Thursday, June 17, 2021

Inmates Running the Asylum at KCBS; Bigler's San Leandro Report Runs Over Ten Times


Matt Bigler, an otherwise decent street reporter, filed a story from San Leandro at a hardware store about the shortage of air conditioners during this heat wave. OK, totally legit. But Bigler's story has now run over 10 TIMES! And that's not including his report that ran on the CBS hourly news at 8 AM. Not his/KCBS' fault.

It's not Bigler's fault. He's just caught up in the traffic and lack of cohesion at KCBS. Even in the TSL (time spent listening) world, Bigler's San Leandro filing was constipation to the ears and an editor caught performing broadcst malpractice. A re-write,a different report, a form of creativity was in order. 10 TIMES??!!

C'mon people.


  1. KCBS just sucks now. The two filling in now just doesn't work.
    Bunger worked quick and he was consistent. I especially miss Steve Bitker. Joe Hughes is horrible!!

    Hey Joe, How about giving us the baseball scores and highlights of last nights games!

  2. The station must have known about the impending retirements for quite awhile -- couldn't they have chosen good, experienced successors before the incumbents left?

  3. George Rask and the Backstreet BoysJune 17, 2021 at 11:45 AM

    You slap the ham on your own time. Not on my show.

  4. > Inmates Running the Asylum at KCBS

    And everywhere else........

  5. So Rich, you can't figure out that San Francisco's only source of real radio news, updates every half hour? Such has been the case forever. It means, that at any given point in the day , you can hear the stories of the day easily. We are in the midst of a killer heat wave, with power grids about to fail. Doing a story on how equipment to stay cool and alive is unavailable is perfectly legit...Jesus Christ

  6. A Top 40 Programmer must've been in charge. Put that story in Heavy Rotation!!!!

  7. I have one observation about the current morning anchor team on KCBS: BOOOOORRRRING! At least Bunger chatted with his co-workers, sports people, weather people, etc. - you never hear any chuckling or chatter in the morning with these two. And what happened to the spots with Marc Sandalow??? Gone....
