Monday, May 17, 2021

415 Media Exclu: KCBS 'Make-Good' to Eric Thomas: Rewards Former Circle7 Anchor with Monday PM Drive Fill-In; Glitches Be Damned

IN RESPONSE to his being the RECIPIENT of MANY of the KCBS GLITCHES, the station BIG SUITS, including ND Jennifer Seelig, wanted to make good to ERIC THOMAS.

So they did this:

They placed him on today's 2-7 PM afternoon Drive --Thomas, the relative newcomer from KGO-TV, filled in for JEFF BELL. He worked Monday drive with co-anchor, PATTI REISING. Normally, this wouldn't be such a big deal, but it is.

Thomas's placement on PM drive was the result of his own misery. KCBS management INSISTED he work today (Monday) They felt the "make good" would pacify a sullen Thomas who has clearly been FLUSTERED over the electronic malfunctions that not only has occured on his shows, but the entire KCBS news platforms, including BOTH morning and PM drive.

By the way, Thomas has never filled in on either AM or PM drive time slots --if this is unusual, it should be because it's a first.


  1. There's no there...there on KCBS nowadays. Who gives a shit?!

  2. Eric is a solid professional who deserves better. He sounded like a solid professional. KCBS had the AUDACITY to do the right thing. What say he becomes Stanley Bunghole's replacement in AM drive, or is that asking too much?
