Friday, May 21, 2021

Warriors TV Broadcasts Marred by Fitzgerald Smarm and Azuibuike Shouting; Barnett Basketball Acumen Lacking on NBC Sports Bay Area Games

BOTH THE WARRIORS and NBC SPORTS BAY AREA have a PROBLEM: yeah, RATINFS are good as the team won big down the end of a shortened season but their TV team lacks any following and is essentially DETESTED by Bay Area basketball fans.

It's not only the leader in the clubhouse; the smarmy and arrogant, BOB FITZGERALD draws eternal scorn from the local NBC fan legion, always has. His color analyst, KELENNA AZUIBUIKE, hasn't exactly warmed up to Bay Area basketball fans. You have two non-factors and an empty feeling.

Azuibake doesn't stop talking and has a propensity to SHOUT. Fitzgerald can't stop shouting and when he does shut up, the other guy begins screaming again. Worse, one guy doesn't help the other. It's a two-man fiasco that nobody roots for. When the viewer doesn't give a hoot who's on, it tends to make the braodcast weak and the mute button active. The Warriors should have a first-rate broadcast as befits their reign at the top of the NBA domain the past five or so years, but they don't. That's a shame.

Azuibuike does know the game and makes salient points but his constant showboating and uber-homerism is too much to take but his weakness pales in comparison to Fitzgerald's overall nausea. If Fitz were in any other market, he would have been BOOTED out long ago and sent packing immediately. It's a pain to watch and hear this shrill, over-bearing clown and it has been for almost three decades. Fitzgerald can't help himself and is only on the NBC Bay Area screen because the Warriors hierarchy has his back for non-broadcast reasons (I'll let you guess why) Azubuike, meanwhile, continues to scream and yell and say nothing.

This all could have been avoided. The Warriors and their broadcast partner could have brought back JIM BARNETT, the team's longtime player and TV/Radio color commentator only Barnett now does away games on radio. Barnett is not only still on top of his game and an excellent analyst, but managed to tone down the obnoxious Fitzgerald. That alone should get Barnett a local Emmy award.


  1. I could not agree more Rich,the sound is mostly down, how many times do we have to hear with 10 minutes left in the game. Fitz says plenty of time left. What is your take on Tolbert? Goof ball and only got the job necause he is Kerr's friend and maybe Tim Roye should be switched from radio to TV. I would be in favor of that. Joe Lacob please read this blog.

  2. I’m tired of hearing every other sentence full of sarcasm. Gets old real quick with Fitz

  3. Disagree Rich! Nothing wrong with the Warriors broadcasters or them being excited for the local team - they're supposed to be homers. The crappy broadcasts of teams in other cities? THEY are unlistenable in comparison.

  4. Fitz has 4 talking points during a game -- all the same, regardless of opponent. His shrill calls are also of junior high school-quality. He would fit in well as a homer announcer in the Midwest.

  5. Gerry St Jean is also needed back on the pre & post game shows. The current incarnation of them are unwatchable.

    1. It was too bad they let go of St. Jean. I think they should've held on to him as a backup if Dorell Wright or Mullin needed a night off, and if Jennifer Azzi wasn't available to fill-in. Hopefully they look into bringing back Gary St. Jean back next season, even if it's in a part time/backup role.

      As far as the current Warriors pre and postgame show, I thought it was pretty good considering they never worked together before, and it was Bonta's first time hosting a pre and postgame show on TV. Bonta, Mullin, and Dorell Wright got stronger as the Warriors season wore on and they developed a good rapport and chemistry. I hope they're all brought back next year. They added a new freshness to the Warriors TV pre and postgame show, and new analysis. Dorell Wright really progressed. Early in the season you could tell he was nervous, but as the season wore on, he provided insightful analysis and was more comfortable.

      Yeah, they all had big shoes to fill as Greg Papa, Gary St. Jean, and Kelenna had a successful and a pretty good Warriors TV pre and postgame show through the Warriors recent championship years, but when Kelenna left/got promoted last year to be the new Warriors color TV analyst, the Warriors TV pre and postgame show changed. They still had Greg Papa and Gary St. Jean, but they always had a different 3rd host whether it was Brian Shaw, Chris Mullin, Jennifer Azzi and other 3rd hosts they tried out last year who didn't have the same chemistry with Greg Papa and Gary St. Jean as Kelenna did. They had a time replacing Kelenna.

