Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Tuesday Morning Coffee; Jeff Bell Straight F on KCBS; Jim Taylor Still Sick; Where's Mitchinson?; KTVU Trial Balloon with Somerville; Susie Steimle Splits KPIX

MY GOODNESS, Jeff Bell didn't sound so sharp this (Tuesday) morning on KCBS as they continue to sift through their sloppy seconds as the possible replacements for Stan Bunger in AM drive.

I don't get auditioning Bell, the regular PM drive news anchor, for the morning, unless Bell was merely in to fill-in for Jim Taylor who is sick. Bell frankly, sounded bored and disinterested, like a guy who is fairly happy broadcasting in the afternoon. During both the Marc Sandalow and Phil Matier segment, Bell failed to interact and just remained silent. Maybe he too was aghast at the usual tech glitches that once again reared their ugly head.

*Speaking of Taylor, boy has he sunk in my book. His want to hear his own voice and inability to ask a decent question or captain a newscast in morning newscast is stark evidence you have to have more than "read-the-copy" capability. Taylor is probably best to stay as a street reporter and NOT an anchor. He got by at CBS Radio because that required only five minutes. Yaylor's cachet at KCBS has gone bye-bye.

*Where's Dan Mitchinson? He's easily one of the BEST, most deserving anchors at the all-news radio outlet. But I guess Mitch doesn't have a big enough name. Other than a great voice, ability to do a good INTERVIEW, talk and coordinate a nice pace, Mitchinson is kaput, I guess.

*Holly Quanis better than I expected but she needs a co-anchor. Duh.

*NEWS on the FRANK SOMERVILLE front: he's a day shy of the month removed from TV News broadcast hell and I'm now 50-50 on his return to KTVU. The Firm at Channel 2 seem to be playing out a well-coordinated TRIAL BALLOON gauging public reaction to Frank's LOA after his slurred newscast the Sunday night before Memorial Day. Frank has 31 years at KTVU and a good reason why his bosses might be willing to give him a second chance before laying down the boom. But not because of the incident, simply playing it safe and NOT renewing his contract come March of '22.

*I'm sorry, FOX2, Mike Mibach is NOT a replacement for Somerville. Sorta like replacing a gold fish for a great white shark. Not that Somerville is so great. more like Mibach doesn't have PRESENCE. It's more than sitting at the desk reading a teleprompter. Mibach is more Telegraph and Ashby rather than Market and Montgomery.

*Susie Steimle left KPIX; quit the TV News biz-- whch is all you need to know about the state of the industry.


  1. why does anyone "need" a co-anchor?

    1. Rest.

      You try reading an hour's worth of material without getting parched. I'm not saying it's impossible but it's not pleasant.

    2. KTVU is still doing promos that feature Frank so they haven't abandoned him at this point. I think they're looking to see who they could have up and running by the time his K expires in 3/22. I think if they can get someone they think can do the job, Frank will take "early retirement" to "spend more time" with his y̶o̶u̶n̶g̶ ̶d̶a̶t̶e̶s̶ family.

      As for Mibach....puh-lease! He's junior league, with the personality of a car salesman at a Toyota dealership.

    3. Peter Felch at KCBSJune 22, 2021 at 4:37 PM

      If Frank is Market and Montgomery, then Eric Thomas is Turk and Ellis at 2:00am.

  2. Mitchinson is on days on Saturday and Sunday and does 7-10pm and Midnight to 2am on a couple of weekdays.

    Why use two announcers during drive times? There are lots of moving parts, reading copy, conduct]ing] interviews, integrating the many different elements of the programs (traffic, weather, business reports, network stuff); keeping the log, running the board, etc.

    There's a lot of stuff going on, and as one who is familiar with radio broadcasting, your view of operations is unkind, at best.

  3. If KTVU wanted an extremely qualified veteran anchor, reporter and someone who is familiar to Bay Area viewers, they should hire Terry McSweeney from NBC Bay Area for the lead co-anchor slot. He is better that Frank Somerville, Mike Mibak, Alex Savage or André Senior.

  4. Here's the question and any of you newsies who can see the ratings know the answer. What have the 10p ratings done since Frank has been gone? Up down or same? That's the answer to what happens next at KTVU.

  5. Susie on the other hand super nice to everyone and a PRO. Definitely a loss to KPIX.

  6. Yay, another post with no mention of 810KGO

  7. Steimle was a lightweight, no big loss.

  8. Mark in Mountain ViewJune 26, 2021 at 11:12 PM

    I read that Larry Beil's looking for a #1 slot ...
