in on any weekday show.

    3. @11:57 PM- Are you sure about that? One time I remember Covay mentioned on the air that he was going to have sex with his wife which was TMI. LOL.... Not sure he takes viagra though. haha

    4. Otis for sh*ts sake You care more about 95.7 then does their PD Their entire "talent" pool are left over retreads from Knbr.

    5. And honestly I don't give an EFFFF about Covay

    6. covay and butcher are the irish frat boys..immuture,hyper, obnixous.. i recall one time when covay was at knbr he was working with another horrible guy they had there drew someone who was another hyper obnixous guy and they spent over five minutes talking about their favorite porn stars from the 90's

    7. @11:22- haha. Thanks man. I enjoy the station and the people at the station are overall good people. They even respond to people on social media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc) which means a lot.

      Yeah, a lot of the talent on 95.7 came from KNBR, but at least 95.7 has given them a full-time opportunity and probably more importantly for them, they can still stay in this market and not have to leave the Bay Area.

    8. Looks like 95.7's ratings tanked after the Warriors' season ended. Their staffing seems to have thinned. They're always having people substituting. I can't stand Damon.

    9. @unknown stuntman- Is Covay Irish? Not sure. I wouldn't say that him and Butcher Boy are frat boys, but I do admit that sometimes they can go off the rails on some topics when they have to kill time. Case in point was yesterday in the puff puff pass segment. I know they were trying to have some fun there, but at times, segments like that can be awkward.

    10. @10:32- Yeah, it does feel like the shows on 95.7 have dipped a bit since the Warriors season ended. They're still good, but the Warriors topics that surrounded the Warriors during the season provided all of the shows on 95.7 great content. Most of the season, Wiseman was discussed, as well as what Steph did, where the Warriors would draft, and how the team would look like going forward. Tons to discuss.

      As far as their staffing, I think the only person that left was Joe Fortenbaugh. They added Kate, Shomari Block (the guy that won the Dream Job contest), Jason Dumas (the sports director at KRON), and I guess Dan Davone (the guy that has been filling in a lot recently).

      It just seems like everyone has been on vacation at the same time, but I guess they're giving everyone some time off, so that when they come back it will be time for Niners training camp and more football discussion. 95.7 normally is heavy into football discussion come football season.

      But yes, as Rich has noted, it seems like both stations KNBR and 95.7's ratings take a dip when the Giants, Warriors, or Niners aren't playing, which shows that a lot of people probably tune in for the radio broadcasts of the games themselves.

  2. You mean to tell me Chip Franklin, Nikki Medoro and Pat Thurston aren't carrying KGO? Shocked! Shocked I say!

  3. The Game has some decent talent, but not on the morning show. That's for sure. Think about it: They're getting killed by those imbeciles on KNBR.

    1. Those "imbeciles" are killing almost every other station in the market, regardless of format. Fine if they aren't your cup of tea, but clearly they're not imbeciles. Having this much success for as many years as they have is not a fluke.

  4. Move Ratto and Kolsky to mornings, make Damon solo again, fire everyone else and just go with a national simulcast aside from mornings and afternoons.

    1. Move Ratto and Kolsky to the mens room Make Damon solo.. yea SO LO no body hears him.. Make Covay the bathroom attendent.

    2. No way should Ratto (a grump) and Kolsky (too contrarian) be on mornings.

    3. @10:28- I agree. Having Ratto and Kolsky on in the mornings would be the worst. They already tried Kolsky weekday mornings from 5AM-6AM, and that didn't really last long. I think Kolsky might be better at night, or maybe as a fill-in host. Sometimes the more you listen to him, you can see why KNBR let him go, even though I think he was let go for union reasons from what I remember? Rich posted about it on here. On Damon's show, Kolsky sometimes argues with Ratto too much. Him and Ratto honestly don't see eye to eye on some topics.

      I would get rid of Ratto or just have him fill-in on occasion on Damon's show, or have him be available for radio hits and interviews on the weekday shows during the week, if big Niners, Warriors, or Giants news is being discussed. I'll admit, Ratto's knowledge is valuable, but at the same time, like you said, he's too grumpy. Some days you have to ask yourself, why is he even on? A lot of times he doesn't even want to be there.

    4. @1:43- I agree with making Damon solo. He had his best shows solo going back to when he was on Sportsphone years ago. The vibe around Damon's show feels different ever since Ratto and Kolsky came to his show. It's still a decent show, but if they wanted to give Damon co-hosts, they should've maybe picked someone else.

      Gianna was a good co-host for him, even though she wasn't an official co-host. If I was 95.7, I would try to bring her back. I know she's working mornings on KPIX, but she fit Damon's show when she used to be on it, even though her role back then was just doing updates, but she would chime in on different topics Damon was discussing on his show from time to time.

  5. KNEW (960 AM) had good ratings (in comparison to previous, and about what KGMZ has now) in April and May (June is N/A, must have unsubcribed from Nielsen). That corresponds to when it added A's baseball. So KGMZ could at least double it's ratings by adding back A's baseball.

    1. Adding the A's?? Never gonna happen..damon Bruce alone would walk off the air if the idea was even

    2. another thing, bruce loves to brag about how great his show was and how bad the A's were for business there..remember this guy never has gotten over the 49ers leaving san francisco either, he bitches and moans about that all the time too..

  6. How did 910, Black Information Network do in the Ratings????

  7. Years ago when KGO 810 AM was going strong that was my place for News and Comment. Then after KGO went in the dumper I switched to KCBS now kcBS is heading for the dumper. Sad situation!

  8. Did you see Julie's ridiculous outfit on KTVU tonight?!? She looked like she should be riding a mechanical bull in a Texas bar.

  9. Improving KGO's ratings seems simple enough: Replace John Batchelor at 9PM M-F with a live & local progressive- or libertarian- leaning host. Someone who's objective is generating a lot of listener calls. There's other tweaks necessary to bring the station back up to its prior top-ratings status, but the 9 pm slot is probably the the station's weakest and that slot is most important talk-radio slot. First things first: Dump John Batchelor!

    1. Sorry but Batchelor is about the only place to get a alternative to the Bay Area "group think"...without it coming from the Nut-Cake mouth frothing right wingers on KSFO and 860LIVE. Rothman from 6 to 9 followed by Batchelor is just fine. Unless you never want any alternative to the excessively "progressive" chat that permeates San Francisco.
      BTW, Rothmann as a example has always admitted he values Batchelor for many of his segments
      Example the guys who do the "Long War Journal" who have been years ahead of what the mainstream news has been on the Middle East/ Afghanistan.
      Depend on ABC, CNN, and the gang, and you'll know nothing about reality on the ground.

    2. Batchelor is obviously educated, but cowtows to way too much trumpist bullshit, outright lies and misinformation for me to stomach. Bye Bye. Go do interviews on Fox where your claptrap will be swallowed without any sniff test..

  10. It seems like I might be the only fans on here of 95.7, but there is one problem I do have with them. They have too many gimmicky segments during their shows. They can be in a rhythm, then all of a sudden it's the calls for cash contest, or Guru's lock of the day, or Jockpardy, the number to call to be selected to have a private Zoom call with Hunter Pence or other segments/giveaways that 95.7 has on their weekday shows that breaks the rhythm of what they were discussing before.

    This is what kind of got people disappointed/upset with 95.7 in the past. Too many gimmicky segments. They don't need to do all of that.
