Friday, June 18, 2021

Lester Holt and NBC Still Don't Know The Way to San Jose; Matthews Schmooze on KGO Radio with Rothmann Reveals Ego Still Intact; Friday Open

THAT NEW NEWSCAST on NBC BAY AREA in the evening was to include a LOCAL appearence by Lester Holt himself; news execs in both the Bay Area and at 30 Rock figured it would be good business and provides loads of PR to tout the new cast and allow Holt to mingle with staff.

It din't happen.

The logistics weren't that big a deal but Holt at the end indicated too many complications and NBC itself apparently soured at the end. Nobody was really pissed off but a few San Jose big wigs were set to show Holt the way to San Jose. Now, he'll just have to play the song himself.

*I keep watching NBC Bay Area news in the hopes of seeing something real and original and all I get is mounds of plastic and insincerity. There's nothing fresh or distinct and the only element of craetivity is a few morsels tucked away in the newsroom. Raj Mathai looks and sounds old

and he's only been there a decade.

*A SPY at Circle7 tells me that longtime KGO-TV anchors, Terilyn Joe and Cheryl Jennings years ago had the most INTENSE rivalry/competition that was pretty lively to view and I'm NOT talking about the viewers. "They used their, ih, parts." (Use your imagination).

*That was a pretty good interview on KGO Radio last (Thursday) night. John Rothmann had on former MSNBC (Hardball) host, Chris Matthews who told a few good tales of political machinery from Boston to Washington --had Matthews concentrated on more Hardball gossip, it would have been a dynamite hour. Instead, Matthews ego got in the way of real insight.

*SEEN OUTSIDE PIX earlier in the week: Katie Couric--probably trying to sell her new syndicated talker currently in pilot status...SF set to host NATPE confab at Moscone Center in 2025...



  1. KNTV already tried a solo newscast that changed things up 12 years ago with Jessica at 5pm. It didn't work then with her. It won't work now with Raj.

  2. Chris Matthews, he who "had a thrill running up his leg" when Obama was elected, is a bonafide idiot.

    Didn't he resign from MSNBC last year because of sexual harassment? Gotta love the left.

  3. Old sphincter lips still loves only himself. Christ Matthews is hardly "the left".

  4. Matthews is an asshole, pure and simple. A bloviating wind bag and misogynist who finally got forced out.

  5. Soo... Terilyn Joe and Cheryl Jennings went Sharon Stone?

    1. Trials and trib-ulations at Circle 7. Did this occur before or after Cheryl split from Duffy?

  6. Rothman gushed it was the greatest political book he ever read, lots of brown nosing from the king of cal mart

  7. The "new" KNTV newscast is there for only ONE reason...
    To scoop up Newsome recall advertising money.
    Nothing more...nothing less.

  8. A rich entitled person with a hobby interviewing another rich entitled person. *yawn* Curious, no mention of his Bernie Sanders "France falling to the Nazis" metaphor.
