Thursday, June 17, 2021

"Breaking News" from Walnut Creek; Live Shot Nirvana from Everyone's Favorite Water Fountain

Everyone's favorite LIVE SHOT, when there's a heat wave in the Bay Area, the infamous Walnut Creek water fountain near downtown where demofriendly white couple (and convenient Black, Asian, and other diverse folks) get peppered with hard-hitting questions like...

"Hey, how you dealing with this heat?"

Reporter to young Gen X couple licking ice-cream cones: "You enjoying your ice cream?" --as if the couple are going to say, "No, it sucks. We're just licking ice cream to wait for you and your dumb questions."

If the city of Walnut Creek charged a user tax on every live shot from the fountain, they'd be in eternal fiscal love the rest of the century.


  1. That tax idea is actually pretty good. There are dumber taxes already out there that people pay.

  2. HaHaHa best laugh of the day. I wonder what power pole they will be standing next to when the power gets shut down tonight.

  3. Now that's funny Rich.

  4. Lol, ALL the stations were falling all over each other. I saw ABC7 in NBC Bay Area's shot. NBC Bay Area was in KPIX' shot. KPIX was in KRONs shot. Complete cluster ****!!!!

  5. Let's have a report about decorative fountains wasting water in the middle of a dangerous drought!

  6. A couple years a former co-worker who lives in WC had a reporter ask him about the weather near the stupid fountain and he said "Just your average heat wave we been getting for millions of years..." He said the reporter was shocked by the answer and had the dear in the headlight look!
