Thursday, June 3, 2021

George Watson --"Deja 2" at KTVU (Video) --Beyond Frank Somerville

I HESITATED to post the above video --the former KTVU great anchor, George Watson/NBC "Dateline" story about Watson's own difficult battle--he too was a KTVU news anchor and his story is compelling and sad. Watson tells his ordeal.

For KTVU, this is deja vu all over again--"deja 2."

I'm thinking about Frank Somerville now. I don't know whether he was drunk or not. I'm not a doctor, a therapist. I just know this is a tough time for him and really don't care what it is he's dealing with but I know it's all very difficult. Much like George Watson, it's pretty hard.

I know substance abuse is very prevalent, especially in the news gathering business. Show biz. Entertainment. Hell, everyone, every walk of life. It's very widespread, more so than you think. Watson was/is a good guy dealing with a lot. He'd be the first to tell you it's his life he screwed up, no need to cry, worry about your own life. I would say the same thing about Frank Somerville.

Somerville is a good man, that much I know. I hear stories about resentment from some fellow KTVU staffers who are not so caring because they say Frank's had a lot of chances. Whatver. I'm not gonna go there now, not the right time. I posted a story on Wednesday about that very topic because I wanted to give you the latest pulse of the station, KTVU.

Somerville is a reminder of Watson. This is real eary for KTVU. Watch the video and we'll talk soon.

*Video courtesy, NBC "Dateline"


  1. My sympathy is limited here. This is self created drama. A lot of people are looking for work. He's lucky to have a job and he can't even bother to show up coherent. He could have taken the day off if it was a med issue. It's absolutely not. Enabling someone doesn't do them any favors.

  2. How do you know if someone you see only on television is a "good man"?

    1. Frank and his daughter were sitting a couple rows in front of me at a Cal football game a few years ago. He seemed nice and personable when people he didn't know said "Hi" when they recognized him.

      I'm thinking Rich might be going overboard with the Somerville incident. Give the guy some space to deal with his issues. Constantly talking about it can't be helping.

  3. Hey, maybe reactions to bad meds can do some strange things. Maybe it's a Fox News thing...

  4. Whatever happened to George? When I worked at KTVU he was just coming back after his rehab. A big fuss was made over it. He did a handful of stories, most of them only fair, and then disappeared again. I heard he relapsed but after that nothing. He hasn't been anywhere since as far as I know.

    There's a black hole full of reporters from KTVU: Elaine Corral, Leslie Griffith, George Watson, others I can't think of right now. Soon to be Frank, maybe..?

  5. Very powerful video Rich. Thanks for posting. I hope it may help someone.

  6. > Somerville is a good man, that much I know.

    Yeah, lots of good men cheat on their wives, fuck up their families and then date chicks young enough to be his daughters. Yup. A real Father of the Year.

    1. >Yeah, lots of good men cheat on their wives, fuck up >their families and then date chicks young enough to be >his daughters. Yup. A real Father of the Year.

      I suppose you're a saint?

  7. Somerville may be a "good man" but he's also paid a ton of money for a job considered quite prestigious, and that doesn't require he get hot, sweaty, cold, wet, stand up for long periods of time, create aches and pains, cause any physical discomforts or put him in any sort of danger. Nor has he been in daily fear of losing his prestigious and highly-paid job because of cutbacks, layoffs or outsourcing. Somerville probably hasn't worried about how to pay the rent or mortgage for some time, make his car payments or even how he's going to feed his kids. So, though I hope he gets whatever help he needs, please excuse me if I have little or know sympathy for him, but instead focus my sympathies on others who are more deserving of real help.

  8. There is more to that video than George Watsons' life struggles.

    That video shows a KTVU studio with quality production, from the station imaging to the Fake typewriters noise embedded on every newscast to make it appear they are busy.
    A far cry from todays KTVU.
    A total slop job with low story counts and news repeated from other sources. And always sum ting wong.
    Just spit out garbage on every newscast.

    Worth watching the video again & hear the fake typewriters on every studio take.

    What is George Watson doing now?

  9. Every alcoholic that has or is working in the media industry is not at all helped by the fact that the industry continues to air ads that glorify social beer drinking, especially during the football season. With an ingredient as addictive as alcohol, moderation is impossible.

    Also not helping are endless doctors and scientists saying "alcohol is good for you in moderation". For most eager to try, especially those who work in media, there may not be such a thing. The medical world's "social moderation" movement makes matter worse.

    And I reside in a winemaking city where the ownership families are highly regarded and have rightfully earned respect. I won't go near any alcohol. Horror stories like George Watson's prove my point.

    1. Lookup Enabler. You might see your picture. Grown ups with piles of money and great insurance can get help anytime they want. The only thing to blame here is Frank. Stop making excuses.
