Thursday, June 3, 2021

Update: Somerville Takes Official LOA; The Future in Play? Probably at KTVU Until Heat Wanes

UPDATE on Frank Somerville.

As I predicted, he's formally taking a leave from KTVU--so this is really no news.

Here's what's going to shake down, at least while both Frank and KTVU (FOX) hopes all this will blow over, After all, time heals all wounds, right? Maybe, maybe not.

MY SOURCES tell me and I agree. Frank will go get some time off, an extended vacation and seek help. He'll refresh himself and try to get over this, KTVU will try to save face and buy time. This whole thing has been a blight on everyone's mind. Unfortunately for KTVU and Fox, it's a very complicated deal and it's PUBLIC--right in our very homes.

I will tell you many in the industry predict that Somerville is done at KTVU. He may come back, some say, but after his contract is up (March, '22) he's done. And that Fox will drop him immediately if not sooner.

I'll leave all that to a future column.

Keep it here for any updates.


  1. Frank has been at KTVU for many years. I wish him good luck and hope he can work again soon.

  2. I wish Frank good luck in his recovery. I hope he does better than George Watson...

  3. In a positive development, KTVU has picked up a new sponsor: Dewars.

  4. seems to me if they gave george watson a second chance they have to do at least as much here. it's only fair.

    1. Life isn't fair...

    2. Are you kidding me ?
      The station has changed owners since George Watson.
      George Watson has been off the air now for 25+ years.
      Shows how popular George Watson was.
      Buzzed or not.

      Now...the "firm" doesn't care.

    3. Should have been "The Firm."

  5. So this wasn't a stroke? Are we saying alcoholism?

  6. Somerville might end up as the male VDLC by taking indefinite leave and never coming back? I never expected Somerville to match Dennis Richmond's all-time longevity at KTVU. But nobody expected an ending like this.

  7. Alcohol indeed when he stick his tongue out during the first few minutes. Wonder will Dennis Richmond agree with his stress or call him unprofessional when he also deal with work stress, Frank is dealing with personal issues.

  8. Do get well soon Frank. You have been on KTVU since the early 90’s when you started out on Mornings on 2 with Tori, Sal and Ross...

  9. I don't watch KTVU. That being said, Frank is/was one of those anchors that under normal circumstances, is someone that when a crisis happens, if you are watching them, you feel like you are getting the real scoop, unlike say, if KGO's Jobina the horseface, was anchoring and let's say, a 9/11 situation happened, I don't think I would be watching KGO for long, if I was to depend on Jobina being in control of the newsroom situation! Now, with someone like Frank, Dan Ashley, Ken Bastida, I would feel that whatever they would say, they did so after assessing the situation to make sure that what they said was correct. In Frank's case, due to his longevity, and being at one time, a great anchor, it would be a real shame for his legacy to be tarnished for what is/has happened to him at this point in his career. For his sake, I hope he gets over whatever it is/was that is causing this situation, and then is able to come back for at least, a short while, in order to leave on a good note. Thanks Rich, for staying on top of this!

  10. I believe the taking-the-wrong-med excuse is now a lie (I actually didn't believe it Tuesday when I 1st read it). Taking one Ambien by mistake wouldn't result in an indefinite leave-of-absence. It might merely take you off the air after 20 minutes into an hour-long broadcast on a Monday, and maybe just the next day.

  11. Let the guy from FEMA try his hand, he is knowledgeable and seems credible.
