Sunday, April 25, 2021

Warriors' PBP Guy Tim Roye is Still Good; KCBS Futures: Ramey and Taylor; Flemming Please Give the Score; Papa Overhead; Sunday Coffee Break

TIM ROYE is too good on WARRIORS' radio broadcasts; I mean, as far as basic play-by-play, Roye is fundamentally fantastic. He not only is technically brilliant, he's also free and willing to rip when necessary; yes, Roye isn't a homer. JIM BARNETT, Roye's color commentator, is still as good as ever. Winning combo.

Or everything the opposite of BOB FITZGERALD.

*Add sports: TED RAMEY is my pick to replace the retiring STEVE BITKER on KCBS. And although my interest has waned in recent months, I still like JIM TAYLOR to take over for retiring STAN BUNGER come June. No decision has been made but the suits are doing a lot of talking.

*JOHN ROTHMANN took a bad time to go on vacation --the FLOYD VERDICT, for one, just some of the news Rothmann wished had not occured during his trip to MIAMI; Rothmann will be back on KGO RADIO Monday night.

*HORROR SHOW: it was radio bedlam Saturday afternoon during the beginning of the MICHAEL FINNEY show when music blared over the program a good twenty or so minutes and OUCH!, awfulness ensued. Page the engineer.

*Dear DAVE FLEMMING, it would be nice to GIVE THE SCORE every now and then as opposed to talking about your ESPN duties at the MASTERS, sorry, I guess it's just me.

*GOOD, crisp, quick callers make for GOOD talk radio which is why you're hearing less calls on both news and sports-talk radio. In the old days, callers were generally entertaining and lucid often making the host's day/night. Now, too much, "thanks for taking my call."

*That new woman traffic anchor at night on KCBS would sound a lot better if the AUDACY crowd didn't buy her remote equipment from Best Buy.

*ERIC THOMAS supposedly told a few staffers he'd have no problem going from TV to radio: OUCH!

*Yo Eric, talk to JEFFREY SCHAUB.

*Remember the days when the weekend brought out quality radio here in the Bay Area which is now infected with financial shows --GARBAGE and DRECK in reality.

*Yeah, the hell with the game: let's spend twenty minutes talking about rabbits.

*FM RADIO HERE: JACK KULP on 98.1 "The Breeze"; "SARAH and VINNIE" on ALICE; KCSM and that OLDIES station. Other than that, what is there?

*Bunger heads off to FRANCE for Paris living post KCBS, I knew he loves JERRY LEWIS, now it makes sense.

GREG PAPA OVERHEAD: One expensive wife and 4 kids: no wonder he needs five jobs.


  1. What "oldies" station are you referring to? The Bay Area doesn't really have one. We have 2 Classic Rock stations (KSAN and KUFX) and a Classic R&B outlet (KRBQ). KBAY is "Classic Hits" but they don't go back further than 1972.

    1. Bay area FM RADIO SUCKS.
      Here's a list of free alternatives...

      1.KVIN 920 AM. Modesto
      (A REAL oldies station)
      3. (kfrc replacement)
      ...Select 70s or 80s channel.
      4.Scott Shannon's true oldies channel.
      5. KCSM Jazz 91.1

    2. Why does anyone care about radio anymore when you can pack all your favorite music in your phone and carry it anywhere? I haven't listened to commercial radio in 15 years at least.

    3. I like musicologists who host ... There's great stuff to be found on internet simulcasts. Saturday morning on KPCA-LP (Terry McGovern), "Soul Shack" Saturday eves on KSQD, old SF DJs on KOZT all week, Even KWMR in Point Reyes has some interesting musical programming. (and I second KCSM's value)

  2. I've worked with Eric Thomas. He's the greatest guy in the world and it's sad that he's having such a hard time. If it's intentional I can't understand why. If it's just KCBS sucking these days, well, I wouldn't know: unless there's a traffic emergency I never tune in. Their "news" segments are pathetic and even the hourly CBS world news is just a shadow of what it used to be. Sad all around.

    1. I had the car radio tuned to KCBS a few days ago and recognized Eric Thomas's voice. I could only listen for about ten minutes, not because of anything Eric was doing, but because there would be one or two minutes of news followed by three or four minutes of commercials. After a few cycles of that, I switched stations.

  3. Who's ass did Fitzgerald kiss? He has been consistently awful. What's the back story, did he backstab someone at KNBR or the Warriors front office or has dirt on someone?

    1. Poor Pity me. I have watched the Warriors game the last couple of years with the sound down. It has become unlistenable, also Tolbert sucks as a Warriors anaylist on the radio home games and I agree with Barnett and Roye,are real gems, Fitz and Azubuike sucked.

    2. I have to totally turn the sound down on the TV broadcast for the Warriors.. Its awful.. Bob Fitzgeralds voice is like nails on a chalk board to me.

    3. Last night, the over-analyzing Fitz was at his worst.
      Curry was on the line for two free throws with .07 on the clock and the Warriors up 115-113. Curry makes the first
      to put GS up three. Fitz then says he should miss the second one to prevent the Kings (who had no timeouts left)
      from taking it out and having the ability to throw a long
      pass down the floor. Really, Bob? How about making the second free throw (which he did) and go ahead by 4 points.
      Then, walk off the floor and let the Kings throw an uncontested pass down the floor -- unless, of course, there is a four point shot I don't know about?

  4. Twenty minutes talking about a unique and silly thing that happened during a ballgame doesn't bother me. It's just a bit of a fun diversion, which I appreciate. Sports isn't life-and-death serious and it shouldn't be treated as such. Geeze, they have an additional 3 hours and 40 minutes on their show to talk about the game.

  5. Roye and Barnett are pros; the TV guys are hucksters in love with sophomoric banter.

    1. Roye is decent, but he should eliminate "elevation sensation" from his vernacular. It's weak and has never caught on.

  6. Fitzgerald and Azubuike SUCK! Both are big time homers and Azubuike never stops talking. Never. He'll still be talking about the last play when the action has moved on. Jim Barnett was way better. Listen to the network analysts....less is more. We've gone to turning off the audio or watch on national broadcast instead of listening to those two.

  7. "Now, too much, "thanks for taking my call."

    Back then you had a nice mix of left and right callers. Now in this area it's a majority of brain dead left leaning liberal callers. The brainwashing is predictable and the script they've been conditioned to recite is tired and old.

  8. john rothmann in miami?! you sure he didn't run away with ronnie o on a boat..

  9. Fitzgerald - I think I figured it out. The annoying, condescending, chuckle that says "I went to Notre Dame and I'm way smarter than you...". Kalena just talks too much. But don't be messing with my guy Dave Flemming - he is a true star and the Bay Area is really lucky to have him. There is really no better young announcer in all of sports. That's why he is constantly in demand.

    1. Ted Robinson went to Notre Dame as well. He doesn't remind people, which is why he is so liked and Fitz is unpopular.

  10. Love the comments on that POS known as Bob Fitzgerald. Rudy has no talent. A bot can call a game better than he can. It's too bad the Bay Area can't watch the opposing team's telecast. It would sound a lot better. He's pompous and nobody likes him. Team PR directors tolerate him but talk negatively about him behind his back. Yeah, who does he know? What does he know? Rudy should change his name from Bob to Dick.

  11. Tim Rory and Tolbert can be very funny.
