Thursday, May 13, 2021

Israel-Palestinian Conflict Hits Bay Area Media; Reising-Bell Interview CBS News Jerusalem Reporter, Robert Burger from the Scene; Rothmann's KGO Show Sure Topic Tonight

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is taking place right in front of our eyes and ears.

This latest violence, which has tormented the region for centuries, decades, is normally relegated to the pages of the NY TIMES, BBC, AP, JERUSALEM POST, NPR--you have to dig hard to read and watch the incidents and tradgedy taking place in greater Israel and Gaza, indeed throughout Israel as the latest violence escalates and intensifies.

KCBS' PM drive anchors PATTI REISING and JEFF BELL interviewed CBS NEWS (radio) Jerusalem bureau chief and veteran Middle East correspondent, ROBERT BURGER, this (Thursday) afternoon from the capital. Burger described a chaotic scene not just in Southern Israel, but in TEL AVIV and HAIFA. "It's extremely tense here." He indicated a cease fire at the moment was not likely until next week at the earliest.

I've got to APPLAUD Reising and Bell for asking top-notch questions. Middle East --namely Israel/Palestinean relations would not figure to be a subject matter that would dominate the KCBS news hour but early-afternoon it did so and kudos to Reising and Bell for their concise engagement with Burger. It was outstanding.

If you desire more news and local engagement, I'm expecting Middle East and political guru, JOHN ROTHMANN (KGO RADIO) to concentrate on this subject matter TONIGHT on his 6-9 PM show. The conflict has already made it into Rothmann's show topi since it began last week.

THIS is Rothmann's (and KGO's, by extension) RED-MEAT news-talk inertia; it has always drawn much passion and incitement from both host and callers. The Bay Area seems to have an opinion. Rothmann, who is Jewish, has tried to be diplomatic and gone out of his way to give ample time to BOTH SIDES. It's a difficult chore, but he's managed the task. If you need more evidence, you should probably LISTEN tonight to KGO. I have a feeling he'll be talking about this mighty subject. As he should.


  1. I know you're Jewish Rich,so no offense is intended. BUT, it was about 45 years ago, when President Carter made history by bringing together Egyptian President Anway Sadat and Israel's Menachem Begin and they shook hands. That was supposed to be the end of hostilities in the middle east. It did not happen. The thing is, and again, sorry for pointing this out, but in all actuality, the Palestinians AND the Israelis are completely LINKED, as they both can trace their roots back to Abraham, who famously had a baby with the maid, and as such, began the Palestinian people directly from the blood of Abraham. Yet, they fight. They are blood brothers. Yet they fight. I have said it before and I will say it again; if my not be politically correct to say it, but the Israelis and Palestinians will get together, at the same time that Blacks and Whites will get together here in the USA...

    1. Palestinians and Jews are both semites, sons of Shem.

  2. Religion: primitive superstitions bringing death and destruction to humanity for centuries.

    1. This isn't about religion . It's about territory and power. Haven't you figured that out yet?

    2. Rooted in centuries of religious bullsh1t. Haven't you figured that out yet?

  3. If Palestinians lay down their weapons there would be peace in the Middle East. If Israel lays down their weapons there would be no Israel.

  4. That is so true. Having lived in Israel l'm a strong supporter of that country, l would like to see a 2 state solution though.

  5. Any Palestinian Israeli conflict is not a fair fight. Israel has one of the best equipped most sophisticated defense systems in the world. Palestinian rockets are destroyed by Israel's Dome before the rockets can hit their targets. Israeli targets are civilian facilities that may or may not house Hamas operatives. Israeli rockets always hit their targets. That's why the death toll is wildly lopsided.

    Then there's the reason for the Palestinian offensive. Palestinians are being removed from more land. Their homes their farms. If a group of armed people came on your property and ordered you to get out you might fight back too. This isn't about religion or Jews and Arabs. It's about power and control.

  6. Dickster T. JonesMay 17, 2021 at 2:36 PM

    Who cares? Let 'em kill each other, the fools. All because of a Man In The Clouds.

  7. @12:34
    Well-stated, intelligently written assessment of what many in the U.S.--and around the world--have also concluded. Plaudits to Rich for not censoring your post.
