Saturday, June 12, 2021

Bill Laskey Moves the Needle on Giants' Post-Game Radio Show (Pre-Game Too)

AT FIRST LISTEN, I wasn't a big Bill Laskey fan, he of the former Giants pitcher now on the pre and post-game show on KNBR.

Laskey struck me as the proverbial say-nothing, benign ex-ock that exists on most of tne sports-radio shows but I've actually warmed to Laskey. I like the fact that if there's a time to be critical, Laskey, to his credit, doesn't hide and refuse to rip the Home 9; in fact, I heard him go beyond the margin and actually call out several players and coaches. Given today's environment, that's a huge deal in my book.

Look, you don't have to go overboard to be fair. Being a homer is sometimes a requirement. It's better for business. It breeds sponsors and affiliates. But it also compromises credibility too which is why I like Laskey because he's not afraid to question a call or take issue, say, with the third-base coach for sending a runner and when that runner is thrown out, there's a higher calling from Laskey.

Moreover, Laskey knows how to keep a crisp pace and make the post-game show interesting and fluid. He's still a little too generous on caller length but that's also his greatest strength. Most of your post-game shows are cut and dry garden-variety and that's BORING. I like Laskey because he's shown considerable unpredictability. That's always the best ingrediant in my book.


  1. He's fine until he takes the daily call from the astrologer in Berkeley who blames everything on Mercury in retrograde. What is KNBR's fascination with her? It's mind numbing. I turned on The Game once and there she was as well.

    1. She is an airhead with no substance

    2. I'm not sure if she started this nonsense on KNBR (I first heard her on Ray Woodson's show) but she's now on a bunch of national tv sports shows. Crazy, but true.

    3. Her Mercury must be in retrograde because we're all tired of her.

    4. When you struggle to do a radio show you put on callers. And when you really struggle you put on clown callers

    5. Agree. Why indulge her?

  2. I can't listen to him. He talks over guests and callers and frequently mispronounces player names. I seriously think he has a hearing problem. (What??)

  3. There are four, sure fire times that I turn off KNBR.
    -When that morning show talks pop culture.
    -When that morning show does a song parody.
    -When Brooks is droning on and on and repeating himself.
    -When that GD astrologer is on.