      Even though I didn't think about it at the time, looking back, it might've been time for NBC Sports Bay Area to change up the Warriors pre and postgame show once Kelenna left, as Bonta, Mullin, and Dorell Wright have been welcomed additions and are in a way part of the Warriors transition to a new era (Chase Center and playing in SF, Steph, Klay, and Draymond as veteran players, and the Warriors having new and younger key role players off the bench).

      But yes, I think the current Warriors TV pre and postgame show is fine, but the only change I would make is bringing back Gary St. Jean as a fill-in/backup.

  6. As for Jim Barnett -- anybody who could drive past Kareem and use the rim to protect a reverse lay-up in a play-off game -- that individual should be heard. Even if he's wrong, he's way more interesting than most color men,

  7. Not a Friend of the Show, very DrewMay 21, 2021 at 4:08 PM

    Drinking game: take a shot every time Buh Buh BUUUKIE uses the ultra-helpful word "crazy" to describe the action...that's analysis? No, varying the pronunciation/elongating the word doesn't help, either. (Please don't try this game with his use of "amazing," lethal BAC will ensue by halftime.)

    Then also a chug when Fitz goes to "Have yourself a game, (player name)!" That'll finish you off for sure.

    That broadcast team and Warriors Outsiders are a one-two punch that really hurts, with the smarm factor, pauses meant to show displeasure, and sarcasm with the latter twosome being tough to handle

  8. These 2 guys, KA and BF suck. Biggest homers. Come on, this is the BAY, not the Midwest. KA will NOT stop yammering and BF is horrible. The fix? At a minimum bring back Jim Barnett move KA to the studio. Speaking of the studio group, they aren't much better. Dubs are a FIRST CLASS team, let's get first class announcers (TR and JB are 1st class). I turn off the audio and am so happy when dubs are on the national telecast so I can hear professionals. Now, why do they keep BF and KA?????? What is the back story????

  9. Miss Barnett, Azuibuike's over gushing of Curry is tired. Love Curry but enough is enough.

  10. I disagree, Bob had always been first-rate in my book ..period.

  11. Cannot agree on Fitzgerald. He is a professional broadcaster. Basketball, Football, Olympics etc. he does a very good job for the Warriors. Azuibuike is learning and improving. I think the Golden State Warriors have an outstanding broadcast professionals on both television and radio
    Kevin O'Brien

    1. I agree on Fitz. He also called games in the NBA bubble last year. He probably could be a national broadcaster for the NBA, but people should be happy he wants to continue calling games for the Warriors on TV. I don't understand people's criticism of him. I feel like Fitz makes common sense and he does a good job of helping the viewer understand the game. Yeah, at times Fitz can be a homer, but it seems like you actually learn something listening to Fitz, as opposed to announcers from some of these other NBA teams who are terrible.

      I agree on Azubuike. He is learning and improving, and he seemed much more comfortable this season than he was last season. I like Fitz and Azubuike and they already have developed that chemistry and rapport.

    2. Everyone we know just turns off the sound to avoid Fitzgerald's mindless motor-mouthing. This means the sponsors' high priced ads all run without sound. They should put pressure on the kissed asses at Warriors' headquarters to shut dowm this painfully distracting unconscious fool....please!

  12. they both suck.. I cannot even stand to listen. I turn down my sound.

  13. Disagree about Barnett. He KILLS the broadcast with Roye, who would be SO much better by himself. Barnett talks way too much, and--after all this time--STILL has not established a good working rhythm with Roye. Tim constantly has to cut Barnett off because the play-by-play is more important that Barnett's endless babble. He's the worst.

  14. So much hate here, BF and KA are good at what they do. Not all court action is some great play so expect the commentary to have some lulls too. I listen to sat radio NBA too and BF and KA are in the same league as other callers. That said, Tim Roye calling for radio, is fantastic!

  15. Rich, for God's sake - he is 76 (almost 77) years old! Ever think maybe - JUST MAYBE - he had enough? He was good - not great. Fitzgerald is good - not great, but good enough to headline NBC's Olympic BB coverage. Hmmmm....

  16. The tandem of Fitz and now Bonta Hill on the broadcast is so saccharin and over-the-top cringe I feel like I'm watching some children's show on the Disney channel. Maybe good for kids but not enjoyable for adults or serious basketball lifers. Jim Barnett made everybody smarter.
