Saturday, May 29, 2021

How Will Second Cumulus BK Affect KGO; Lack of News Dept. Hurts 810 AM; Medoro Isn't Answer; KRON Needs More Liviakis; KTVU Rudderless; Saturday Memo

IF, as expected, Cumulus files a second bankruptcy (and that is expected any day now) how will it affect KGO (and other radio stations in the market); from the outside, there will probably be no obvious sign; pretty much business as usual, but more than ever, more cuts and lean budgets as ever. That might be the least of it. At KGO, I don't know how much more you could cut. They (KGO) have virtually NO news operation and very little staff in the building. With Covid-19 waniung, KGO might allow a few staffers in the offices, that's bout it.

*That lack of a news operation hit KGO hard on Wednesday morning when the mass shooting incident took place in San Jose. KGO had to rely on AP wire info and ABC Radio net coverage. KGO had ZERO reporters to assign to San Jose. And please don't tell me about Nikki Medoro's phono from the scene. Medoros was about as insightful as month-old oatmeal. Please. Medoro should stick to lousy interviewing on her weekday, weak morning program.

*The non-beauty contest breakdown radio ratings were out and Medoro's KGO show had NO ratings. Worse, she failed miserably in women A-25-54 so I'm not the onlyb one who thinks her show stinks. If Lee Hammer (PD) has any mention gumption, he'd get Chip Franklin on in morning as a co-host; that's the only way Medoro gets a lifeboat. Not that I love Chip (lately) but he's at least got a pulse while Nikki is on life support.

*A free tip to KRON: get Vicki Liviakis in the mix and not as a mere fill-in for recovering (from a fall in which she broke her hip) Pam Moore. Liviakis should be on, say, at 5 PM. She's the face of the station and KRON needs a new face, any new face unless you love looking at 10,000 weather boards and Ken Wayne's mug.

*Mark Thompson has to rely on a plethora of TV News stations actualities and his own over-modulatingn voice because Mark couldn't hold a conversation if he was sitting alone in a conference room with Halle Berry.

*John Rothmann's faux outrage is beginning to hurt his cause. It's no longer taken seriously and that's, (as Trump would say) YUGE.

*At least two of KCBS' traffic reporters broadcast from Portland, Oregon. Which should tell you the state of radio today.

*KTVU News dept. right now in a nutshell: fractured. And that's putting it mildly. Leadership? There is none.

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  1. Fear not, Cumulus will get bankruptcy court permission to hire a mohel to cut every last tip that can be cut.

  2. I agree with you Rich! Vicki Liviakis is being under utilized on KRON TV...could you imagine her jumping to KPIX? I mean WOW what a good move by her. She be watchable either the 5,6 or even if KPIX did the Nightbeat news again @ 10pm on sister station KBCW...

  3. Not sure who's in charge at KTVU but they were busted running an ad for BART on their screen while reporting on the shooting in San Jose at the VTA. Back in the day that would get the news director fired. Kind of hard to believe.

  4. Kgo seems to use "kimmy mac" to do whatever news they cover..but they also seem to have to rely on her to fill in on talk shows since its obvious they dont have the budget to hire other people..that's one of the things that has hurt medoro they tried to have her read the news and the opinionated about it and it doesnt work
