Friday, June 4, 2021

No Coincidence: Haener Misses Wed/Thursday KTVU Newscasts To Escape Nutty Studio; KRON No Option For Somerville; No Cash; Friday Media Open

THE OTHER KTVU PLAYERS have tried to keep their distance from the scene of the crime; a few have managed to escape the bruhaha, others not so cuccessful.

Since Sunday night when Frank omerville had his slurred on-air fracus, the other members of the FAB4 have begun to ry to separate--like:

Julie Haener, who MISSED both the Wednesday and Thursday newscasts on KTVU. Not just the 10 PM News but ALL newscasts. I TOLD YOU earlier in the week that Haener was none-too-thrilled about the Somervile notoriety, DISGUSTED, in practical terms. So this isn't exactly shocking but noteworthy nonetheless.

*Sports anchor Mark Ibanez, who is still broadcasting from his Napa home, was set to return to KTVU's Oakland/Jack London Square studios, but decided to remain at home for the time being. Probably to keep away from the negative fumes at Oaktown.

*Bill Martin, soon to retire from his weather duties at Channel 2 (only staying so FOX can find his replacement) is at the studio but I guess he has a good reason now to break away and spend dinner time at home in Lafayette. Talk about a high-pressure system.

*KRON would not be an option for Somerville if KTVU and "The Firm" were to (unlikely) pull the plug on retaining Frank--why? Because KRON doesn't have the money that would needed to add talent. Ken Wayne took a 50% paycut to continue anchoring but Somerville is no Wayne.

*Haener, who looks and sounds as if she's got one foot out the door doesn't really need the KTVU news gig anymore. She pretty much owns Danville and seems more interested in the social life. Her KTVU voyage was far more compelling when she and Dennis Richmond held court in the 2000's.

*REMEMBER THE GOOD OLD DAYS when KTVU had to deal with mere Fake Korean Pilot names? Ho-Le-Fuk.

*HEY Chronicle, glad you finally posted a story about Frank's travails even though it took you nearly a week.

*This Joe Hughes alleged sports guy on KCBS didn't once mention the GIANTS' win last night on both his 6: 45 and 7: 15 AM sportscast. Either that's nobody cares about baseball or Hughes was too busy giggling with Stan Bunger who I hear is retiring soon, did you hear the news?

*THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS BAD PUBLICITY: yes, even in Frank's case. He'll RECOVER. I mean, for god's sake he didn't mug an ld lady. He'll be just fine no matter what zip code.

*10 o'Clock News factoid: No matter what happens to Somerville, the kTVU 10 PM franchise news is about to go kaput as you all know it. At best Frank is gonno in a year, Martin is retired; Ibanez is already looking at Napa retirement homes and Julie H is doing a Martha Stewart revival in Downtown Danville.

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  1. I still to this day can't figure out how Tori Campbell and crew fumbled the Flight 214 story.

    1. I agree 100%. I can see Tori reading the first name, but
      once she said, "Sum Ting Wong", that didn't send up a red flag to her?

    2. Often when one is reading the prompter one isn't grokking what they're reading. You're worried about inflection, enunciation, the producer and director are saying things in your ear, etc. You just "zone out."

      Then again Tori, while sweet, isn't the brightest light. I remember working there and a violinist died, and she was astonished I wanted the story in the newscast. "I've never heard of him," she claimed. Later, she was "amazed," she told me, that "that obscure violinist guy" turned up in the *international feeds.* Who was this "obscure" violinist nobody would know? Isaac Stern.

      Later that day I told that story to Bob MacKenzie. He just rolled his eyes and said journalism isn't wahat it used to be. And that was (exactly) 20 years ago. He should have lived to see today!

  2. Bill was at home, not in the studio.

  3. Frank Malicoat can fill in for Somerville.

    1. That would be a smart move. He's great and known in the bay as a main anchor for years. I'd watch that.

  4. One more thing, Tori Campbell fled to Singapore after that Asiana flight embarrassment. Claudine Wong interviewed her last year.

    1. I'm surprised the Asians didn't beat her up.

  5. The Silver Lining??? No mention of 810KGO!!!!

  6. That boom you just heard is KTVU imploding. Fox and those other big media conglomerates have single-handedly destroyed any credibility with viewers, listeners and readers thanks to their greed, the shredding of newsrooms and the watering down of good talent. Yippie.

    1. Nah. They've suffered far bigger "booms."

  7. Andre Senior and Heather Holmes are my 10 o'clock news anchor dream team. They did a great job last night. Unlike when Frank and/or Julie are there, there was nothing I found annoying about the newscast. (Well, I do get annoyed with Ibanez's, "I'm a cool dude in my vinyl room" shtick.)

    1. I agree. I wouldn't quite call them a "dream team," but I think they're more watchable than Franktimonious and cold, Hitchcock blonde Julie, who projects zero warmth as she says after each sad story, "Isn't that toooo bad? How saaad." Lose them both.

      And yes, IbaƱez really needs to start acting like the 60+ fart he is. Hey, Markie, your "cruisin' for chicks" days are long over.

  8. Somerville is toast. End of broadcast career as an anchor. If you can't trust a primary anchor to always deliver a professional performance you don't want them around. You can't afford to have a repeat incident. All that said if they're looking for a replacement for Bill Martin they could have Somerville do the weather until his contract runs out. That could humble him and get him to accept a cheap buyout of his contract.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Whether Frank S. had an incident or not, Julie H. seems to like her personal time. She competes with her horse; has children who are college athletes; she has family in WA state; she's had a major health incident requiring hospitalization a few years back. I think she likes to travel and probably realizes life can be too short. Use that vacation leave time which one has worked hard to earn and afford without regret before it's too late.

  11. Haener, the white privileged Karen

  12. Haener more interested in her social life? I thought she was married. I guess not. LOL

  13. Sad about Frank Somerville. Hopefully he can get back on track soon. Sad to see because he brings stability to KTVU news. Never thought he would be affected by something like this.

  14. I'd rather have a Karen than a Chiquita or Laqueefa any day of the week son.
