Sunday, May 23, 2021

Sunday Brunch; Jon Miller is Bigger than the Giants Game; KCBS Biased Middle East Reports; Sunday Chronicle Misses Bauer; Stan Bunger Nearing June 11 Bye-Bye; Kate Scott Still Says Nothing; Castaneda KTVU Both Playing Footsie


It's a commong baseball radio broadcast rule: "you can never give the score too much." Too bad Jon Miller didn't get the memo.

Miller continues to be in love with himself and stories. Too bad the baseball game becomes second fiddle to Miller's ego. Miller not only DOESN'T GIVE the score regularly, he insists on telling unfunny jokes and reminding us a thousand time the "velocity off the bat" BS.

What a travesty.

*KCBS sends a reporter to cover pro-Palestinian-Hamas-Gaza rally in SF on Saturday. Reporter talks of rally and doesn't bother to reach out to the other side for response. The report was (per KCBS dumb style) all day and night and blithering idiocy heard ad-nauseum. Way to go on the objectivity box, KCBS.

*The Sunday Chronicle used to be worth at least an hour read. Now it's the sports page, the food section (minus Michael Bauer's reviews) and a quick glance at the still-shrinking Pink section.

*Yes, Bauer's reviws of restaurants was appointment reading because even if you didn't agree with the review the writing was worth the price of admission. Now, the so-called critic is not worth the time unless you like to gorge on her 15,00th vegan orgasm.

Speaking of the Chronicle, when did Ann Killion become their designated Evita?

*REPEAT something he (Stan Bunger) and KCBS doesn't want you to know now: Bunger's last day on the air is June 11th. Why so? Because they want to milk the occasion and get as much ad money in before Bunger and wifey jet off to France so he can sip Cabernet and ride his bike around the Eiffel Tower.

*Peter Schofield transcends mere traffic reports. He should be a news anchor but I'm just talking pure nonsense I guess.

* Not only does KCBS present biased Middle East reports they have a regular financial guy on every Saturday (George Nocheti) spinning out utter BS as to why the US jobs situation is still murky. Nochetti says those extra 300 bucks from the feds in addition to the UI benefits makes the recipients not wanna go back to work. Yeah, the 300 extra bucks in SF buys you a new toilet seat.

*The Sunday Herb Caen column was not a bowl of three dots but damn was it a great read. Right, "Strange de Jim"?

*The new slogan at KTVU: "We do not allow Iranian female interns."

To which Frank Somerville and Mark Ibanez scream and yell at the HR boss, Nurse Nohr Wratched.

*Yeah. Dr. Dean Edell was quite the hippee capitalist and yes he loved to sthup a lot but he had a loyal following or what I would describe the "David Letterman effect"--his choice of women seemed OK with the arrangements and that's fine with me.

*Kate Scott would be laughed at in NY. She's only allowed to play here even though she doesn't say anything of substance because her PC checklist is coddled by a Bay Area (SF-centric) media club chock full of white privilidge, heterosexual guilt. Quote me.

*If Kate Scott had a sliver of Doris Burks, Christine Brennen, Jemelle Hill and/or Joan Ryan, she could buy out Bill Gates.

*Ama Daetz playbook on Dion Lim via Kristen Sze: The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

*3 KRON weather boards basically pays Ken Wayne's salary so it's all good.

*Here's the skinny on Sal Castenada: his contract is up in October and Sal is content to take pretty much what The Firm (Fox) offers him; but even Sal has standards. My take is that Sal will stay at KTVU as long as they don't tell him he has to take his family to the Union City Best Buy and forced to listen to the Ronn Owens Report.

**NOTE TO READERS: EVERY DAY, KQED (worth roughly $400M give or take) has 40-50 pledge breaks. Wonderful. I'm worth less than one of the coffee mugs they give away if you donate 20 bucks. TELL YOU WHAT: if you can donate $20 bucks to my 415 MEDIA, I'll not only say THANK YOU to you (personally) I'll get you a Peet's coffee mug and sip en fuego with you and your best friend/wife/husband/mistress, whatever.

Enjoy your day.


  1. Democrats in Congress sure are turning their backs on Israel. I'm surprised any Jew would ever vote Democrat again.

    1. That has always been the case, the Republicans Presidents always supported Israel more than then dems, that being said as a Jew I would never vote Republican, a bunch of redneck holy rollers that are racist and the most prejudiced hypocrites on the planet. Ok not all but many.

    2. Well I am a Jew and I would never vote for ANY Republican. SUCK ON IT!

    3. I'm a Jew, too. I'll occasionally vote Republican, though not for a Trumpy Republican. I still view the Republican Party as the home of white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

  2. How about give sal a memo: no five o'clock shadow and try to have more energy then getting a root canal at six in the morning

    1. That five o'clock shadow remark works for Gasia as well. I bet that girl can really fill it in where it counts.

  3. For many, many years, I used to read (and thoroughly enjoy) the entire Sunday editions of the Chronicle and the San Jose Mercury News. Different era, nowadays, though.

  4. The Fat Man (Miller) is overrated. However, most Giants fans have drank the Kool Aid and will follow him and whatever they say. So we can't say the truth about him. These are the same fans who coo over everything Krukow and Kuiper say too. It's all brainless junk coming out of McCovey Cove.

    1. True, but at least Miller isn't a homer like Kruk & Kuip.

  5. Kate Scott is an absolute ZERO. She broadcast the LMU/USF game
    in SF in February. She kept harping that LMU had only six healthy players. Really, Kate? Who were the other five that
    were in uniform warming up before the game? Did you really think the LMU Administration would allow 5 "unhealthy" players to fly to another city at the height of the pandemic??

    1. Kate Scott is the beneficiary of the current social climate. She has no talent whatsoever. There are many women sports announcers who leave her in the dust in terms of ability and skill.

  6. After watching what is going on in Syria, It convinced me they are all bad, self serving, only take care of their base.

    Sal, Hasn't been the same since Costco did away with the combo pizza.

    1. Costco did away with Combo Pizza? First the Polish Sausage and now this!

      Can we really build a better Bay Area without them?

  7. I was a subscriber to the Chronicle for 25 years, but canceled my subscription after problems with home delivery. The quality of the paper has declining for years with competent reporters and columnists leaving in droves. I called the circulation department and sent emails numerous letting them know that I was only receiving a Sunday paper and not the daily paper. The people on the phone and responding to the emails promised to rectify the issue, notify a supervisor and resume delivery. Nothing changed! I cancelled noting the runaround. They called me to offer me a lower subscription rate. What a fricken joke! I would not use the Chronicle to paper train a dog at line a bird cage.

  8. - LOL, 6:43.
    - Newspapers only exist because people need their crosswords and other puzzles
    - As long as Lockstep Larry continues on, Miller won't stop being his past-his-prime self. Same for D Kuip and the chronically ailing Kruk (the latter only does home games and a few in LA & the Desert).

  9. "you can never give the score too much." Yeah. And make sure to throw in time and temp every 30 seconds. Classic creativity, world-class radio.

  10. Which is why I love Ken Korach, he regularly updates with the score and situation of the game, and is very humble and self deprecating. I like Mr. Miller, but he does seem to think ery highly of himself.
