Thursday, July 22, 2021

Exclusive: Pushback at KRON; Staff Bitter Over Star Talent That Knew About Pero Excesses; 'They Were Quiet', Critics Claim; Early Glee Now Turns to Anger


It's been a little over a week since Aaron Pero was fired as KRON News Director. The initial glee and euphoria has now subsided and turned into the exact opposite. In fact, there is genuine ANGER on the news set and in the newsroom and into the back offices where a genuine feeling of dismay and outright hostility permeate.

What's going on?

My contacts at KRON tell me staffers, particularly senior and a few lower-level personnel--including ON-AIR talent, producers, writers, reporters--virtually everyone except the janitor, are ANGRY over the apparent latest findings that has gripped the newsroom detailing Pero's abuse and intimidation factors. Not only that, which was prevalent. More so, say my sources: the DISCONTENT by staffers that the majority of STAR ANCHORS, including Pam Moore, Vicki Liviakis and Ken Wayne, like everyone else, not only KNEW about Pero's excesses, but looked the other way when they had the oppurtunity to report the abuses.

"They were well aware he (Pero) was living with Darya (Folsom) and that their relationship would be a conflict with the newsroom and the people that work here," a prominent KRON contact told me. Like all sources, the contact spoke only with the promise they would not be IDed becuase they feared retaliation.

KRON and its NEXTSTAR corporate owner 86ed the embattled Pero last week. There was no official reason for the termination but industry word and my own reporting indicate his ouster was because of his on-going relationship with Darya Folsom, the AM News anchor who he's been living with for years. The bosses were confronted with a CONFLICT of INTEREST case even though that relationship existed for nearly a decade.

The biggest GRIPE now, according to my contacts at the 900 FRONT fortress stems from the fact those that could have done something; those that held considerable POWER and influence; had the means to at least report Pero's affair and his endless confrontations and voilatile encounters with pesonnel and DID NOTHING.

One such encounter involved Pero's shouting and ridicule of anchor. Justine Waldman--a jarring incident that had Waldman exiting Pero's office in tears and anguish. The confrontation took place at the old KRON studios at Van Ness Ave but was so outlandish it's still talked about in the Embarcadero outpost. Waldman, who is married to anchor, Grant Lodes, was one of the "star" talent mentioned to me by various staff. As infuriating and toxic her spat was with Pero, she never reported it to management. Likewise, Lodes knew about the incident later but didn't say anything, at least officially.

Severall of KRON's most prominent on-air staff were aware of Pero's controversial actions and tactics but either didn't care enough to go to higher-ups or attempt to talk to Pero and inqiure about his managing. The general consensus was that the anchors were weary about what they might have perceived as "snitching", according to one particular source.

"They were all fearful of saying someting; they didn't want to 'rock the boat but doing nothing? If someone had said something, anything, we might have avoided all this." "Nobody that worked here then and are still here now will forget it."

This latest outburst from the KRON fortress comes amidst a future Nextstar investigation looking into the matter. KRON hasn't named a new ND but will look into the position in the coming days.


  1. It doesn't seem that someone has ever worked in a newsroom. Every newsroom everywhere, much like all workplaces, has its ongoing romantic entanglements. Very few employees ever love news directors. There are rare exceptions, but most media bosses aren't there to be loved and admired. People who stay in on-air jobs past their shelf lives are the ones who don't rock the boat.This is not rocket science.

    1. Funny how the few who are loved and admired, however, (Fred Zehnder, Herb Dudnick) are the ones who lead their teams to gold and glory. Those who rely on intimidation and fear (Andrew Finlayson, Daniel Webster, Trixie, Pero, KRON's ND from the mid 90s whose name I forget right now) are eventually led out of the building.

  2. No one at KRON can get a job anywhere else in TV. They should read the writing on the wall and find a new profession.

    1. Little Aaron Pero is taking your advice. He is currently being considered as Jeff Dunham's new puppet Screamy Bonaparte.

    2. You sound like a KRONvict that can't leave - find a new job

    3. RE: 11:01 AM -- whom are you addressing? I haven't seen the inside of KORN since shortly after Young debased the whole thing back in 2004. And Anonymous 9:13 AM doesn't work there either. So all I can say is ????

    4. I'm addressing you - I read a story that the Cheesecake Factory is calling 4 year old applications - drop by and fill one out, your tv career is over.

  3. It's a bit hypocritical of your sources to be mad because Pam, Ken, et al, didn't put themselves on the line to stop Pero's abuses when they also refused to be identified because they fear retaliation.

  4. takeaway from this: Justine Waldman and Grant Lodes may not have reported this behavior, but the day-hire writer or part time weekend producer who works on an employed-at-will basis was supposed to?!?

  5. "...More so, say my sources: the DISCONTENT by staffers that the majority of STAR ANCHORS, including Pam Moore, Vicki Liviakis and Ken Wayne, like everyone else, not only KNEW about Pero's excesses, but looked the other way when they had the opportunity to report the abuses...."

    Rich, remember this: Omission of action is admission of willful participation. ;-)

    1. psssst...there is no legal duty to sniff around the sex life of your boss.

    2. There was no need to sniff even with Pero's office door closed, believe me. ;-)

    3. That's a very pragmatic evaluation of events, and in reality is completely untrue. Perhaps they didn't want to get embroiled in a messy something that was not a concern to them.

  6. Spineless talking heads protecting their paycheck. When you wall in shit, don't complain about the stench.

  7. what the hell is KRON?

  8. Where was their Human Resources department? I can't believe they didn't have personnel policies and procedures to make sure this type of thing didn't occur.

  9. Know that he has lost his gig does that make DF the most expensive POA in Bay Area media?

  10. No Darya this morning, is that a sign?
    Reyna in at the desk which I love and dare I say rising star?
    What are the odds Darya ends her tenure unceremoniously?
