Thursday, June 3, 2021

Full Disclosure

Full Disclosure.

*i DO NOT get paid for "clicks" --I have NO ADS on my site. The only money I get is on reader donations, 100%. Therefore no matter how many views I get, whether 1 or 10,ooo, I don't get a dime.

*I've debated about the amount of time devoted to the "Frank" story but I had to write it. It's news. And Frank knows so, I told him that I would write it. He's aware. And yes, while some of what I write has been uncomfortable, I write nonetheless because people are talking about it, not just those in the media. And you are all talking about it (still) and therefore, I'm trying to get you every angle and at the same time, not compromising on details so you all can get the story. If some of you are not kosher with that, fine, I can't please all of you.

*When I say "frank is a good man" and Watson (george) is a good man, I'm speaking in general terms. I know Frank fairly welll, we're not entirely close; he was a school buddy at SF State --George Watson? I met years ago and we had some schmoozes (no alcohol); same deal with Frank. (A few beers but always when he was not working).

*As I say, i DO NOT get any money from ads. YOU are my ads. That's it. NO clickbait. I can't be any more blunt.

*Ive tried to bring you this story and my takes--it's not the gospel. Having to deal with all this (which I have and had) it's extremely difficult to write (yes) but that's why you come here. It's (415 MEDIA) not for everyone but that's OK, it's a free country.

*Hope I made some sense.


  1. We're supposed to donate money because you feel badly writing about Frank? What am I missing?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I donate to KQED quite a bit. You will be next, when I decide if I want to give more. I'm a giving person. And a friend in need is a friend indeed.

  4. KQED don't need any more $$. That station is more stable then PG&E!

  5. I actually think you've done a surprisingly decent and restrained job covering this KTVU story.

  6. I am one that called you out on this and you didn't print my comment. I respect your response. Take it easy Big Vinny.

  7. Frank better understand. Because before, during, and after his messy divorce, Somerville has used and continues to use Facebook often, so off the air, he already adds to his own exposure. Rich's posts are part of the landscape.
